«««« Click here for FINANCIAL CRISIS ASSISTANCE »»»»
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
EBSCOHost Home Improvement Reference Center - In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, EBSCO Publishing has generously donated the Home Improvement Reference Center™ to libraries in the New Jersey Library Network to aid our residents affected by Hurricane Sandy. Home Improvement Reference Center™ is a resource which provides detailed, user-friendly, how-to information about home improvements and repairs. This valuable resource includes magazine articles and reference content, as well as videos and images designed to help homeowners tackle home repairs safely. It provides the latest step-by-step information along with background information and basic tips on topics including electrical, plumbing, woodworking, outdoor projects, maintenance and decorating.
NOTE: Home Improvement Reference Center will be available only through June 30, 2013!
Accessible Housing Resources - A listing of information sources relating to Accessible Homes and Universal Design, including web resources, publications, conferences, products, and manufacturers & distributors. (National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research)
After a Disaster - Advice on what to do after floods, hurricanes, winter storms blackouts, and other disasters. Covers food safety, water treatment, thawing frozen pipes, cleaning, and more. If you have been affected by a disaster,
Safe & Well List provides a way for you to register yourself as 'safe and well.' If you are concerned about loved ones in a disaster area, you can search the list of those who have registered themselves as 'safe and well.' For what to do before disaster hits, see
Disaster Preparedness and
Prepare Your Home & Family (American Red Cross; non-profit organization),
Ready NJ (New Jersey Office of Emergency Management),
Emergency Preparedness & Response &
What You Need to Know When the Power Goes Out (U.S. Centers for Disease Control), and
Prepare for Severe Weather (USA.gov).
FEMA's Mobile Webiste provides disaster information and text messages to your cell phone or other mobile device (Federal Emergency Management Agency).
For individuals with special needs, see
Disaster Preparation for Individuals with Disabilities and related links.
For advice on protecting pets in a disaster, see
Disaster Planning for Pets and related links.
For information specific to floods, Flooding gives advice on dealing with drinking water & food, mold, private wells & septic systems, and related subjects (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). See also
Family Preparedness: Floods and Flash Floods (New Jersey Office of Emergency Management),
FloodSmart (FEMA), and
Floods: What You Should Know (U.S. Centers for Disease Control).
For information on protecting important financial documents, filing insurance claims, applying for private or government assistance, tax relief, and related topics, see
Smart About Money: Natural Disasters and
How Much Do I Need for Emergencies (National Endowment for Financial Education; non-profit organization). Lessons from Sandy recommends steps to take before disaster hits to be sure your financial accounts, medical & prescription drug information, original copies of important documents (birth certificates, wills, etc.) and other necessities are secured and accessible to you in the event of an emergency (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse).
Protecting and Saving Family Treasures and Historic Properties 'contains information & tools to help the general public prepare for and recover from disasters affecting their personal property.' (Heritage Preservation; non-profit organization); see also Caring For Heritage Objects, below.
For help contacting family members during or after an international crisis (war, disaster, migration or other humanitarian emergency), see
Find Family Internationally After Crisis (American Red Cross).
Appraisers - A searchable directory of certified appraisers who can estimate the value of your personal property such as jewelry, art, antiques, etc., plus Questions to Ask an Appraiser and additional resources for choosing an appraiser (International Society of Appraisers; industry association). For more resources on finding and working with a qualified appraiser for personal property, real property, or business, see American Society of Appraisers (Industry association).
Consumer Reports Home & Garden News - Consumer Reports' staff offers tips and news on home and garden maintenance, appliances & other home products, energy conservation, and more; RSS feed available.
Good Housekeeping: Home & Organizing - Advice on home decorating, cleaning & organizing, repair & renovation, gardening, green living, and more. (Site includes advertisements)
Greentips - Answers to thorny questions for those who want to tread lightly on the planet. Paper or plastic, cloth or disposable diapers, microwave vs conventional ovens, and practical solutions to other common quandaries (Union of Concerned Scientists). This Green Life (Natural Resources Defense Council), Green Tips & Green American (Green America), The Green Life [Replaces SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION] (Sierra Club), Ask Umbra (Grist Magazine), and Green Home Guide (U.S. Green Building Council) also offer practical advice on living, buying, and investing greenly. Metro: Sustainable Living offers advice on green cleaners, waste prevention, natural gardening, home improvement, and more (Metro Regional Government, Portland, OR). Solutions for Your Life: Sustainable Living is an extensive library of links to information about living sustainably, covering energy consumption, families & consumers, lawn & garden care, and more (University of Florida Extension). Green Homes: Renter's Checklist (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) and Living Green isn't out of Renters' Reach (Washington Post; site includes advertisements) suggest steps apartment-dwellers and other renters can take to be more eco-friendly. Also check out our Home Energy & Water Conservation links, below, and our Green Shopping links. Our Garden & Landscape section includes links to information on eco-friendly landscaping/yard care, organic gardening, composting, and more. Our Food section includes resources on locally-grown food and vegetarian food. For information on recycling, see Recycling in South Plainfield and related links, below.
HGTV - How-to articles and short
videos on home decorating, remodeling, gardening, crafts, and more, from Home & Garden TV network. (Site includes advertisements)
Home Safety Guides - Advice and resources on a wide range of home safety topics. You will find additional and related information in Safety Topics and Safety Education Centers. (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission)
Monkey See: Home & Garden - 'Free access to a large collection of professionally-produced and user-generated how-to videos.' Presenters' credentials are provided for each resource. (Site includes advertisements)
Mother Earth News - How-to articles on gardening, renewable energy, natural health, and sustainable living, from the Granny of back-to-the-land publications. Includes an online discussion forum. (Site includes advertisements)
Old Farmer's Almanac - North America's oldest continuously published periodical offers home and garden information, recipes, and more (Yankee Publishing Inc.; site includes advertisements). See also Farmers' Almanac (Almanac Publishing Co.; site includes advertisements).
