South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly in Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
«««« Click here for FINANCIAL CRISIS RESOURCES »»»»
General Job & Career Links & Resources
Brainfuse JobNow: An all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it's creating a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include self-study tools, plus live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching! The Brainfuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests. WHEN YOU ARE LOGGED IN, YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO Brainfuse HelpNow's
Skill Surfer, which includes a section on Computers and Technology, with Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced lessons in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, as well as tutorials on Google Tools, plus practice tests for C++ Certification, Java Certification, SQL Certification, and AP® Computer Science. Enter your full 14-digit library card barcode number to access the site, then click on the Login button to sign up for your personal account.
PETERSON'S TEST AND CAREER PREP - Free practice tests, study tips, and test prep eBooks for all kinds of standardized employment & education tests, including civil service and licensure exams (Accountant/Auditor, Caseworker, Correction Officer, Firefighter, Parole Officer, Police Officer / promotions, Postal Worker, Probation Officer, Real Estate, State Trooper, Treasury Enforcement Agent, and others), GED (high school equivalency test), NCLEX (nursing), PRAXIS (teaching), Officer Candidate, and ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) tests. If you're logging on from your home or office, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started.
FERGUSON'S CAREER GUIDANCE CENTER VIDEO - Comprehensive and easy-to-use career research database offers information on more than 3,300 jobs and 94 industries, plus advice on applying for a job, acing an interview, behaving professionally in the work environment and more. More than 90 sample resumes and cover letters included! The Resources section contains over 50,000 entries on scholarships, internships, and other opportunities. Includes more than 290 videos present essential career information on both specific jobs and industries and on skills. If you're logging on from your home or office, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started.
UNIVERSAL CLASS - Free online non-credit courses in
career training,
computer skills,
office skills,
and other subjects which may be helpful to jobseekers or career changers. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account.
For information on starting and running a small business, see:
CAUTION! BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THE PRIVACY POLICIES AND SECURITY OF WEBSITES before you post a resume, apply for a job online, or provide any personal information. Please read Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting for more information
CareerOneStop VIDEO - A great starting point for your job search offering a wide assortment of career tools such as
job listings & other job search resources and links to
state job banks, including
New Jersey Career Services. Also provides info on careers &
training opportunities, skills profiler, resume tutorial, and much more. Includes
Find Local Help, a searchable directory of local service centers providing free access to the internet, faxes, copy machines, and many other services for job hunters, as well as an unemployment benefits and training program finders. The
How-to Guide: Recover after a layoff offers info about financial benefits, work-related training, and help to get your next job. You can also call the Helpline, 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627), for help with federal Employment and Training programs. (U.S. Department of Labor)
New Jersey Employment - Gateway for official employment information and resources in N.J., including job postings and civil service opportunities, licenses & permits, job training opportunities, unemployment & disability, retirement, employer responsibilities, upcoming
New Jersey Job Fairs and Targeted Recruitments [see also job fairs below], and more. See also
N.J. Career Services, below. See
Middlesex County Office of Career Opportunity for a list of upcoming Hiring Events and other resources for job seekers.
Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey (PSGCNJ) meets online weekly via Zoom, presenting speakers, information about job hunting in today's market, and an opportunity to network with your peers. Pre-registration is required.
GCF Global Job & Career Tutorials - Tutorials and other resources to help you with career development and training. These lessons will show you how to research careers, assess your needs, research salary information, and gain new skills. Also offers tutorials in
Reading / English,
Technology Skills, and
General Workplace Skills.
(Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization)
Apprenticeship USA - 'The one-stop source to connect career seekers, employers, and education partners with apprenticeship resources.' You can find an apprenticeship and apply directly with the employer or the program sponsor. Includes sections specifically for those new to the workforce, those with barriers to employment (such as a criminal record or homelessness), and service members & veterans (U.S. Department of Labor). See National Center for Construction Education and Research and, in New Jersey, Become an Apprentice for information & resources related to training & apprenticeships in construction, building, and related trades (ABC-NJ [Associated Builders and Contractors]). See also Available Apprenticeships in New Jersey NEW! (NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development). Beyond construction trades: Apprenticeships in a variety of careers NEW! offers an overview of 30 occupations - including helping others, installing & fixing things, and producing things - that had the largest number of active, registered apprentices in 2022 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). See also Job Training & Education Opportunities, below.
