CAUTION! Before signing up or paying for any education program, please verify that the school or program is properly accredited. A complete list of recognized accrediting agencies may be found on the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION website.
CAUTION! Before submitting any personal or financial data online, first verify that the company or organization is reputable, and the internet connection secure. The library cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information transmitted via library computers.
South Plainfield Public Schools - Official home page for the South Plainfield Board of Education and all the South Plainfield public schools. Includes a
Parents section (forms, notices, policies, enrollment, and related information),
Community Events & Resources, and
Livestream videos on Vimeo. PLEASE NOTE: the South Plainfield Adult School has been closed. See also the Facebook page for the
South Plainfield Education Foundation UPDATED LINK!, whose ongoing mission is 'generating funds for scholastic and civic incentive programs, as well as provide scholarships for South Plainfield students.'
Adult & Continuing Education
See our
Adult & Continuing Education Webfinder & posts on WordPress.
See also
Sites for Seniors: EDUCATION
College & University Information
Peterson's Test and Career Prep [SP Library card required]: Search thousands of college and graduate school entries, identify scholarships, take practice tests, and use test prep eBooks; includes practice tests and study tips for all kinds of standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, PSAT, CLEP, GED, NCLEX, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, civil service, postal, law enforcement, and ASVAB; you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode and PIN to get started. (Thomson Corporation)
Alternatives to College NEW! - 'Attending college directly after high school is just one path you can take - it's not the only option.' This article explores a variety of 'opportunities for you to find your passion while earning a paycheck,' such as apprenticeships, internships, trade school, and the military; includes links to more information (ACT Education Corp). See also Options After High School NEW! (Career One Stop, U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration), Career Readiness Resources: NEW! (National PTA), Alternatives to College: What to Know NEW! (2024, U.S. News & World Report), After high school: Different ways to thrive NEW! (; non-profit organization to help people with learning differences reach their potential), and Choosing a Vocational School, below.
BasicNeeds.NJ.Gov NEW! - Regularly updated info on services available to provide for college students' basic needs, including food, health, housing, legal aid, parenting, transportation, financial aid, technology, and taxes (State of New Jersey). See our Community & Social Services page for additional resources.
Choosing a Vocational School - Some general consumer advice on choosing a vocational, trade or career school (2021, Federal Trade Commission). The College Navigator includes search options for 2-year or less certificate and associate degree programs (National Center for Education Statistics) See also Alternatives to College, above, U.S. Colleges & Universities links, below, and Job Training links.
College Admissions: NACAC's Guide for Families in the College Admission Process flyer (2022) - Outlines the early stages of college preparation, with an overview of financial aid and the first steps families should consider, as well as additional Prep for College resources (2017 - 2024) UPDATED LINK! (National Association for College Admission Counseling). Your Path to College NEW! offers helpful checklists of basic college prep steps to take from middle school through 12th grade. Also includes checklists for community college and military-connected students (; non-profit organization ). See also Financial Aid & Scholarship Info, below.
College Board's Big Future College Search - Enter information about what you want in a college, majors you're interested in, financial needs, test scores and other information, and you'll get a list of schools that match your needs and preferences; includes search options for Historically Black Colleges & Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Tribal Colleges & Universities (College Board). See also College Navigator, which also includes search options for religious affiliation and historically black, tribal, or single-sex schools (National Center for Education Statistics), College Scorecard (U.S. Department of Education), and Peterson's Test and Career Prep [SP Library card required]. See also Choosing a Vocational School and U.S. Colleges & Universities links.
College Source® Online [This site charges a fee to view catalogs, but offers a free trial period; registration required] - Virtual library of more than 150,000 college catalogs, institution profiles, transcript keys, and other resources.
Common Application Online [Registration required] - This site simplifies the application process by offering an online form accepted as the application for admission at more than 1000 colleges and universities, including schools outside the U.S.; you can submit the same form to as many of these institutions as you choose.
College Degree Scams - Consumer alert on organizations, such as 'diploma mills,' that sell fake college degrees (2021, Federal Trade Commission)
International Study - See Study Abroad: IIE Passport, below.
Military Colleges - See Military Colleges & Schools, below.
Privacy in Education: A Parent's Guide to FERPA UPDATED LINK! - This guide is intended to explain the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the rights it provides for parents regarding their children's school records, or for adults regarding their own records. Covers K-12 as well as college-level records. (2021, U.S. Department of Education)
Study Abroad: IIE Passport - Choose Country, Field of Study, Instructional Language and other criteria from the search boxes to locate study opportunities in countries around the world (Institute of International Education; non-profit organization, site includes advertisements). See also CIEE: The Council on International Educational Exchange, an international education organization that creates and administers programs allowing high school and university students and educators to study and teach abroad; also includes information for U.S. families interested in hosting a foreign exchange student. Students Abroad provides lots of helpful info & advice on travelling to and living in a foreign country (2024, U.S. Department of State). The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, provides merit-based scholarships for participation in summer and academic year immersion programs in locations where the NSLI-Y languages (Arabic, Mandarin, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Tajiki, Russian, and Turkish) are spoken. NSLI-Y immerses participants in the cultural life of the host country, giving them formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures.