Recycling in South Plainfield - Information for local residents on drop-off and curbside pickup, including yard waste and electronics. The South Plainfield Public Library accepts certain types of batteries for recycling, as well as cell phones, and empty ink and toner cartridges from computer printers or copiers. For information about where and how to recycle electronic products, see E-Cycling Central & related links. For tips on how to reduce all kinds of waste, see Reduce.org: 'When you avoid making garbage in the first place, you don't have to worry about disposing of waste or recycling it later.' (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency). For more recycling resources, see Recycling NJ and Earth 911, which have lots of useful information on what can & cannot be recycled (including The Great Pizza Box Recycling Mystery!), and on where to recycle what. See also 20 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle (Green America). Nike collects used athletic shoes (any brand) at all its U.S. retail locations through the Reuse-A-Shoe Program. For advice on getting rid of old medications, see Proper Disposal of Unused Medicines & related links. See LampRecycle.org to find out where you can recycle Compact Flourescent Light bulbs (CFLs), and how to handle broken bulbs safely. See also Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Our Where to Donate Goods page provides information on local, regional, and national organizations that can make good use of your used goods! The New Re-Use It Book is a printable guide to area locations where Middlesex County residents can donate their unwanted goods for reuse (Middlesex County Improvement Authority).
Rental Decorating Digest - Articles and videos on home decorating for apartment dwellers and others in temporary quarters. Covers the basics of interior design, dorm decorating and college decor, budget decorating ideas, and organizing for small space living. (Site includes advertisements)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service - A large collection of printable guides offering tips on home maintenance, gardening, landscaping, financial management, nutrition, and more. OhioLine (Ohio State University) and Urban Programs Resource Network (University of Illinois) Cooperative Extension Service websites are also useful.
See also:
Health & Fitness - NUTRITION and FOOD SAFETY
All Recipes - More than 20,000 recipes posted by a community of home cooks; users offer ratings and reviews for each recipes, sometimes with suggested alterations. You can browse recipes by category or search by keyword. Another good recipe site is Recipe Source, a huge archive of recipes which you can search by keyword, browse by regional / ethnic cuisines, or browse by type of dish (main course, dessert, etc.). Food.com offers still more user-contributed recipes. You can search recipes by keyword, then apply various filters from the left-hand menu (course, ingredient, cuisine, occasion, diet, preparation) to the resulting list.
America's Test Kitchen - Recipes and how-tos. Companion website for the TV show. Free registration required for full access. (Cook's Illustrated Magazine; site includes advertisements)
Cheap Cooking - Tips for cutting back on your grocery bill, cheap recipes & shopping hints, and a downloadable template for keeping track of grocery prices (by Ellen Ferlazzo; personal site, includes advertisements).
See also
Eating Well on a Budget (Joslin Diabetes Center), Saving at the Grocery Store
(Kansas State University Extension), and
10 Steps to Help You Eat Healthy on a Budget (University of Nebraska).
CHOW - Recipes, articles, discussion boards, and more. Keyword search results are conveniently divided into recipes, stories, blog posts, and more. Includes
how-to videos on cooking techniques. (CBS Interactive, Inc.; site includes advertisements)
Conversion Calculators - Several handy kitchen calculators to convert measurements of solids and liquids, with charts for equivalent measures (by Medini Pradhan; site includes advertisements). See also Science of Cooking Conversion Calculator (Exploratorium Museum), Cooking Conversions (Gourmet Sleuth; site includes advertisements), and Conversion Maestro (Mahidol University, Thailand; site includes advertisements).
Cook it Quick - Lots of tips and recipes to help you reduce the time you spend in the kitchen. (University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension)
Cook's Thesaurus - 'A cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.' No nutrition data. (Personal/site includes advertisements, by Lori Alden)
Entertaining - A guide to the basics of entertaining, including party etiquette for guests & hosts, invitations & announcements, and how to set the table. (The Emily Post Institute, Inc.)
Epicurious - Over 13,000 recipes, searchable by keyword, plus other food & cooking-related resources, including videos. (CondéNet Inc.; site includes advertisements)
Food & Wine - Companion website for the popular 'Food & Wine' magazine offers recipes, wine guide, travel articles, and videos/podcasts. (Site includes advertisements)
FoodSafety.gov - Advice for consumers on proper food handling and storage (U.S. Food and Drug Administration et al.). Additional food safety resources may be found on our Health & Fitness - NUTRITION and FOOD SAFETY page.
Food Network - Companion website for the cable Food Network. Formerly Food TV. (Site includes advertisements)
Gourmet Sleuth - Articles and useful information on food, cooking & eating (including a Cooking Dictionary with Substitutions, Ingredients, and Equivalents and Conversions Calculator), plus recipes, culinary links directory, and more. (Site includes advertisements)
Home Food Preservation - Want to preserve some of your garden produce for the winter? This site offers instructions on canning, freezing, drying, making jams & jellies, curing & smoking, fermenting, pickling, and storing a wide variety of foods. (University of Georgia)
Ingredient Substitutions - If you're cooking and don't have a needed ingredient on hand, or you need to alter a recipe because of dietary restrictions, this site will tell you the appropriate substitute ingredients and quantities to use. (University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension)
Jersey Fresh - Find out where you can get fresh local fruits and vegetables in season. This site lists roadside stands, pick-your-own, and urban/suburban farmers markets in the state; arranged by county. Includes seasonal recipes. Jersey Grown includes searchable directories of New Jersey garden centers & nurseries, gardens & arboretums, and Christmas tree farms (N.J. Department of Agriculture). See also Local Harvest and related links, below.
Kitchen Window - Feature articles and
radio podcasts about food and cooking, with related recipes (NPR; site includes advertisements). See also The Splendid Table
(American Public Media).