Career Coach INTERACTIVE - 'A free online search tool that lets you explore hundreds of potential careers. Select a career that suits your interests and learn about educational requirements, job prospects and wages.' Includes a Resume Builder, and a military search to help veterans find civilian careers related to their military occupation. (Economic Modeling Specialists International, a CareerBuilder Company, and Raritan Valley Community College).
Career Outlook UPDATED LINK! - Articles, interviews, and other information on career fields, career planning, education & training, pay & benefits, and more. You can browse by subject or by date. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Construction careers - See National Center for Construction Education and Research, above.
Encore Careers - See Sites for Seniors: Employment & Business links.
Finding the Right Career - General advice on choosing or changing your career path, including finding the courage to make a change, researching options, realizing your strengths, and learning new skills, with links to assessment tools and other resources. (2024,; nonprofit site)
Job Fairs: How To Make Them Work For You - Advice on how to prepare for a job fair, what to bring with you, good questions to ask, common mistakes, and following up (State University of New York at Buffalo). See also How to Prepare for a Career Fair, including Virtual Career Fairs (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). For a listing of upcoming career fairs in New Jersey, see New Jersey Job Fairs, above.
Job-Hunt.Org [CAUTION: This site includes links to Wikipedia articles] - Advice and links to resources for job hunters, organized into categories. Includes useful Job Search Advice for Boomers (Over 50), veterans, & introverts, and much more. Dates of articles are unknown. (Susan P. Joyce and NETability, Inc., a website development and consulting company)
Job Training & Education Opportunities - Information about training opportunities, apprenticeship opportunities, adult education & literacy training, Workforce Learning Link, and Trade Adjustment Assistance.
SkillUp NJ and
SkillUp Middlesex County programs offer thousands of free self-paced online courses and over 130 Industry Recognized Certification Credentials (N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development and the State Employment and Training Commission). See also
CareerOneStop: Find Training,
CareerOneStop: Federal Employment and Training Programs,
Choosing a Vocational School,
GCF Global Online Job & Career Tutorials, and
Universal Class Online Classes.
Layoffs - See Dislocated Workers links, below.
Occupational Education & Training - See Job Training links, above.
Pay Wizard - Use this tool to compare your earnings against what other people get for the same job in the same state, and share your Salary and Job Information in an anonymous Salary Survey (Powered by the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School). The NACE Salary Calculator INTERACTIVE will ask you for information relating to your education, employment history, region, and other factors, to retrieve relevant salary data (National Association of Colleges and Employers). The Living Wage Calculator will be particularly useful if you are considering relocating. It estimates the cost of living in a specific community or region, listing typical expenses (food, housing, child care, taxes, etc.), along with the living wage and typical wages for the selected location (Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Skills to Succeed Academy [Free registration required] - A free online learning program that helps people build skills and confidence to plan their careers, get a job, and succeed in employment. Bite-sized, interactive modules with innovative simulations provide a safe environment where learners can practice real-life scenarios, such as job interviews, and instantly see the impact of their decisions. (Accenture)
Tests for employment - See Mometrix Test Prep Academy, below.
Vocational Education & Training - See Job Training, above.
Career Discovery
FERGUSON'S CAREER GUIDANCE CENTER VIDEO - Comprehensive and easy-to-use career research database offers information on more than 3,300 jobs and 94 industries, plus advice on applying for a job, acing an interview, behaving professionally in the work environment and more. More than 90 sample resumes and cover letters included! The Resources section contains over 50,000 entries on scholarships, internships, and other opportunities. Includes more than 290 videos present essential career information on both specific jobs and industries and on skills. If you're logging on from your home or office, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started.
Brainfuse JobNow: An all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it's creating a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include self-study tools, plus live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching! The Brainfuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests. WHEN YOU ARE LOGGED IN, YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO Brainfuse HelpNow's
Skill Surfer, which includes a section on Computers and Technology, with Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced lessons in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, as well as tutorials on Google Tools, plus practice tests for C++ Certification, Java Certification, SQL Certification, and AP® Computer Science. Enter your full 14-digit library card barcode number to access the site, then click on the Login button to sign up for your personal account.