U.S. Colleges & Universities - Searchable directory of accredited colleges, universities, career & technical schools, and community colleges in the U.S. Includes accreditation status, addresses, phone numbers, and links to college websites; search by name or browse by state (U.S. Department of Education). See also Community College Finder (American Association of Community Colleges), N.J. College & University Directories (State of New Jersey), Choosing a Vocational School, College Board's Big Future College Search, and Military Colleges & Schools (Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States; site includes advertisements).
Before visiting any of the ranking sites listed below, we recommend you read CAUTION & CONTROVERSY, which examines the validity of rankings (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; updated annually). See also Lord of the Rankings AUDIO & Project Dillard AUDIO (2021, author Malcolm Gladwell; Revisionist History podcast).
Academic Ranking of World Universities - An annual ranking of the top universities in Europe, the Americas, and the Asia/Pacific region. Institutions are ranked by indicators such as faculty and alumni winning prestigious prizes or publishing in prestigious journals, as well as per capita academic performance (ShanghaiRanking Consultancy; site includes advertisements). See more at International Rankings (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; updated annually)
America's Best Colleges (US News & World Report) - This annual rating of U.S. colleges & universities also offers college data, information about scholarships, loans, & grants, and related articles. (Site includes advertisements)
College and University Rankings Links - A directory of numerous college ranking lists, covering both undergraduate and graduate programs, plus law schools and business schools, as well as schools outside the U.S. Use the menu to choose which type of school rankings you're looking for. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; updated annually)
College Results - Not really a ranking guide, this site allows you to learn about universities' records of graduating diverse groups of students, and compare the graduation rates of similar institutions. Data is drawn from the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics. (The Education Trust; non-profit organization)
Washington Monthly College Guide - Annually rates colleges based on their contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility, research, and providing opportunities for public service. New ratings are published in August. (Washington Monthly magazine)
*****CAUTION! Before applying for financial aid or scholarships, please see:*****
Avoiding Student Aid Scams. See also
Student Loans: Avoiding Deceptive Offers, below.
*****CAUTION! Beware of student loan 'debt relief' companies!*****
You don't have to pay for help with your student loans!
See Student Loan Repayment,
Public Service Loan Forgiveness, and
Repaying Student Loans for additional information.
*****CAUTION! Use of financial aid services may require filling out a detailed personal & financial questionnaire.*****
Before submitting any personal or financial data online, first verify that the company or organization is reputable, and the
internet connection secure.
The library cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information transmitted via library computers.
NOTE: Some additional information on financial aid and scholarships may also be found at many of the websites listed in the General section, above.)
Peterson's Test and Career Prep [SP library card required] - Search thousands of college and graduate school entries, identify scholarships, take practice tests, and use test prep eBooks; includes practice tests and study tips for all kinds of standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, PSAT, CLEP, GED, NCLEX, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, civil service, postal, law enforcement, and ASVAB; you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode and PIN to get started. (Thomson Corporation)
4 Ways to Minimize College Debt NEW! - 'A college education isn't cheap, and covering that cost often requires students to take out loans... But what if you could graduate without a massive amount of debt bearing down on you? While making it happen will require some extra legwork, it is possible to cover college through options other than federal loans - or at the very least, to minimize the amount of debt you take on.' This article offers suggests ways you can attend college without taking on a huge amount of debt (2024, The Week; part of Future plc, an international media group and digital publisher.) See also 10 Steps to Minimize Student Loan Debt NEW! (U.S. News & World Report).
CareerOneStop Scholarship Search - Search more than 7,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and other financial aid opportunities, by category or keyword. (U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration)
College Goal Sunday - See Middlesex County FAFSA Workshop, below.
College Savings Plans Network - See Saving for College, below.
CSS / Financial Aid Profile - With CSS you can fill out one form to apply online for non-federal financial aid from hundreds of colleges and scholarship programs. The CSS Profile is free for eligible students; others must pay an application fee plus additional fees for each college UPDATED LINK!. (The College Board)
Middlesex County FAFSA Help - Need help filling out your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)? Representatives are available to assist Middlesex College students with completing the FAFSA, with one-on-one appointments and free FAFSA workshops. To learn more about FAFSA or download an application, see
Student Aid on the Web, below.
N.J. Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA) - Information, advice, and related resources for students and parents on choosing a college, applying to college, paying for college, and more. Includes specific information on loans, grants, and scholarships available in New Jersey. Use the menu on the left to navigate. (State of New Jersey)
Paying for College INTERACTIVE - Whether you're attending college soon, are a current student, or already have student loans, this site offers useful interactive tools and resources to help you understand your options, compare offers, and make the best decisions for financing your college education. Also includes additional information about Student Loans (CFPB, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). See also Saving for College, below.
Saving for College: College Savings Plans Network - Information on federal-tax-exempt college savings or 529 Plans (National Association of State Treasurers).
Student Aid on the Web - Provides information on obtaining Federal Student Aid (FSA) including grants, loans, and work-study funds. You can fill out the Online FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), or download a PDF FAFSA (linked under FAFSA® Filing Options) to print and fill out manually; click here to view federal and state Financial Aid application deadlines. For helpful advice, see Federal Student Aid blog posts. (U.S. Department of Education)
Student Loans: How To Avoid Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams - Consumer alert explaining how to avoid scholarship and financial aid scams. There's also a related page, How Student Loans Work and How To Avoid Scams, and more articles on Student Loan and Education Scams (2021 - 2024, Federal Trade Commission). See also Student Loans Q & A (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), CAUTION!, above.