Leite's Culinaria - Sample recipes from a variety of gourmet cookbooks, plus feature articles on food, cooking, and dining. (Site includes advertisements; by food journalist David Leite et al.)
Local Harvest & Food Routes - Information on where, why, and how to buy locally-grown food anywhere in the U.S. Use the dropdown menus on Eat Local to find out what's in season in your state (and in bordering states) at different times of the year (Natural Resources Defense Council). The Eat Well Guide is a searchable directory of thousands of farms, stores, & restaurants that offer sustainably-raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs in the U.S. & Canada.
Organic FAQ - Answers to common questions about organically-grown foods (U.S. Department of Agriculture). See also Meat & Dairy Labels and related links.
Recipe.com - How-to-cook advice, ethnic recipes, holiday recipes, recipes for special dietary needs (under 'Healthy Cooking'), and more. (Meredith Corporation, publishers of Better Homes & Gardens, Family Circle, Parents Magazine, etc.; site includes advertisments)
Setting the Table - A brief illustrated guide with basic rules on setting the table for a formal or informal meal, including placement of plates, glasses, and utensils. (Purdue University 4-H)
SlowFood - Home of the international 'Slow Food' movement, founded 'to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people's dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.' Website offers food news and reviews from around the world. See also SlowFood USA.
Vegetarian Resource Group - Extensive collection of vegetarian/vegan articles, recipes, links and other materials (non-profit organization). See also Meatless Monday (non-profit organization & Johns Hopkins University) and VegWeb (site includes advertisements; user-contributed recipes). The website of popular cookbook author Mollie Katzen offers additional vegetarian (and seasonal) recipes. Vegetarian Living (formerly VegCooking) explores the whys and hows of vegan / vegetarian cooking & lifestyle (PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).
Whole Foods Recipes - Printable recipes for healthy whole foods cookery; nutritional information included (Whole Foods Market). Whole foods recipes are also available from PCC Natural Markets. (Commercial sites)
Garden & Landscape
See also:
About Flowers - Tips on how to use plants and flowers for interior decorating, entertaining, gift-giving, and holidays and other special occasions. Includes a flower library with photographs, descriptions, care, and other interesting facts for many common flower and plant varieties. (Society of American Florists)
Backyard Wildlife Habitat - Information on how to landscape your yard to attract birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Includes a Gardeners' Guide to Global Warming (National Wildlife Federation). See also Pollinator Planting Guides and Butterfly Gardening, below.
Bug Review - Descriptions of some common home & garden insect pests, with photographs, habits, potential damage, and non-chemical control recommendations (University of Illinois). See also Pest Management in Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf, below.
Butterfly Gardening - Helpful tips and links for attracting butterflies to your garden. (TheButterflySite.com, site includes advertisements)
Call Before You Dig - 'Building a deck? Planting a tree? Installing a mailbox? 811 is the new number you should call before you begin any digging project. A new, federally-mandated national 'Call Before You Dig' number, 811 was created to help protect you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. People digging often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get their utility lines marked due to concerns about project delays, costs and previous calls about other projects. These assumptions can be life-threatening.' (Common Ground Alliance, a member-supported industry association)
Composting for Kids - Good basic instruction in the whys and hows of composting, for kids or adult beginners (Texas Agricultural Extension Service). For more on composting, see Composting for the Homeowner (University of Illinois Extension). The Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management sells compost bins to Middlesex County residents at a reduced price. See also Grasscycling and Composting Yard Waste, below.
Container Gardening - Advice on growing ornamental and edible plants in containers or small spaces (Denver County Cooperative Extension). See also Vegetable Gardening in Containers [Link opens a PDF] (Texas Agricultural Extension Service).
Cornell Home Gardening - A well-organized website on flower & vegetable gardening and lawn care, from a leading university in agricultural research and education. Rutgers Cooperative Extension has a variety of printable Gardening & Landscaping Guides. The University of Illinois Extension Service Horticulture site also offers expert gardening advice. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Gardening pages include articles by experts on gardening techniques and garden design. See also Extension.org's Gardens, Lawns, & Landscapes: Q & A; enter a few keywords in the search box to look for an answer to your question. If you can't find an answer, you can submit a question on the site's Ask an Expert page (eXtension.org, a partnership of 74 universities in the U.S.). Another option is the Plant and pest questions hotline; you can call the phone hotline or submit a question online (University of Maryland Extension).
Drying Flowers and Foliage for Arrangements - Explains how to select, preserve, and use plant materials for decorative arrangements. (University of Missouri)
Edible Flowers - Basic instructions on growing edible flowers, with a chart listing suitable varieties (North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service).
Environmentally-Friendly Landscaping - Information on how you can protect and conserve natural resources while saving time and money through reduced maintenance requirements. For details, see Greenscaping (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Less Lawn also provides information and inspiration to help you create a more beautiful, low-maintenance, organic, and wildlife-friendly landscape (by author Evelyn J. Hadden). See also Yard Care Fact Sheets, below.
Frost Dates - A quick way to look up the average first and last frost dates for your area, from Victory Seeds; based on 1988 data. See USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map [UPDATED FOR 2012!] for the latest available zone data (U.S. Department of Agriculture). For more on the latest USDA hardiness map, see Rethinking the New Plant Hardiness Zone Map (2012, New York Times; site includes advertisements). National Climatic Data Center's Freeze / Frost Maps are based on data collected from 1951 - 1980 and do NOT reflect recent climate shifts (U.S. Department of Commerce).