NJCAN - The New Jersey Career Assistance Navigator (NJCAN) provides accurate, comprehensive, current, and relevant occupational, post-secondary school and financial aid information. NJCAN contains the latest national, New Jersey and local labor market data and projections. NJCAN also includes information on job interview preparation, resume and cover letter creation, how to keep a job, self-employment, and military occupations. NJCAN is designed to support lifelong career exploration, and career planning and decision-making through easy to use, straightforward search and sorting utilities, and an online portfolio for saving information from all system components. You can
login as a New Jersey resident UPDATED LINK! to view the resources. (New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development & University of Oregon)
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Career Interest Game is game designed to match your interests and skills with suitable careers. It can help you begin thinking about how your personality will fit in with specific work environments and occupations (University of Missouri; links to career information are from O*NET OnLine and/or the Occupational Outlook Handbook, below).
CareerOneStop: Explore Careers VIDEO - A wide assortment of career information and job search tools such as career videos, profiles, self assessments, and more. Now has a special section on How-to Guide: Recover after a layoff, covering financial benefits, work-related training, and help to get your next job (U. S. Department of Labor). For more career videos, see Candid Career: Career Titles VIDEO and Candid Career: Industries VIDEO (Candid Career & University of California at Berkeley).
Green Careers - An outline of green careers in today's changing workplaces. Explains what types of green careers there are, what skills, wages, & education are needed, where to find training programs in your local area, and which green careers are expected to grow the fastest (CareerOneStop, U.S. Department of Labor). See also O*Net Green Occupations NEW! (U.S. Department of Labor). For some green job postings, see Clean Energy Jobs NEW! (U.S. Department of Energy), Building Efficiency Career and Job Listings NEW! (Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center), American Climate Corps NEW! (a partnership of The White House and federal agencies), and Forest Service Jobs & Careers NEW!. For additional job listings, see Non-Profit Jobs, below.
Informational Interviewing: How an Informational Interview Can Boost Your Career - Explains the purpose of informational interviews, and how to set up, prepare for, and conduct them; includes questions to ask (2022, The Balance; part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family). See also Berkeley Career Center: Informational Interviewing (University of California at Berkeley) and Networking & Informational Interviewing links, below.
O*NET® Occupational Information Network - Comprehensive information on key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations, plus related tools and resources. You can use a checkoff list of your skills to find matching occupations, use tools & technology to find In-Demand occupations, and learn about related skills important to employers and educators. A sister site, My Next Move offers a user-friendly tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options). The Competency Model Clearinghouse provides information about job skills required in specific industries. (U.S. Department of Labor et al.)
Occupational Outlook Handbook - The Occupational Outlook Handbook explains what workers do on the job; also describes working conditions, education/training requirements, earnings, and expected prospects for a wide variety of jobs. Click on 'A-Z Index', browse by occupation category, or search by keyword. (U.S. Department of Labor)
Employment Law, Health, & Safety
See also:
Minorities, Women, Seniors & Workers with Disabilities
CAUTION! BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THE PRIVACY POLICIES AND SECURITY OF WEBSITES before you post a resume, apply for a job online, or provide any personal information. Please read Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting for more information
Disabilities & Employment / Workers with Disabilities - See Disabilities: Career Onestop & related links, below, and our People with Disabilities Webfinder on Wordpress.
Dislocated Workers: Retirement And Health Care Coverage - Plant and business closings, downsizings, and reductions in hours affect employees in numerous adverse ways. As a dislocated worker, you may have rights to certain retirement protections and health benefits even if you lose your job. This 2022 publication addresses some of the common questions dislocated workers ask. See also Changing Jobs and Job Loss: Health & Retirement Benefits, Rapid Response Services For Laid Off Workers, and Worker's & Employer's Guides to Advance Notice of Closings and Layoffs (includes COVID-19 layoff FAQ). See How-to Guide: Recover after a layoff for information about benefits and related information (U.S. Department of Labor).