Peterson's Test and Career Prep [SP library card required] - Practice tests and study tips for all kinds of standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, PSAT, CLEP, GED, NCLEX, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, civil service, postal, law enforcement, and ASVAB; you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode and PIN to get started.
ACT Test NEW! - Information and registration for the ACT college entrance exam. (ACT Education Corp.)
College Board - Register for the SAT® online and practice online with actual SAT® test questions; includes info on PSAT/NMSQT®, AP®, and CLEP®. You can also use the site to identify and search for suitable colleges, apply to college online, explore career options, and learn about college costs, scholarships, and financial aid. The site has separate sections for students, parents, and higher education professionals. Includes AP Central, with information, teaching tips and other resources for all 34 AP (Advanced Placement) courses.
ETS - The Educational Testing Service Network - Information on standardized tests such as the GRE®, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, Praxis® and others, including online registration, test-taker guidelines, and practice tests.
Mometrix Test Prep Academy VIDEO - Practice tests and video tutorials for a wide variety of educational and career exams such as the HiSET, GED, SAT, ACT, LSAT, GMAT, ASVAB, PRAXIS, and many more, plus a series of Test Anxiety Tips. (Videos hosted on YouTube)
Varsity Tutor Practice Tests [Registration required] - Free online diagnostic tests, practice tests, flashcards and related learning tools for a wide range of tests, including ACT, AP, ASVAB, CLEP, GED, GMAT, HSPT, LSAT, MCAT, PSAT, SAT, and others. (By Varsity Tutors LLC, a tutoring services company)
GED Test Preparation
Watch out for High School Diploma Scams! Before you enroll in a high school diploma program, make sure you know how to spot a diploma scam. (2023, Federal Trade Commission)
Peterson's Test and Career Prep [SP library card required] - Practice tests and study tips for the GED and many other standardized tests, plus test-taking tips and strategies; you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode and PIN to get started. (Thomson Corporation)
Adult Education & Literacy Training in New Jersey - Adult education and literacy programs that can help New Jersey residents improve their basic skills to become better equipped for future employment. Available classes include Adult Basic Education, Citizenship, English as a Second Language (ESL), and High School Equivalency Test preparation; these services are provided free of charge to New Jersey residents. NOTE: To find out about these programs, you must complete an online services request form, linked under the 'For more information' heading (New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development). See also
GCF Learn Free, below.
To learn more about the GED (high school graduate equivalency) exam, see the
New Jersey Department of Education GED Information Page and the official
GED website, below.
American Council on Education GED Page [Registration required for full access] - The official website for the GED, or General Educational Development test (also known as Graduate Equivalency Diploma) provides general descriptions of the test, scheduling options, pricing, and other information. (American Council on Education & Pearson Education, Inc.; a for-profit business)
- Offers free online tutorials teaching GCF LearnFreeBasic Math, Reading / English, and Workplace Skills, plus selected links to GED & GED Alternative Prep Resources (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc.).
New Jersey Department of Education: Pathways to a High School Diploma - Describes and links to the three high school equivalency tests approved by the United States Department of Education and the NJ State Board of Education, the
GED. PLEASE NOTE: New Jersey no longer offers the TASC and HiSET equivalency assessments (FAQ #1).
Gifted & Talented Children
See also:
Learning Disabilities Webfinder
Gifted Teens - A brief outline of several ways parents can help a teen who is gifted, both at home and at school. For gradeschoolers, see Academically Gifted Children. (2009, American Academy of Pediatrics)
National Association for Gifted Children - TIP Sheets for parents & caregivers of gifted children, on subjects such as Advocacy, Creativity, Giftedness, Social Emotional Development, and more (non-profit organization). See also New Jersey Association for Gifted Children.
Learning Disabilities
See our Learning Disabilities Webfinder on WordPress.
School Directories & Information (K-12)
South Plainfield Public Schools - Official home page for the South Plainfield Board of Education and all the South Plainfield public schools. Includes a
Parents section (forms, notices, policies, enrollment, and related information),
Community Events & Resources, and
Livestream videos on Vimeo. PLEASE NOTE: the South Plainfield Adult School has been closed. See also the Facebook page for the
South Plainfield Education Foundation UPDATED LINK!, whose ongoing mission is 'generating funds for scholastic and civic incentive programs, as well as provide scholarships for South Plainfield students.'
America's Best High Schools - Annual rankings from US News & World Report (Standard & Poor's / US News & World Report; site includes advertisements). See also Great Schools: New Jersey, below.
Boarding Schools - A searchable directory of Accredited College-Prep Boarding Schools throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, plus information about different types of boarding schools, choosing a school, how to apply, and more. You can also search or browse schools UPDATED LINK! by alphabet, girls schools, boys schools, coed schools, location, size, grades offered, military schools, and subject focus, as well as summer programs (Association of Boarding Schools, non-profit membership organization). See also Private / Independent Schools, below.
Center for Public Education - Research & analysis on key issues in public education, pre-K - 12. For educators, school boards, policymakers, and the public. (National School Boards Association; non-profit organization)
Great Schools: New Jersey - Online guide offering ratings of pre-K through 12 schools based on how well students do on standardized tests compared to other students in the same state. Includes advice for parents about parenting, school life, academics, emotional smarts, character, learning issues, testing, and more. You can also use the site to research schools in other states (non-profit organization; site includes advertisements). See also NJ School Performance Reports Database, below, and America's Best High Schools, above.