Gardening By Mail - A directory of thousands of mail-order garden supply companies, with user-contributed ratings and comments as well as gardening discussion forums. You can browse company listings alphabetically, geographically, or by category. (Dave's Garden; site includes advertisements)
Gardening Safely & Sensibly - Advice for gardeners to help reduce muscle strain injury (National Gardening Association; site includes advertisements). See also Dig Into Gardening for a Mind-Body Workout (AARP; site includes advertisements). Gardening Tools & Techniques includes several Gardening & Your Health fact sheets on garden-related health issues such as allergies, arthritis, carpal tunnel, power tool safety, sunburn, and ticks (Virginia Cooperative Extension). Gardening Health & Safety provides information and links on protecting yourself from lawn & garden pests, harmful chemicals, sharp or motorized equipment, insects, injuries, heat and sun, plus tips for persons with disabilities (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Gardens for Everybody offers guidance for people with disabilities, visual impairment, arthritis, or other special considerations (University of Missouri).
Grasscycling and Composting Yard Waste - 'Grasscycling saves time (no more bagging!) and money (because less fertilizer is needed) and encourages a healthier lawn (grass clippings contain valuable nitrogen). Backyard composting yields a rich soil amendment which can be used in gardens and landscaping, while saving homeowners money spent on purchasing soil conditioners and fertilizers' (California Integrated Waste Management Board).
Heirloom Seed Society (N.J.) - Information on gardening with heirloom seeds in New Jersey. Includes articles, links & resources, and discussion forum. (Membership organization)
Houseplants - Explains the basics of selecting and caring for indoor plants (University of Illinois Extension). See also Master Gardener: Houseplants (Colorado Cooperative Extension), Houseplant Health (National Gardening Association), and Houseplants Help Clean Indoor Air (University of Minnesota Extension). Interiorscape Plants offers large color photos (click to enlarge) and basic facts about dozens of houseplants, arranged A to Z (Texas A&M).
Invasive Plants - Invasive plants are introduced species that are characteristically adaptable, aggressive, and can reproduce quickly. This site offers photos and basic information to help you identify invasive species, with links to additional resources. Also offers similar information on invasive animal and insect pests (USDA). See also Native Gardening and Invasive Plants, below.
KinderGarden - How to get kids involved in gardening (Texas Agricultural Extension Service). See also KidsGardening (National Gardening Association), Garden-Based learning activities (Cornell), and My First Garden (University of Illinois Extension).
Landscape Gardening: My Ideal Garden - Explains the basics of landscaping design principles, planning, and tools, with links to additional resources. (By Peter Bochenek & Associates, a landscape architecture firm; site includes advertisements)
Machinery Safety: Hand / Power Tools - Information on how to safely use tools such as chain saws, table saws, lawn edgers & trimmers, and more (National Ag Safety Database). See also Construction / Power Tool Safety (U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration).
National Gardening Association - Online gardening magazine presents a variety of articles and resources for gardeners, including how-to videos. Enter your zip code for regional information.
Native Gardening and Invasive Plants - Guide to plants native to different regions of the U.S., plus some of the weedy or invasive plants that are best avoided in the garden. NOTE: You must provide an email address to use some features of the site (e-Nature.com; site includes advertisements). See also Invasive Plants, above.
Organic Gardening: Learn and Grow - Articles and videos offering how-to advice on organic gardening, covering compost & soil, edibles, ornamentals, pests & diseases, weeds, lawn care, design, and more. You can also use the menu bar across the top to access additional articles on 'organic living' and cooking (Rodale Inc., site includes advertisements). The Gardener's Supply Company website includes an encyclopedia on growing vegetables, herbs & fruits, articles on gardening & lawn care, useful calculators, and more (commercial site). See also Organic Pest Control Guide (Extremely Green, a gardening supply company; site includes advertisements).
Pest Management in Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf - Guidelines for monitoring pests, using pesticides, and non-pesticide alternatives for managing pests — including birds, mammals, and reptiles (deer, gophers, raccoons, etc.). Some information is specific to California (University of California). See also Pest Management Guidelines for the Northeast (Northeastern Integrated Pest Management Center). See also Bug Review, above.
Pesticides - Links to information about choosing and using pesticides safely. You can also call the National Pesticide Information Center toll-free with specific questions at 1-800-858-7378. (Oregon State University)
Plant Finder - Describes the characteristics, cultivation and uses for over 3500 home landscape plants, including herbaceous perennials, shrubs, vines and trees, with a color photo of each. Arranged A to Z; searchable (Missouri Botanical Garden). Plant Information Online is an extensive database that allows you to search by common or scientific plant names to find book & magazine citations, selected links to info & images online, and nurseries selling plants & seeds (University of Minnesota). See also UConn Plant Database of Trees, Shrubs, and Vines (University of Connecticut). See also Monrovia Plant Catalog (commercial site), and Tree Planting, below.
Pollinator Planting Guides - Most plants need birds, bees, butterflies, bats, beetles and other pollinators to reproduce, but declines in the health and population of pollinators pose what could be a significant threat to biodiversity, food production, and human health. At this site you can download a free eco-regional Pollinator Planting Guide (PDF) to help you make your yard more pollinator-friendly. (Non-profit organization: Coevolution Institute)
Recycling & Yard Waste in South Plainfield - Information for local residents on drop-off and curbside pickup, including yard waste.
Rose Garden - An extensive site devoted to growing roses, with information, photos, and links (University of Illinois). See also Rose Magazine (site includes advertisements) and About Roses (American Rose Society).
Tree Planting [Link opens a PDF] - Explains the basics of choosing, planting, and maintaining trees on your property (USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service). The SelecTree database will search for specific tree species to match the type of site and desired tree characteristics you specify (Cal Poly State University). And don't forget to Call Before You Dig!
Vegetable Gardening Basics - A good introduction for the beginnner, with sections on planning a garden, planting & transplanting, insect & disease control, composting, harvesting & storing vegetables, and growing herbs. (University of Illinois Extension)
Wildlife Damage Management - Information and FAQs about preventing or controlling damage to your home, garden, and landscape by a wide range of animals, including deer, groundhogs, squirrels, mice, raccoons, and many others (From eXtension.org, a partnership of 74 universities in the U.S.). See also Pest Management in Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf, above.