Equal Employment Opportunity - Information about federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws and discriminatory practices, with sections covering age, sex, race, religion, disability, national origin, and pregnancy, plus equal compensation, retaliation, and sexual harassment, how to file a charge of discrimination, and more. The EEOC defines Harassment as unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). See also Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination Law in N.J.
E-Verify - Explains employee and employer rights & responsibilities under a Federal law that requires all employers to verify the identity and employment eligibility of all new employees (including U.S. citizens) within three days of hire. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)
Employment Laws: Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses NEW! - Interactive, online tools to help employers and employees learn more about their rights and responsibilities under numerous Federal employment laws. DOL's Wage and Hour Division offers additional information for Workers and Employers on employment law, including the minimum wage, overtime pay, workers' rights, recordkeeping, youth employment, special employment, family & medical leave, migrant workers, lie detector tests, worker protections in certain temporary worker programs, and the prevailing wages for government service and construction contracts. N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development provides information on state labor laws & programs for employed and unemployed workers, and for businesses. All New Jersey workers - including members of immigrant and refugee communities - have protections under the law. If you believe you are entitled to overtime, lost wages, paid leave from work, or other benefits, see Know Your Rights: Information for All New Jersey Workers.
Harassment - See Equal Employment Opportunity and Sexual Harassment.
Licensed Professions & Occupations in NJ - Links to the appropriate licensing boards for most professions and occupations which require a license or other certification to practice in the state of New Jersey, including dentists, public accountants, acupuncturists, social workers, veterinarians, barbers, funeral directors, locksmiths, and many more (New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs). For information on obtaining a business license or permit in New Jersey see the
New Jersey Business Portal: Licensing & Certification Guide.
To find the license requirements for practicing a profession in other states, enter an occupation and location to search the CareerOneStop
License Finder. You can search in any state for an occupation or job title, a license name, or a state agency that oversees licensing; use the dropdown menu under Location to choose a state (U.S. Department of Labor).
Minimum Wage Laws in the States - 'Click on any state or jurisdiction to find out about applicable minimum wage laws. Note: Where Federal and state law have different minimum wage rates, the higher standard applies.' (U.S. Department of Labor)
Noncompete clauses NEW! - Noncompete clauses are a common practice that often prevents workers from taking a new job or starting a new business. This page explains the Federal Trade Commission's new rule banning noncompete clauses in employment. (2024, Federal Trade Commission)
Occupational Safety & Health - A directory of information on a wide variety of topics related to worker health and safety. Includes OSHA standards, potential hazards, and possible solutions. (U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration)
Sexual Harassment - A brief overview of U.S. law prohibiting sexual harassment in the workplace, with links to additional information, including how to file a sexual harassment charge (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). See also Sexual Harassment (RAINN [Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network]; date unknown, expect broken links), and our Violence Against Women & Children links. For other types of workplace harassment, see Equal Employment Opportunity.
Workplace Fairness - See Equal Employment Opportunity, above.
Government Jobs
PETERSON'S TEST AND CAREER PREP - Includes free practice tests and test prep eBooks for some civil service positions, including postal clerk & carrier (Clerical exam prep), firefighter, law enforcement, foreign service and military exams; listed under 'Career Tools' on the menu bar. See also
Mometrix Test Prep Academy, below.
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Best Places to Work In the Federal Government - Annual ranking of employee satisfaction in large & small agencies and agency subcomponents of the federal government; includes rankings according to demographics (gender, age, etc.). (Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation / Partnership for Public Service)
Mometrix Test Prep Academy [Email address required to complete practice tests] VIDEO - Practice tests for a wide variety of educational and career exams in business & finance, construction & industry, counseling & social work, health care, teaching, public service and more, plus a series of Test Anxiety Tips and video tutorials; videos hosted on YouTube (Mometrix Media, LLC is a privately owned company that publishes test prep resources). See also Petersons Test and Career Prep.
N.J. Civil Service - Civil Service Job Announcements and Promotional Announcements for state and local government jobs in N.J. You can also search by title keyword or code to find
job descriptions for specific job titles. Check N.J. Public Safety Careers for announcements of tests, job openings, and promotional information for firefighters, law enforcement officers, and related jobs in NJ.