High School Abroad - See National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), above.
Military Colleges & Schools - Directory of accredited schools with military programs approved by the Department of Defense, with links to the schools if available. Covers colleges, junior colleges, and elementary / secondary schools.
New Jersey Blue-Ribbon Schools - 'The federally funded National Blue Ribbon Schools Program celebrates school excellence, turnaround stories, and closing student achievement gap.' This page also lists National ESEA Distinguished Schools. You can find more award-winning New Jersey schools and educators on the
Recognition Program page. (New Jersey Dept. of Education)
New Jersey School Performance Reports - Summary reports provide overviews of individual schools in the state, with information on teachers' average years of experience, student/teacher ratio, students' performance in math & English, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, college enrollment, and recent improvements & successes. Full performance report offers more detailed information about students, staff, facilities, academic achievement, and more. See also
Great Schools: New Jersey, above.
New Jersey Statewide Testing - See - See New Jersey Student Learning Standards and related links, below.
Private / Independent Schools - A searchable directory of private / independent schools. You can search by school name, location, school type, religious denomination, sports programs, and other special programs. The site's Parents' Guide offers helpful information about choosing, applying to, and paying for independent schools (National Association of Independent Schools, a non-profit membership organization). See also Boarding Schools, above.
School Locator - Search this site to find schools in a specified geographic area. Provides statistical data such as enrollment and student-teacher ratio. Covers private and public schools, as well as colleges and libraries. (National Center for Education Statistics)
Teachers, Parents & Homeschoolers - Resources
See also:
Homework Links including
Learning Disabilities Webfinder
Standardized Tests
ONLINE EDUCATION RESOURCES on WordPress - More online learning resources and related information for individuals & families; selected by South Plainfield Public Library.
Brainfuse HelpNow - On demand, anytime, anywhere eLearning for all ages and levels! Brainfuse HelpNow offers live online tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies, PSAT/SAT, ACT, AP and state standardized tests. Other features include Personalized eLearning Tools, 24-Hour Writing Lab for constructive feedback, expert guidance on homework questions, Adult Learning Center, and Foreign Language Lab/Spanish-Speaking Support. Apps for Android or Apple mobile devices are available from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Enter your full 14-digit library card barcode number to access the site, then click on the Login button to sign up for your personal account.
FACTS ON FILE - A collection of user-friendly educational resources for students and teachers, including Science Online, World Geography & Culture Online, American History, African-American History, American Indian History, Ancient & Medieval History, Modern World History, Bloom's Literature, Health Reference Center, World Almanac for Kids, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, and Curriculum Resource Center. (Infobase Learning)
EBSCO Explora - EBSCO's new easy-to-use interface for students, teachers, and public library users! Explora offers rich, reliable content (including articles, essays, videos, and primary source documents), simple & effective searching, easy-to-browse categories arranged by popular subjects, topic overviews that provide a starting point for research, colorful, mobile-friendly design, and more!
The Mailbox® Plus Teacher Resources NEW! - Thousands of PreK - Grade 6 learning resources for teachers, homeschoolers, parents & tutors, covering Language Arts / Literacy, Social Studies, Arts & Crafts, Science, Math, and more. Includes fun and engaging ideas, activities, worksheets & printables that help inspire imaginations while teaching essential skills. New content added every month - with skills and topics for every theme and season. (From Facts on File / Infobase)
FACTS ON FILE: CURRICULUM RESOURCE CENTER - Printable handouts, images, and other resources on a variety of subjects, including history, geography, and science, for the elementary, middle school, high school, and junior college curriculum. If you're logging on from home or school, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to start.
Teacher Reference Center - Indexing and abstracts for 280 education-related periodicals. Topics include: Assessment, Best Practices, Continuing Ed, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Elementary Education, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science & Math, and Teacher Education.
4-H: Inspire Kids to Do™ - Articles to help you teach kids about kindness, health & wellness, cooking, STEM, and more. (2018 - 2020, National 4-H Council).
Absences Add Up - See Attendance Works, below.
Accessible Educational Materials for K-12 Educators & Families - Accessible educational materials (AEM) include both materials and technologies that are designed or enhanced to make them usable across the widest range of learner variability regardless of format (e.g., print, digital, graphic, audio, or video). See our Learning Disabilities Webfinder for related resources.
Adolescent Literacy VIDEO - Information and resources for parents and educators of students (grades 4-12) having difficulty with reading and writing. Includes articles, Q&A, classroom strategies, newsletters, themed booklists & book discussion materials, author interviews, video presentations and more (WETA-TV). See also English Language and Parent Involvement links, below.
Annenberg Media: VIDEO - Instructional multimedia and teacher professional development resources covering a wide range of subjects for grades K-12, college, and adult learners. You can browse resources by broad topic or search by keyword, subject and grade. (The Annenberg Foundation)
Arts Education: Kennedy Center Digital Learning Resources (formerly ArtsEdge) AUDIO VIDEO - Lessons, articles, performance guides, how-tos and more, on a wide range of arts-related topics; for educators, families, and students (John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts). The Walters Art Museum's Classroom Connect [Free registration required] has a collection of new multimedia resources designed with K-8 curricula in mind, as well as At Home Art Projects and related resources for families & homeschoolers. Virtual K-12 Teacher Resources NEW! includes Family Art Activity lesson plans (linked under the heading Activities for Teachers & Families) that can be used by teachers or parents, and feature suggestions for careful looking, guided conversation, and further work inspired by select works of art (Duke University). See more art learning resources on our Homework Links: ARTS page.