Yard Care Fact Sheets - Click on Yard Care & the Environment Series (item #3 in the 'Home & Yard' list) for several printable fact sheets (PDF) provide tips for maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn without harming the environment (University of Wisconsin Extension Service). See also
Lawn Pesticide Fact Sheets & Safer Lawn Care for more fact sheets on how to have a green, healthy lawn which is also safe for kids, pets, and the environment (Beyond Pesticides coalition), and SafeLawns.org for helpful tips & resources, plus dozens of lawn-care how-to videos (non-profit organization). See also Environmentally Friendly Landscaping, above. For general advice on lawn care, see
Improving a Lawn (Lawn Institute).
Home Energy & Water Conservation
See also:
CONSUMER INFO: Green Shopping, Fair Trade, Recycling, etc.
Burn Wise - Information to help you choose EPA-certified wood-burning appliances (wood stove, pellet stove, hydronic heaters, fireplaces, and related products), and use them efficiently and safely (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). See also Hearth, Patio, & Barbecue Products for printable (PDF) factsheets on selecting and using woodstoves, pellet stoves, fireplaces, and related products (Industry association: Hearth, Patio, & Barbecue Association), and Cleaning Stovepipes and Chimneys for tips on special care needed to assure the safe and efficient use of your wood-burning equipment (University of Missouri Extension).
Compact Flourescent Light Bulbs - Information and advice on using Compact Flourescent Light Bulbs (CFLs), including FAQs, troubleshooting tips, and a list of CFL 'killers', plus related
Choose a CFL Guide (City of Seattle). For information on recycling or safely disposing of CFLs, see LampRecycle.org and related links, above. For information on additional lighting options, including LED and energy-saving incandescent (halogen) bulbs, see Types of Lighting (click on blue headings in the Lighting Comparison Chart for more information on each type of light), Lighting Choices to Save You Money, and Energy Star Lighting (2012, U.S. Department of Energy).
Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings - Lots of good advice on saving energy in your home, including how to buy the most energy-efficient appliances, heating & cooling systems, lighting, and home electronics, plus a Home Energy Checklist for Action, FAQ, recycling & disposal information, and more. (ACEEE, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy). See also Waste Prevention, Reuse, and Recycling for month-by-month seasonal and holiday conservation tips. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Energy Savers Consumer Tips - Tips on saving money & energy in your home; for additional information, see
EnergySavers.gov (U.S. Department of Energy). The DOE also offers an online home energy audit to compute your home's energy use. The Alliance to Save Energy provides additional tips for saving energy both at home and on the road, and related
tax credits, as well as the
Living Efficiently website, which offers news, tips, stories, and information about useful, energy efficient products.
Energy Star Home Improvement Toolbox - Energy-saving solutions to common household problems including mold, mildew, dust, etc., plus remodeling advice and other tips and tools. (U.S. DOE/EPA)
Energy Terminology - Want to know what the difference is between 'U-Value' and 'R-Value', or find out about different types of insulation? This site defines dozens of terms and abbreviations related to heating & cooling, insulation, window efficiency, water heating, and lighting technology (U.S. Department of Energy). See also Simply Insulate Glossary.
Heat Pumps - Heat pumps can be a cost-effective alternative for heating and cooling your home. This site explains how to choose a heat pump to meet your needs. NOTE: Some details on financing and installation are specific to Tennesee (Tennessee Valley Authority). The U.S. Department of Energy offers additional information on Air Source Heat Pumps and Geothermal Heat Pumps. See also Geothermal Heat Pump FAQ (Michigan Geothermal Energy Association).
Lighting - See Compact Flourescent Light Bulbs and other lighting links, above.
PowerHouse Energy Efficient Living - How-to articles and videos to help homeowners save energy and money. Covers air quality, appliances, building & remodeling, heating & cooling, insulating & weatherizing, lighting, renewable energy, water heating & plumbing, and much more. (Alliant Energy)
Refrigerator Retirement Savings Calculator - 'If you have a refrigerator that was manufactured before 1993, it is probably time to say goodbye. Enter your information in the calculator to find out how much yours is costing you.' (EnergyStar.gov)
Renewable Energy - New Jersey Homeowner Incentives - This site lists rebates, tax credits, and other incentives offered by state agencies and utility companies to homeowners who invest in renewable energy technologies; links included. See also N.J. Clean Energy Program.
Residential Insulation - Information about home insulation, explaining the different types of insulation, as well as how, where & why you should insulate, and related resources. Also provides information on Rebates & Incentives available for purchasing and installing insulation. (Industry association: North American Insulation Manufacturers Association)
Tax Credits for Home Energy-Efficiency Improvement - Provides details on valuable federal income tax credits for consumers who make certain energy efficiency upgrades to their homes, such as installing efficient new windows, insulation, doors, roofs, and heating & cooling equipment. Also explains tax credits for Geothermal Heat Pumps, Solar Energy, and Fuel Cells. (Alliance to Save Energy)
Wastewater Advisor and Education - Information and practical advice for homeowners on why and how to protect our water supply, including groundwater and stormwater runoff, from pollutants such as litter, fertilizers, pesticides, motor oil, hazardous household products, and pet waste (Borough of South Plainfield). Clean Water NJ explains what homeowners can do to help keep trash, toxins & other pollutants from contaminating local streams, rivers, and other bodies of water; use the left-hand menu to choose a topic (N.J. Department of Environmental Protection).
WaterSmart - Brief advice on saving water, time, and money inside and outside your home (Cobb County - Marietta Water Authority). See also Conserve Water (Georgia Department of Natural Resources; some information is specific to Georgia). The EPA's
WaterSense Label makes it easy to choose quality, water-efficient products, such as low-flow shower heads and high-efficiency toilets, which can help you save water and protect the environment (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). H2ouse includes a
calculator to determine how much water you are using at your home (California Urban Water Conservation Council).