USA Jobs - The U.S. Government's official site for jobs and employment information; includes sections for individuals with disabilities, veterans, students & recent graduates, and senior executives. Go Government VIDEO 'is designed to be your guide as you consider, apply for, and secure federal employment.' This site does not post job announcements or accept applications (Partnership for Public Service; nonprofit organization).
Job Listings
See also:
Government Job Listings
For information on starting and running a small business, see:
The sites listed below should be useful for job-hunting, but no site is comprehensive. We suggest you check at least a few different websites, as well as other resources (such as local newspaper ads, professional & trade publications, etc.) to get the greatest number of available job listings.
CAUTION! BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THE PRIVACY POLICIES AND SECURITY OF WEBSITES before you post a resume, apply for a job online, or provide any personal information. Please read Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting for more information
CareerOneStop VIDEO - A great starting point for your job search offering a wide assortment of career tools such as
job listings & other job search resources and links to
state job banks, including
New Jersey Career Services. Also provides info on careers &
training opportunities, skills profiler, resume tutorial, and much more. Includes
Find Local Help (formerly America's Service Locator), a searchable database of local service centers providing free access to the internet, faxes, copy machines, and many other services for job hunters, as well as an unemployment benefits and training program finders. The
How-to Guide: Recover after a layoff offers info about financial benefits, work-related training, and help to get your next job. You can also call the Helpline, 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627), for help with federal Employment and Training programs. (U.S. Department of Labor)
New Jersey Career Services (formerly Career Connections - A variety of job-related information & support, including planning & preparation advice, education & training opportunities, job clubs, and job fairs. Also provides access to specialized support services for workers with disabilities, veterans, mature workers, youth, displace homemakers, and ex-offenders (New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development).
My Career NJ NEW! offers tools to help you find a job, get training, or find support & assistance; includes a Career Navigator [Free registration required] which provides personalized, data-driven career recommendations based on your skills and experience. For information about Civil Service jobs (job opportunities within State, County and Municipal governments) in New Jersey, see
N.J. Civil Service links, above. See also
New Jersey Employment and
Job Training, above. New Jersey Jobs [Job postings were not available when check 8/5/24] posts job listings in N.J. as well as out-of-state jobs, plus job-hunting advice & news
(Advance Local).
Americorps - 'AmeriCorps is a national network of programs that engages more than 70,000 Americans each year in intensive service to meet critical needs in communities throughout the nation. AmeriCorps offers several ways to get involved, from part-time local service programs to full-time residential programs. Members receive guidance and training so they can make a contribution that suits their talents, interests, and availability.' Many AmeriCorps members also receive a modest living allowance. See also Senior Corps. (AmeriCorps is an independent federal agency)
College Recruiter VIDEO - Searchable listings of part-time, seasonal, internship, apprenticeship, or entry-level jobs; also includes remote jobs (founded by Faith and Steven Rothberg).
CoolWorks® - Seasonal & short-term employment opportunities in parks, resorts, camps, ranches, etc. Includes internships and volunteer opportunities, and some year-round positions.
Gig Jobs: What It's Really Like To Be A Gig Worker - An overview of the plusses and minusses of gig work - 'work on a freelance, temporary or independent basis.' (2022, Forbes)
Job Search Guide: Industry or Occupational Focus - [NOTE: Click here for access to Data Axle Reference Solutions] Links to 'niche' job boards that focus on specific industries, as well as job sites for the non-profit & government sectors and higher eduction, remote jobs, and sites with an ethnic or international focus (2022, Rutgers University). See also Career Discovery, above, and Science & Technology Jobs, below.
Non-Profit Jobs: - An extensive listing of U.S. and international positions in the non-profit sector, including both jobs and internships, as well as volunteer opportunities. See also Volunteer Opportunities, below.