Attendance Works - Information and resources to help advance student success and close equity gaps by reducing chronic absence from school. For parents, educators, and community organizations. See also Parent Involvement links, below.
Back-to-School Transitions: Tips for Parents [Link opens a PDF] - Suggestions for getting a new school year off to a good start (2018, National Association of School Psychologists). See also Back-to-School Anxiety: 6 Ways to Fight the Fear NEW! (C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan), Back to School Health & Safety Tips (grade school), School Tips: Ages 5-12, School Tips: Ages 12 - 18 (American Academy of Pediatrics), Back-to-School Advice & Resources (PBS Parents), Back to School Safety Tips for Drivers, Students and Parents (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), Back To School: Update Your Child's Health Information (American College of Emergency Physicians), and a printable BACKPACK EMERGENCY CARD (for alternate version click here [Link opens a PDF]) UPDATED LINKS! (U.S. Centers for Disease Control). Back to School Shopping Tips NEW! [Link opens a PDF] offers brief advice for saving money on needed school supplies and related expenses (2024, New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs); see also BasicNeeds.NJ.Gov NEW!. Back-to-School Devices and Policies offers advice on choosing & using tech for school (2023, ConnectSafely; non-profit organization); see also Common Sense Media: Education, below. For kids' online safety, see our Kids & Tech links. aims to empowers districts, schools, and parents to improve school safety and security (U.S. Department of Homeland Security et al.). For resources on preparing pre-schoolers for kindergarten, see also Pre-Schooler links, below. See also Parent Involvement links, below.
C-Span Classroom VIDEO [Free registration is required to access some materials] - Video and other resources on current events, government, economics, politics and history, suitable for classroom use. The Civics Renewal Network NEW! offers thousands of of high-quality, no-cost civics learning materials, searchable by subject, grade, resource type, standards, and teaching strategy (a consortium of non-partisan, non-profit organizations). American Bar Association's Teacher's Portal has lesson plans and other resources to help teacher's educate their students about the law. See also Homework Links: CURRENT EVENTS, Homework Links: GOVERNMENT & POLITICS, and Homework Links: SOCIAL STUDIES pages.
Character Education - Free articles, lesson plans, and other resources to help teachers promote ethical values in their students. Includes character-building activities, discussions, and other resources, with a special section on character in sports (Live Wire Media, an educational media producer/distributor). See also Learning for Justice and related links, and Service Learning.
Civics - See C-Span Classroom, above, and Homework Links: SOCIAL STUDIES.
Classroom Bookshelf - Reviews the most recent works of children's & young adult literature, and provides a variety of ideas and resources to help you incorporate these texts into K-12 teaching. NOTE: No new content has been added since 2022. (Erika Thulin Dawes, School Library Journal)
Common Sense Media: Education [Free registration required for full access] - Free curriculum materials designed to help teachers, parents, and students in grades K-12 use the Internet safely and effectively while taking full advantage of the rich content available online. Covers digital citizenship, best apps & websites, and professional development. (Common Sense Media; non-profit organization)
Computer Science & Engineering for K-12 - A collection of handouts, worksheets and other documents to help teach Computer Science and Engineering concepts. These materials primarily target middle-school students (6th - 8th grade), but most can be used without modification for younger or older students (2016, Gary Kacmarcik, a computer engineer at Google Chrome). Fiero Code learn-to-code software NEW! [SP library card required] offers a comprehensive curriculum in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more; for ages 8 to adult. The 2024 - 25 Computer Science Principles (CSP) curriculum UPDATED! is 'a full-year, rigorous, entry-level course that introduces high school students to the foundations of modern computing' (from See more resources on our Homework Links: COMPUTERS page. See also Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning, and Common Sense Media: Education, above. For kids' online safety, see our Kids & Tech links.
Core Knowledge® - Curricular tutorials, instructional tips and other resources for a core curriculum aimed at helping elementary and middle school students establish strong foundations of knowledge, grade by grade. Includes information for Implementation and Homeschool FAQs (By E. D. Hirsch, Jr., professor emeritus of education and humanities at the University of Virginia; commercial site). For official Curriculum Standards, see - See New Jersey Student Learning Standards and related links, below.
Digital and Media Literacy - See Media Smarts and related links, below.
Digital Media Arts - A two-year curriculum designed for high school career academies or career-themed programs in media and digital design. The D/M/A curriculum meets national academic and technical standards and integrates learning in visual arts, other academic subjects, and career technical education.
Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning - An annual selection of free, user-friendly websites and apps that 'foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration' (American Library Association). The Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide offers information to help you monitor your child's progress as your child accesses and uses technology for learning (2021, U.S. Department of Education).
Discrimination in Education - The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces several federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. This website provides information on laws and policies, and includes Frequently Asked Questions on different kinds of discrimination, including discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Diversity Resources - See our Homework Links: DIVERSITY/MULTICULTURAL RESOURCES page.