Weatherization Assistance - Information about the Weatherization Assistance Program, which enables low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. (U.S. Department of Energy)
Winter-Wise Tips - Tips for protecting your family's safety and keeping your home comfortable and safe during the winter. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Home Maintenance, Repair, & Improvement
See also:
Home Energy & Water Conservation
Running out of storage space? Our
Where to Donate Goods page provides information on local, regional, and national organizations that can make good use of your used goods! - including Appliances & Building Materials, Baby Items, Bicycles, Books, Cars,
Clothing, Furniture & Household Goods, Electronics, Eyeglasses & Hearing Aids, Food, Frequent Flyer Miles, Hotel & Credit Card Reward Points, Hair, Pet supplies, and Toys. The New Re-Use It Book is a printable guide to area locations where Middlesex County residents can donate their unwanted goods for reuse (Middlesex County Improvement Authority).
EBSCOHost Home Improvement Reference Center - In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, EBSCO Publishing has generously donated the Home Improvement Reference Center™ to libraries in the New Jersey Library Network to aid our residents affected by Hurricane Sandy. Home Improvement Reference Center™ is a resource which provides detailed, user-friendly, how-to information about home improvements and repairs. This valuable resource includes magazine articles and reference content, as well as videos and images designed to help homeowners tackle home repairs safely. It provides the latest step-by-step information along with background information and basic tips on topics including electrical, plumbing, woodworking, outdoor projects, maintenance and decorating. NOTE: Home Improvement Reference Center will be available only through June 30, 2013!
Ace Home Improvement Advice - Step-by-step home maintenance, repair and improvement how-tos from Ace Hardware.
Home Depot How-To Center
Lowe's Creative Ideas
also offer free online videos on home maintenance & improvement projects, interactive tools, and other how-to information. NOTE: Sites may be slow to load and navigate. (Commercial sites)
Appliance Repair: RepairClinic.com - Helpful information about appliance repair & maintenance. After you select an appliance, scroll down the page to see the repair information. (By a company that sells parts for household appliances and outdoor power equipment; commercial site)
Bedbugs - A resurgence in bedbug infestations has been featured in the news recently. This website provides information about identifying, treating, and preventing infestations of bedbugs (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). For information about a wide variety of insects, see Bug Review, above.
Calculate Materials - 'Whether you're cutting or painting, installing carpeting or flooring, or laying tile, use these calculators to check how much you'll need of the materials you'll be installing.' Also includes calculators for air conditioning, insulation, grass seed, and mulch. (This Old House; site includes advertisements)
Call Before You Dig - 'Building a deck? Planting a tree? Installing a mailbox? 811 is the new number you should call before you begin any digging project. A new, federally-mandated national 'Call Before You Dig' number, 811 was created to help protect you from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines while working on digging projects. People digging often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get their utility lines marked due to concerns about project delays, costs and previous calls about other projects. These assumptions can be life-threatening.' (Common Ground Alliance, a member-supported industry association)
Caring For Heritage Objects - Online guide to preserving your household valuables, including furniture, silver, musical instruments, documents & photographs, videotapes & sound recordings, works of art, and much more (Canadian Conservation Institute).
Save Your Treasures the Right Way offers basic guidelines for saving family heirlooms, photos, and other keepsakes that have been damaged in floods or storms, plus
additional advice on protecting valued items before & after disasters (Heritage Preservation and FEMA). The
Institute of Conservation (ICON) also offers advice on the care and conservation of heritage objects or buildings. [NOTE: ICON's 'Links to Conservation Register website' are broken; use PDF links in the righthand column of the ICON page.] The Antiques Road Show's Tips of the Trade page provides helpful guidance on collecting, pricing, and caring for all sorts of antiques and collectibles (PBS.org). Connecting to Collections links to many resources on caring for different types of collections, including audio-visual materials, books, ceramics & glass, digital materials, photographs, textiles, wood, and more (Heritage Preservation, American Association for State & Local History, and Institute of Museum and Library Services).
Dealing with Clutter - Practical advice on sorting, organizing, storing, and getting rid of stuff. Includes specific tips for handling your kitchen, clothes, kid's stuff, keepsakes, and all kinds of paper (legal/financial documents, magazines & newspapers, junk mail, etc.); from University of Illinois Extension Service. See also Clutter Busting Blog (by Brooks Palmer, author and professional 'clutter buster') and Rule Your Stuff (site includes advertisements). If you or someone you know has such a problem with clutter and disorganization as to disrupt or threaten health or safety, or lead to significant distress, the IOCDF Hoarding Center has information and resources that may be helpful (International OCD Foundation; non-profit organization).
Disaster Links - Links to advice on how to prepare for and cope with disasters such as floods, hurricanes, winter storms, blackouts, and other disasters. Covers food safety, water treatment, thawing frozen pipes, cleaning, and more, plus related information, above.
Family Handyman - Popular magazine on do-it-yourself home repair and remodeling (Reader's Digest Association, Inc.; site includes advertisements). See also Home Improvement Encyclopedia (Better Homes & Gardens; site includes advertisements).
Fire Safety - Free online publications explaining potential fire hazards in the home, and how to fix them (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission). Home Fire Prevention & Safety includes links to brief PDF fact sheets on a number of special fire-related topics, such as holiday fire safety, candle safety, cooking fires, smoke alarms, and escape planning (Red Cross). See also Home Fire Prevention and Preparedness [Link opens a PDF] (National Safety Council) and Fire Safety Topics (U.S. Fire Administration).
Green Remodeling - Extensive detail on the methods and specific challenges of green residential remodeling, including pre-project issues you should consider before beginning any job, general information about different types of remodeling jobs (kitchen, bath, etc.), as well as more detailed case studies of geographically-specific examples (American Society of Interior Designers and U.S. Green Building Council).