Science & Technology Jobs - Tools and resources to assist you in your science job search, including resume posting [Registration required], advanced job searching & browsing, career articles, and more. Focus is on scientific positions in government, academia, and industry, but also includes job listings across a variety of areas within scientific organizations including sales, marketing, management, and more. (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Veteran Job Resources Webfinder - Selected links to websites with job listings, employment advice, and other employment resources for veterans and transitioning military personnel. (South Plainfield Public Library)
Volunteer Match, Points of Light (formerly All For Good),,, and Charity Navigator - Volunteer work can be personally rewarding, and can also provide job hunters with opportunities to learn new skills and make professional contacts! Enter your zip code to locate organizations looking for volunteers within commuting distance from your home, as well as remote/virtual opportunities. There will be some common listings on these sites, but many unique listings for each site, so you may want to search all three to find the best volunteer opportunity for you. Volunteer New Jersey provides advice and information about volunteering, with links to county volunteer centers and other organizations (Association of New Jersey Volunteer Centers); see also Jersey Cares NEW! (non-profit organization). See for volunteer opportunities with federal agencies such as the National Park Service, Forest Service, and Veterans Administration.
More job listing sites:
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Minorities, Women, Seniors & Workers with Disabilities
See also:
Employment Law, Health, & Safety
Sites for Seniors: Employment & Business
Webfinder: People with Disabilities
Webfinder: Job Resources for Veterans
For information on starting and running a small business, see:
BUSINESS RESOURCES: Small Business and
BUSINESS RESOURCES: Diversity (women- and minority-owned business)
CAUTION! BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THE PRIVACY POLICIES AND SECURITY OF WEBSITES before you post a resume, apply for a job online, or provide any personal information. Please read Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting for more information
Disabilities: Career Onestop - Resources and information for workers with disabilities, covering topics such as the ADA, gaining skills, job search, interviews, disclosing a disability, job accommodations, and vocational rehabilitation. For additional disability resources, see the Job Accommodation Network (U.S. Department of Labor), Campaign for Disability Employment (U.S. Department of Labor et al.), Disability Employment Policy resources (U.S. Department of Labor), and O*NET Job Accommodation Links (U.S. Department of Labor and North Carolina Employment Security Commission). See also Disability Employment Resource Guide (United Cerebral Palsy; non-profit organization), Leading disability employers NEW! (2023, National Organization on Disability), GoGovernment: Persons with Disabilities (U.S. Government jobs), and our People with Disabilities Webfinder on Wordpress.
Diversity: IM Diversity - Job listings for all minorities, and a directory of diversity employers. Also offers employment-related articles for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, LGBTQ, global minorities, and women. See also (powered by
LatPro - A site for Hispanics & Latinx job seekers; includes career advice and related resources (powered by Vea también PÁGINAS en ESPAÑOL: Empleos y Negocios.
Seniors: Employment & Business - Selected links to websites with job listings, employment advice, and other career resources for older workers. (South Plainfield Public Library)
Veteran Job Resources Webfinder - Selected links to websites with job listings, employment advice, and other career resources for veterans and transitioning military personnel. (South Plainfield Public Library)
Women for Hire - Career advice for working women, plus a job board, some basic resume templates and related information (by Tory Johnson, author and founder of career recruiting company). U.S. Department of Labor: Women provides links to a variety of information and services which the Labor Department offers for women, including federal labor laws & regulations of interest to working women. Women Employed: Your Rights on the Job provides practical information on how the law protects you in the workplace (non-profit organization).
Working Mother Magazine has ceased publication, but its annual lists of Best Companies for Working Parents, Multicultural Women, and more, are available from Seramount, a company that promotes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the corporate market.
Research a Company
See also:
Useful Websites - Business Resources
CAUTION! BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THE PRIVACY POLICIES AND SECURITY OF WEBSITES before you post a resume, apply for a job online, or provide any personal information. Please read Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting for more information
Business Source Elite - Full-text coverage for nearly 1,100 business periodicals, ranging from general magazines to trade publications and top management journals. This resource contains expanded PDF backfiles for more than 150 titles (back to 1985 or the first issue published for that journal).
EBSCOHost Regional Business News: A supplemental database for Business Source Elite. With daily updates, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text for regional U.S. and Canadian business publications (including titles from Crain Communications). Regional Business News has full text for nearly 100 sources.
Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA Business Database): Detailed, current directory information on more than 12 million U.S. Businesses, 102 million U.S. residents, 683,000 U.S. healthcare providers, 1 million Canadian businesses and 11 million Canadian residents. - Free annual reports from thousands of companies worldwide (the most recent annual reports may not be available). NOTE: To search by company name, try using a single keyword rather than the full name, e.g., search 'Johnson' rather than 'Johnson & Johnson.' Also, be sure to search for the parent company, e.g., 'Unilever' rather than 'Ben & Jerry's.'
Corporate Information - Search over 46,000 company profiles by name or ticker symbol. This site charges a subscription fee for full access, but you'll get a free report for each company you search, with a brief summary and basic statistics. (Wright Investors' Service, Inc.)
Dun & Bradstreet - Basic information for jobseekers doing research on prospective employers. A brief company profile is free, but there is a charge for more extensive marketing and financial information.
Glass Door [For full access, you must create an account and provide certain personal data, or sign in with Google or Facebook] - 'Millions of company ratings and reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview reviews and questions, benefits reviews, office photos and more, combined with the latest jobs.' You can also post information about the company you work for.
Hoover's Online - Owned by Dun & Bradstreet, above.
Monster Research - A large database of company information, with very brief profiles for each company, usually with links to the company website and job postings; does NOT include all companies. You can browse company names alphabetically or search by keywords (site includes advertisements).
Rutgers Company Research Guide [Certain resources linked on this page (such as EBSCO and Reference USA / Data Axle) are restricted to Rutgers users, but South Plainfield users can access some of them through our Databases and Premium Resources login page and/or JerseyClicks] - More links to resources for researching companies in the U.S. and abroad.
Resumes, Cover Letters, Applications, Interviews, Etiquette... and more!
Protect Yourself, Your Identity & Your Privacy while Job-Hunting
Employment Background Checks and Your Rights - Information for jobseekers outlining what may be covered in a background report, your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and where to go for help (2023, Federal Trade Commission). For more information, see
Employment Background Checks (2019,
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse).
Job Hunting Scams: Consumer Information - Information and advice for job hunters, plus related pages on
Job Scams and Money-Making Opportunity Scams and
other job scams, including work-from-home scams (Federal Trade Commission). See also
Searching for a job to work remotely? Avoid scams and identity theft NEW! (2023, Federal Trade Commission),
Scammers Are Using Fake Job Ads to Steal People's Identities &
How to Avoid Being Scammed by Fake Job Ads (2021, ProPublica; an independent, non-profit newsroom), and
Monster Security Center.
Online Reputation Management - Most employers now do online background checks of job applicants, and may reject you based on what you have posted on social media, blog sites, discussion boards, personal web pages, etc. This page offers advice on how to monitor and manage your online reputation (2021 - 2022, Susan P. Joyce on SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, and; sites includes advertisements). See also
Keep It Clean: Social Media Screenings Gain in Popularity (2023, Business News Daily).
Brainfuse JobNow: An all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it's creating a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include self-study tools, plus live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching! The Brainfuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests. WHEN YOU ARE LOGGED IN, YOU WILL HAVE ACCESS TO Brainfuse HelpNow's
Skill Surfer, which includes a section on Computers and Technology, with Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced lessons in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, as well as tutorials on Google Tools, plus practice tests for C++ Certification, Java Certification, SQL Certification, and AP® Computer Science. Enter your full 14-digit library card barcode number to access the site, then click on the Login button to sign up for your personal account.
Applications: Job Applications Tutorial VIDEO - Useful strategies for applying to jobs and standing out from the crowd of applicants. Covers obtaining references, completing an application in person, online, or before an interview, Dealing with Online Application Headaches, and more (part of GCF Global; Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc). See also Avoid These Job Application Mistakes, and Applying for a Job at a Hiring Kiosk (2019 - 2022,, part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family).
Business Etiquette Advice - Short articles on correct behavior in business settings, including job interviews (Emily Post). See also Cultural Savvy and related links, below.