EDSITEment - 'The Best of the Humanities on the Web.' An outstanding collection of lesson plans covering Art & Culture, History & Social Studies, and Literature & Language Arts, with links to online resources from some of the world's great museums, libraries, cultural institutions, and universities. Browsable by category/subcategory and grade level; you can also search by keyword or phrase. (National Endowment for the Humanities et al.)
English Language: Read Write Think - Thousands of standards-based resources for teachers and students, grades K - 12 (National Council of Teachers of English). See also Adolescent Literacy, above.
Environmental Studies: Nature Lab VIDEO - Resources to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong. Includes interactive lesson plans which align to standards and can be customized for each classroom (The Nature Conservancy; non-profit organization). The City Nature Challenge Education Toolkit offers tips for student outdoor learning & exploration, and integrating outdoor activities into your curriculum; for ages 5 and up (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and California Academy of Sciences). See also Garden-Based Learning, below, Kids & Nature links, and Homework Links: ECOLOGY & WILDLIFE.
ERIC®: Education Resources Information Center - Enormous searchable directory of journal articles and other materials on teaching & education. Links to full text are included where available (limited availability). (U.S. Department of Education). See also EBSCOHost Professional Resources for Educators & Librarians.
Ethnic Heritage Resources - See our Homework Links: DIVERSITY/MULTICULTURAL RESOURCES page. VIDEO - Resources designed to help viewers recognize flawed arguments in general, and political ads in particular. The related site Annenberg Classroom VIDEO INTERACTIVE offers free resources for teaching the Constitution, including videos, games, lesson plans, timelines, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution guide (Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania). See also Fake News links. See more resources on our Homework Links: CURRENT EVENTS and Homework Links: GOVERNMENT & POLITICS pages.
Garden-Based Learning - Learning activities which provide children with opportunities for mastery, belonging, power, and generosity, while teaching them about science, nature, and economics. Most are designed for grades 2-8, but are easily adaptable (Cornell University). See also Learning Through Gardening: Teacher Toolbox (New Jersey Agricultural Society), School Garden Resources (Life Lab, a non-profit organization), KinderGarden & School Gardens [Archived pages] (Texas Agricultural Extension Service), KidsGardening, My First Garden UPDATED LINK! [Archived page] & Learn and Grow with Youth Garden Projects NEW! (University of Illinois Extension), Land to Learn Garden Education Videos VIDEO (hosted on YouTube), Let's Grow Stuff VIDEO (PBS), Science of Gardening, Environmental Studies links, above, and Green Schools, below.
Geography: Helping Your Child Learn Geography [Archived page] - General guidance for parents of grade school students on introducing kids to basic geography concepts, with many suggested games & activities you can do at home, in your neighborhood, and while traveling - great for home-schoolers. For pre-schoolers (ages 2-5), see Early Childhood: Where Learning Begins - Geography UPDATED LINK! [Archived page] [Link opens a PDF] (1996, 1999; U.S. Department of Education). See more geography resources on our Homework Links: STATES & COUNTRIES page.
Geology - See Geology: USGS Primary Education Resources and related links.
Government - See C-Span Classroom, above.
Green Schools Initiative - 'Green schools have good indoor air quality, use natural light, save energy, serve healthy food, create green schoolyards, and teach stewardship.' This site offers information and advice for greening the schools in your community (David Brower Center, a non-profit environmental organization). U.S. PIRG's Green Schools Guide offers parents, teachers, staff, and students ways that they can make their schools more eco-friendly (non-profit organization). See also Green Strides Resources (U.S. Department of Education, Center for Green Schools, U.S. Green Building Council), Garden-Based Learning links, above, and Healthy Schools, Healthy Students, below.
Healthy Schools, Healthy Students - Resources designed to help parents support children's health & learning, with practical strategies and actions to improve the school health environment (U.S. Centers for Disease Control). See also Green Schools, above.
Heritage Resources - See our Homework Links: DIVERSITY/MULTICULTURAL RESOURCES page.
HippoCampus - 'A free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content - videos, animations, and simulations - on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and college professors, and their students, free of charge.' (The NROC Project)
History: Teaching with Historic Places - A unique collection of lesson plans and other resources for using historic sites to teach students about history. Ideal for homeschoolers who can travel to the sites, but includes lots of resources useful for the classroom too (National Park Service). See many additional history resources on our Homework Links: HISTORY pages.
Home Schooling / Non-Traditional Schooling in New Jersey - Legal info & FAQ about homeschooling in New Jersey, with additional information on Alternative Education and Home Instruction (New Jersey Department of Education).
Homeschooling Children with Learning Disabilities provides resources on homeschooling for children with special needs (WETA-TV, PBS station; site includes advertisements); see our Learning Disabilities Webfinder for additional resources. The
Home School Legal Defense Association has information on current legal and political issues related to homeschooling; includes updates on state legislation (non-profit organization; site includes advertisements).
Homeschool Kids: A Parent Guide offers subject primers, grade-by-grade guides, book lists, printables, tips, and other resources for homeschooling success (Scholastic Inc.; site includes advertisements).
Homework Help - See PTA Parents: Family Guides and related links, and our HOMEWORK LINKS.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Free Teaching Resources - Well-organized collection of learning resources for Reading & Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and History. Includes fun classroom activities, lessons, downloadables, and videos for K-12 students; arranged by grade level and subject. Explore our lesson plan ideas across disciplines to help maximize learning and encourage student growth at grade level, whether your classroom is online, in person, or a combination of both.