Hazardless Home Handbook [Link opens a PDF] - An A to Z guide to dozens of common hazardous household products, explaining their proper use, storage, and disposal, and suggesting safer alternatives. The related
Green Cleaners pages provide cleaning recipes and tips to help you create a safer home (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Metro Regional Government). See also Must-Haves for a Nontoxic Cleaning Kit &
Spring Clean your Kitchen
(Rodale's Organic Gardening; site includes advertisements), and Household Products Safety, below.
Hints from Heloise - Online tips from the queen of housekeeping advice. You'll find more do-it-yourself housekeeping recipes and tips on the Simple Home Remedies page (site includes advertisements).
Hiring a Contractor - Advice on finding a competent and reliable contractor for your home improvement project (Federal Trade Commission). See also N.J. Consumer Protection: Home Improvement Contractors [Link opens a PDF] (New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs), and FAQ about Remodeling Contractors; mouse over the Homeowners button at the top menu for additional advice and resources related to remodeling and choosing a contractor (Industry association: National Association of the Remodeling Industry).
Historic Preservation - Dozens of illustrated online how-to publications explaining various aspects of maintaining historic properties, and related resources (National Park Service). The National Trust for Historic Preservation website includes helpful Preservation FAQs (non-profit organization; site includes advertisements). See also This Old House, below. Preservation Directory has links to a wide range of resources for historic preservation in the United States and Canada, including preservation organizations & resources, museums & historic structures, historic real estate for sale, preservation business, products, & services, and much more (by Tim Cannan; site includes advertisements).
Home Improvement Fact Sheet for Consumers - See Hiring a Contractor, above.
Home Maintenance and Repair Database - 'Simple procedures for making home repairs and performing home maintenance are covered. Removing stains from carpets or upholstery and from other surfaces is included as is the cleaning for a wide variety of finishes found in the home.' Also provides useful safety information. (2008, Michigan State University)
HomeTime - Companion site for the PBS TV program offers how-to articles and videos on a variety of home remodeling and maintenance topics. (Site includes advertisements)
Household Products Safety - 'What's under your kitchen sink, in your garage, in your bathroom, and on the shelves in your laundry room? Learn more about what's in these products, about potential health effects, and about safety and handling.' Also provides first aid instructions for each product, in case of accidental ingestion/exposure. You can browse the site alphabetically or by category, or search by brand name, product, or manufacturer (National Institutes of Health/National Library of Medicine). The Environmental Working Group also provides information on hazardous household products; choose 'health/toxics' or 'chemical index' from the left-hand menu; site may be slow to load and navigate (non-profit organization). See also Hazardless Home Handbook, above.
Indoor Air Quality - An A-Z index to information on all aspects of indoor air quality, such as air cleaners, ozone generators, asbestos, duct cleaning, radon , mold, carbon monoxide, and more. For an overview of air quality concerns and remedies, see The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Machinery Safety: Hand/Power Tools - Information on how to safely use tools such as sanders, chain saws, table saws, lawn edgers & trimmers, and more (National Ag Safety Database). See also Construction/Power Tool Safety (U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration).
Mister Fix-It - Advice on home repair, home improvements and do-it-yourself projects by Tom Feiza, a Milwaukee radio-show host/newspaper columnist. Go to the 'Common Problems and Simple Solutions' on the right-hand menu to choose a topic.
Mold, Moisture, and Your Home - Online guide explains why mold grows in your home, potential hazards of mold, and how to get rid of it (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). See also Got Mold? (Washington State Department of Health) and Environmental Hazards: Mold (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Plumbing 101 - Do-it-yourself articles on plumbing home improvement and repair. (By Robert Maiolo, a California plumbing contractor)
Radon [Link opens a PDF] - Information about the health risk from exposure to radon in indoor air, and advice on testing your home to find out if you have a radon problem; links. (National Safety Council)
Security Alarm Systems - Explains different types of security systems and how to choose an alarm company, plus general advice on keeping your home secure. Part of an extensive collection of Home Safety Advice from State Farm Insurance. (Site includes advertisements)
Stain Solutions - Instructions for cleaning a wide variety of household stains. You can browse through the A-Z list or use the search box (University of Illinois Extension). Fabric Care Center offers stain removal guides, laundry tips, information about fabric labels & laundry products, and related resources (FabricLink; site includes advertisements).
This Old House: Homeowner How-To & Repair - A collection of instructional articles on repair, maintenance, and remodeling of old houses. Includes an online
video library (site includes advertisements). Another useful site is Old House Web's How-To Advice (site includes advertisements). See also Historic Preservation, above.
Tool Box - A useful list of basic tools to have on hand for common home maintenance and repair jobs, along with some tips on using tools and keeping them in good condition (Cole's Hardware, site includes advertisements). Another good site is the Handy Ma'am Tool Box (PBS). For more in-depth information on using a variety of tools, see DIY Home Improvement: Tools and This Old House: Tools & Products. (These sites include advertisements).
Homes - Buying, Selling & Renting
See also:
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Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
BankRate.com - Information/comparisons on interest rates for mortgages, auto loans, CDs, credit cards, and more. Also offers articles on money management and related topics. (Site includes advertisements)
Building, Buying & Owning a Home - Information for current and future homeowners, including buying or building a home, financing, maintenance, and remodeling. (Industry assocation: National Association of Home Builders)
Buying a Home - Step-by-step guide to the home-buying process (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). See also The Road to Home Ownership (Consumer Credit Counseling Service of San Francisco).