Cover Letters Tutorial - This tutorial provides cover letter tips & techniques and helps you write your own cover letter (GCF Global, Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization). See also Writing Cover Letters (2018, University of Wisconsin). The Boston College Career Center [Some resources may be restricted to Boston College users, or may require a Google sign-in] offers helpful advice on Resumes, Cover Letters, Online Presence, Networking, Interviewing and more. See also LinkedIn Guide and related links, below.
Cultural Savvy - Tips & information on interacting with people from other cultures; focus is mostly, though not exclusively, on Asia (1999 - 2024; by an international cross-cultural training and consulting firm). Cross Cultural Communication explains how communication styles differ among different cultures, and helps you learn to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds (©1997, A More Perfect Union / Arcadia Pictures / PBS).
Dress for Success: Interview Attire VIDEO - Guidelines for men and women on dress & grooming for job interviews (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). What to prepare before an interview includes a section on What to Wear to an Interview (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization).
Electronic Resumes: Preparing your Resume for the Internet - How to create and use electronic resumes for emailing or posting online (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization). For advice on creating SCANNABLE RESUMES, see How To Write an ATS (Applicant Tracking System) Resume VIDEO (2024,, How To Optimize Your Resume for AI Scanners NEW! (2024,, How to Make Your Resume ATS-Friendly NEW! (2024, The Muse), Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System and Into Human Hands NEW! (2023, The Muse), 5 Resume Scanners You Can Use to Develop an ATS-Friendly Resume NEW! (2023, Make Use Of; part of Valnet Inc.), and general Resume Writing links, below.
Interviewing Skills Tutorial (GCF Global) VIDEO - Explains the different types of interviews, and what to do before, during, and after an interview (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization). See also Interviewing Guide UPDATED LINK! (2022, San Jose State University), Interviewing (includes virtual interviews) (Boston College), and Job Interview Basics (includes video interviews) (
Job Search & Networking Tutorials - Whether you're looking for your very first job, seeking a different position in your field, or planning a career change, these tutorials can help you learn effective strategies for your job search, including networking & searching online, using social media sites & LinkedIn, and 'personal branding'. (GCF Global, Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization)
LinkedIn Basics - Outlines five essential elements of an effective LinkedIn presence, with links to many additional articles about using LinkedIn for your job search (2022,; Susan P. Joyce and NETability, Inc., a website development and consulting company). See also LinkedIn Profiles (Boston College Career Center), Using Social Media in Your Job Search [Some resources may be restricted to SJSU users] (San Jose State University), Networking & Informational Interviewing, below, and Cover Letters links, above.
Monster Career Advice [Online resources are free, but Monster charges a fee for some services such as resume preparation] - Articles and interactive tools to help you with the different aspects of your job search, including resume writing, interviewing, and networking. The Monster Security Center offers advice on protecting yourself and your privacy when searching for a job on or elsewhere (site includes advertisements).
Networking & Informational Interviewing - Basic advice on how to establish networking contacts and conduct informational interviews (San Jose State University); see the related Job/Internship Search Guide UPDATED LINK! for updated information and additional resources (2022, San Jose State University). See also Networking (Boston College), Informational Interviewing, above, LinkedIn, above.
References - Tips on developing and maintaining good employment references (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization). See also Finding Good References When You Can't Ask Your Boss (2006; from Career Journal Online).
Resume Writing Tutorial VIDEO - A step-by-step guide to resume writing, covering content, format, tips & strategies, and preparing your resume for the internet, with sample resumes and related resources (GCF Global, Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.; nonprofit organization). The extensive Career OneStop Resume Guide includes a section explaining How employers use applicant tracking system (ATS) software to do an initial review and sort of applications, with tips to improve the chances that your resume will pass through the ATS to be reviewed by Human Resources staff. offers an extensive collection of Resume Examples by Industry NEW!. See also Resume/Cover Letter Guide UPDATED LINK! (2024, San Jose State University), and Resumes, Cover Letters, above. See also Electronic and Scannable Resume links, above.
Scannable Resumes - See Scannable Resume links, above.
Social Media in job searching - See LinkedIn Guide and related links, above.
Working at Home - See Franchises, Business Opportunities, and Investments.