Interactives: Eduweb® Adventures INTERACTIVE [Archived page] - A collection of imaginative, interactive K-12 learning experiences created for museums, zoos, and other institutions; great for homeschoolers. Browse by subject or grade level; some games may no longer be available, or may not be free. (1996 - 2018; Eduweb, a developer of digital learning games and activities.)
International Education - A selection of online resources for teaching and learning about other cultures, places, and languages. See also Discover Asia resources UPDATED LINK! (Asia Society), and our Homework Links: DIVERSITY / MULTICULTURAL RESOURCES page.
The Kid Should See This VIDEO - A growing library of smart, short, and super-cool videos that can be watched in the classroom or at home, on a wide range of topics in science, technology, nature, food, arts, DIY, and more. (Curated by educational video producer Rion Nakaya)
Law - See C-Span Classroom, above.
Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) - Free classroom resources aimed at 'dismantling white supremacy, strengthening intersectional movements and advancing the human rights of all people.' Mostly for teachers (Southern Poverty Law Center; non-profit organization). See also Teaching for Change (non-profit organization), Character Education, Homework Links: DIVERSITY/MULTICULTURAL RESOURCES, International Education, and Media Smarts.
Library of Congress YouTube page VIDEO - Online videos, organized into playlists, covering a wide range of topics, including books, science, history, arts & culture, and more. Library of Congress Webcasts cover decades of public events featuring authors, world leaders, entertainers, scholars and sports legends. The Library of Congress also has a Teachers' page with classroom materials, lesson plans, and other education resources.
Math Education: Yummy Math - Free activities that make it easy to bring real life into math classrooms. New activities are posted frequently, on themes (under 'Genres') such as holidays, food, sports, movies & entertainment, art, and science. For grades 3 - 12 (2010 - 2021; by Brian Marks, an instructional math coach, and Leslie Lewis, a semi-retired mathematics teacher). Bedtime Math offers resources to help families introduce math as a fun part of their daily routine, whether at bedtime, bathtime, or snacktime (non-profit organization). Mr. Elementary Math has a wealth of ideas for making math learning effective and fun; you can also subscribe to emails of math tips, ideas & resources (by Greg Coleman, teacher & math coach.). Expect the Unexpected With Math NEW! features digital math activities, videos, printables, and more; for students in grades 6-8 (Actuarial Foundation). Statistics in Schools has K-12 worksheets & activities to show students how they can apply math & statistics to make real-life decisions and identify important changes in their community and country. Use (U.S. Census Bureau). For many additional math learning resources, see our Homework Links: SCIENCE & MATH page.
Media Smarts: Media Awareness Resources [Some materials are outdated] - Resources for teaching and learning about media issues (media violence, media stereotyping, online hate, and information privacy); grades K-12. Teachers' section includes a lesson library which is searchable by grade and subject. Curriculum standards are for Canada, but most materials should be generally useful to teachers, homeschoolers, and parents in the U.S. as well (2000 - 2022, Media Smarts; Canadian non-profit organization). Digital Citizenship Curriculum [Free registration required] has interactive lessons and activities for all students, with lesson plans to address timely topics and prepare students to take ownership of their digital lives; browse lessons by grade (K-12) and topic (part of Common Sense Media: Education; non-profit organization). Newseum Media Literacy Resources [Free registration required] include activities, lessons, and case studies on fighting fake news and developing students' media literacy skills (non-profit organization); see also Fact Checking & Fake News links. See more resources on our Homework Links: COMPUTERS page.
Montessori Homeschooling - Q & A for those interested in using the Montessori principles in homeschooling, with links to additional resources. (International Montessori Index)
Music: What the Kids are Listening To [Free registration required] - A collection of lessons featuring contemporary pop music as an entry point into a wide variety of topics (TeachRock, The Rock and Roll Forever Foundation). Carnegie Hall Education VIDEO offers a wealth of free online resources for educators, young musicians, and families, featuring both classical music and music from around the world.
New Jersey Common Core State Standards - See New Jersey Student Learning Standards, below.
New Jersey Student Learning Standards - The current standards in New Jersey for preschool and K-12 teaching & learning. Formerly New Jersey Common Core State Standards. The
New Jersey State Assessments page includes information on updated high school graduation requirements and other assessments (2022).
New Jersey Homeschooling - See Home Schooling in New Jersey, above.
New Jersey State Museum - A great destination for homeschoolers who want to get off the Web and out into the world, this general museum located in Trenton collects, exhibits and interprets natural history, archaeology/ethnology, cultural history, and fine art. Facility includes an auditorium and high-definition planetarium. Another excellent educational destination in New Jersey is the
Newark Museum, featuring art and science exhibits, planetarium, auditorium, and other kid-friendly facilities and programs. See our
Staycation Guide for many other historical and cultural attractions in the area.
New Jersey Statewide Testing - See - See New Jersey Student Learning Standards and related links, above.
New Jersey Teacher Certification - How to apply for teacher certification in New Jersey. See also
NJ Educators Portal. U.S. military veterans and spouses who are interested in pursuing a career in public education should see the
Troops to Teachers page.