Co-op Housing - Click on 'Resources' from the left-hand menu to see information about starting, buying, or living in a housing cooperative (co-op). (National Association of Housing Cooperatives)
Disability Mortgage and Home Guide - Information for prospective home buyers with disabilities. Explains the process of buying a home and available financial assistance programs. (MortgageLoan.com; site includes advertisements)
Foreclosure: Saving Your Home - 'Foreclosure is the legal process that your mortgage lender uses to take your home when you fall behind on your mortgage payments.' This page provides advice, for those faced with foreclosure, on how to save your home or at least limit the financial damage caused by foreclosure; available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese (2011, Consumer Action). For more advice, see Avoiding Foreclosure (U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development); Foreclosure in New Jersey (2010, Legal Services of New Jersey); Loan Modification Scam Alert (2010, NeighborWorks America, a non-profit organization created by Congress); When Paying the Mortgage is a Struggle (2009, Federal Trade Commission); Foreclosure Prevention Resource Center (Mortgage Bankers Association); Early Deliquency Intervention: Saving Your Home from Foreclosure & Life After Foreclosure (Consumer Credit Counseling Service of San Francisco); and Foreclosure Resources and Information (American Bar Association). Fannie Mae's Know Your Options includes advice for renters living in Fannie Mae-owned foreclosed properties and other foreclosure resources (Fannie Mae, Inc.: Federal National Mortgage Association [FNMA]).
Government Housing Loans - Quick access to information about housing assistance, rehab loans, property improvement loans, and other home-related financing available from the federal government. See also Government Housing Benefits (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development et al.)
Government Property Auctions & Sales - Find out about government-owned single and multi-family homes for sale, as well as land sales, personal property, businesses, and other assets. Also provides advice on how to buy from the federal government. (GovSales.gov)
Home Equity Loans [Link opens a PDF] - Advice on how to shop for home equity plans, and advantages and disadvantages of home equity lines of credit. (2012, Federal Reserve Board)
Home Flipping Scams [Link opens a PDF] - Alerts you to a type of scam where a 'flipper' buys a house cheap and then sells it to an unsuspecting buyer at a price far beyond its value. NOTE: Some of the resources included are specific to Maryland. (2009, Maryland Attorney General)
Homelessness Resources - Information and help in Middlesex County for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, including social services, landlord-tenant resolution, and a list of emergency shelters with phone numbers. (Coming Home of Middlesex County, Inc., a non-profit corporation contracted with Middlesex County)
Homepath - Searchable list of Fannie Mae-owned properties for sale. (Fannie Mae, Inc.: Federal National Mortgage Association [FNMA])
Housing Information - Information 'designed to help you make intelligent and cost-effective home-buying decisions by providing fact-based and unbiased information and tips.' NOTE: Much of the information included is general, but some is specific to California. (Consumer Action; non-profit organization)
Housing Rights: New Jersey Law Against Discrimination - Explains your rights under state and federal law (N.J. Division on Civil Rights). See also U.S. Fair Housing Laws (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) and Landlord-Tenant Law (New Jersey), below.
HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) - Home buying and selling guides, as well as information on fair lending, grants, home improvement loans, rental assistance and other housing topics. Use menu on the left.
Landlord-Tenant Law (New Jersey) - Information and advice for renters on leases, discrimination, foreclosure, evictions, security deposits, condominium & co-op conversions, and more (Legal Services of New Jersey). See also New Jersey Landlord-Tenant Information Service (N.J. Department of Community Affairs) and Renter's Guide to Privacy (2013, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse).
Making Home Affordable - 'The Home Affordable Refinance Program gives up to 4 to 5 million homeowners with loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac an opportunity to refinance into more affordable monthly payments.' The website includes self-assessment tools and calculators to help you determine whether you might be eligible for a modification or a refinance under the program. (U.S. Departments of Treasury and HUD)
Mortgage Market Survey - Weekly update on average nationwide interest rates, fees & points (Freddie Mac). The 2012 Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) [Link opens a PDF] explains how ARMs work and how to shop for one. Before you shop for any mortgage, read mortgage advice & resources (Federal Reserve Board). Don't be a Victim of Loan Fraud offers more tips to avoid dishonest or predatory lenders (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development).
Mortgages: Home Loan Learning Center - Financial literacy advice and tools for potential home buyers. 'Learn about credit reports and scores; the true cost of owning a home; and how to compare the costs of owning versus renting a home... includes information on how to qualify for a loan, what the documents mean, what's in the mortgage payment and mortgage calculators to help consumers plan their payments. (Industry association: Mortgage Bankers Association)
N.J. Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency - New Jersey Home Ownership Programs offer residential mortgage financing primarily to low, moderate and middle income first-time home buyers and urban home buyers. Includes info on affordable rental housing opportunities, as well as Live Where You Work (LWYW), a mortgage incentive program that provides low-interest mortgage loans to homebuyers purchasing homes in towns where they are employed. See also Legal Resources for New Jersey Homeowners & Homebuyers (Legal Services of New Jersey).
N.J. Real Estate Complaints / Inquiries - Visit this site to request information or file a complaint against real estate brokers, salespersons, or real estate schools/instructors. (New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance)
New York Times Real Estate Pages - Listings of homes for sale or rent in the New York metropolitan area, with related tools and articles. (Site includes advertisements)
Realtor.com - Large database of homes for sale throughout the U.S., plus realtor information. Site may be slow to load and navigate. (Site includes advertisements)
Rent or Buy? - Freddie Mac's online calculator provides a comparison of costs for renting versus buying a home, along with other useful tools for prospective homeowners (Freddie Mac, Inc.: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation [FHLMC]).
Timeshares and Vacation Plans - Advice for people considering buying or selling a timeshare or vacation plan (2012, Federal Trade Commission). See also Understanding Vacation Ownership [Link opens a PDF] (Industry association: American Resort Development Association).
Wall Street Journal: Real Estate - Articles and resources on buying and selling real estate. Formerly Real Estate Journal. (Site includes advertisements)
Yahoo Real Estate - Another large database of homes for sale; also lists rentals. Go to Yahoo Home Values to see what homes in a particular neighborhood have sold for recently. (Site includes advertisements)