New Teachers - Helpful advice for teachers first starting out in the classroom. See also Resources Toolkit for New Teachers (2015 - 2023; Edutopia, The George Lucas Educational Foundation).
News & current events - See New York Times Learning Network and related links on our Homework Links: Current Events, Issues & Controversies page.
Parent Involvement - See links under PTA Parents, Pre-Schoolers: Helping Your Pre-school Child Prepare for School, Back to School, Adolescent Literacy, and Attendance Works.
PBS LearningMedia AUDIO VIDEO INTERACTIVE - Tens of thousands of classroom-ready digital resources including videos, games, audio clips, photos, lesson plans, and more. Free for educators; registration may be required for full access (PBS & WGBH Educational Foundation). See also PBS Nova Teachers' Resources and WNET Education, formerly ThirteenEd Online (Educational Broadcasting Corporation).
Physical Education Energizers - A collection of printable booklets (PDF) offering short classroom-based games & exercises that integrate physical activity with academic concepts; grades K-5 & middle school (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction). Train Like an Astronaut [Archived page] has a variety of physical and hands-on activities which challenge students to set physical fitness and research goals, practice physical fitness activities, and research proper nutrition (2018, NASA).
Pre-Schoolers: Activities to Encourage Your Preschooler NEW! - Activities designed to help you prepare your preschooler (4- and 5-year-olds) to learn and develop (Reading Rockets, U.S. Department of Education). To help you decide whether your child is ready to start kindergarten, see Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten? (2023, University of Minnesota Extension), and 6 Expectations for Kindergarten That Parents Should Know (2023, Scholastic Inc., site includes advertisements). See also How to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten (2023, Scholastic Inc., site includes advertisements), and Parent Involvement links, above.
Primary Source Sets - Sets of letters, photographs, posters, oral histories, video clips, sheet music, and more, are presented to help students develop critical thinking skills by exploring topics in history, literature, and culture. Each set includes a topic overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. Online materials are drawn from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States (Digital Public Library of America). See also Teaching with Documents and related links, below.
PTA Parents: Family Guides & Parents' Guide to Student Success - A collection of guides that can help you help your child achieve success in school (National PTA; site includes advertisements). Be a Learning Hero offers expert advice & resources to help your child succeed in school and life (National PTA, Scholastic, Common Sense Media, GreatSchools et al). How To Help Your Child With Homework provides tips for parents on helping kids and teens with homework (Child Development Institute; part of Parenting Today, LLC). See also Parent Involvement links, above, and HOMEWORK LINKS.
Science: OpenSciEd [Free registration required for full access] - 'Materials, support, and power to get kids excited and curious about the world around them, and confident in their ability to figure it out...' (non-profit organization). See also Science for Students with Disabilities. For additional science learning resources, see Science Learning links on our Homework Links: SCIENCE & MATH page.
Service Learning Primer - A guide to the whys and hows of doing a community service project. Aimed at teachers, but material will also be useful to students planning a service project. Includes dozens of examples of projects for elementary through high school (Live Wire Media, an educational media producer / distributor). See also Getting Started in Service-Learning (2021, National Youth Leadership Council), Youth Service Knowledge Center NEW! [Free registration required] (Youth Service America; non-profit organization), and Character Education, above.
Social Justice - See Learning for Justice, above.
Statistics - See Math Education links, above.
Teach With Movies - Free guides that show how to use movies to introduce students aged 3 - 15 to 'major events of history; principles of science; extraordinary men and women who have shaped our world; works of music, dance, drama, literature and the visual arts; and ethical, social, and cultural issues facing children as they mature.' Organized by topic, with additional helpful indexes under SEARCH MOVIES in the menu bar (site includes advertisements). Journeys in Film [Email address required to download materials; films are not free for viewing] offers curriculum guides and related resources about international films that are meaningful, mind-expanding, age-appropriate and provocative (non-profit organization).
Teaching Tolerance - See Learning for Justice, above.
Teaching with Documents - 'Reproducible copies of primary documents from the holdings of the National Archives of the United States, teaching activities correlated to the National History Standards and National Standards for Civics and Government, and cross-curricular connections.' Related materials are available on the Teachers' Resources page and DocsTeach website. See also Primary Source Sets, above, Homework Links: GOVERNMENT & POLITICS and Homework Links: HISTORY pages.
What Works Clearinghouse UPDATED LINK! VIDEO - 'A website dedicated to assisting teachers in the implementation of effective educational practices,' plus related links. Includes reports, resources, and tools such as Practice Guides for literacy, STEM, social emotional learning & behavior, high school completion, college readiness & completion, and more; covering pre-school through post-secondary. You can search publications here for Intervention Reports, Practice Guides, and Reviews of Individual Studies. (U.S. Department of Education)
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute Curriculum Units - Dozens of detailed lesson plans on a wide variety of themes; for elementary, middle, and high school grades. Share My Lesson [Free registration required] is a large resource bank for high quality lessons aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Resources include activities, worksheets, games, lesson plans, puzzles, posters, presentations, and assessments; you can browse materials by grade and subject. (American Federation of Teachers and TES Global). More free lesson plans and related resources are available from the Library of Congress and NEA's Student Engagement resources (National Education Association).
Zoom School (Enchanted Learning) - 'An on-line elementary school classroom with lessons in geography, biology, language arts, and early childhood activities. (Commercial / user-supported; site includes advertisements)