Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE : 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
General Diversity Resources
See also:
Belief Net - For those wishing to explore different spiritual paths, Belief Net is a multi-faith site offering resources, tools, and information on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and many other religions, as well as non-denominational spirituality. (Site includes advertisements)
In Motion - An online multicultural magazine dealing with arts, politics, education, health, regional interest, and more. (Site includes advertisements)
Mavin Foundation - Links, articles, and other resources focused on 'mixed heritage people, transracial adoptees, interracial relationships and multiracial families'.
Multicultural Education and Ethnic Groups - Selected Internet sources for multicultural information, arranged by subject/type of material; includes links for cookery, holidays, folklore, myth & literature, music, and religion, as well as sites for specific ethnic groups. Not updated frequently, expect some broken links (2009, California State University). See also Multicultural Education Internet Resource Guide (2011, Northern Arizona University).
Places Reflecting America's Diverse Cultures - Explores historic places and stories of America's diverse cultural heritage, with essays, maps, links, and itineraries of sites in our National Park System where visitors can learn about the contributions of African Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Europeans, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders who have played a role in American history.
Religion in American Culture - 'Based on interviews with more than 35,000 American adults, this extensive survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life details the religious makeup, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political attitudes of the American public.' Also features articles on religion and politics, covering various political issues and political candidates. (Non-profit non-partisan organization)
Religion Link - Developed by and for journalists, but this website should be of interest to anyone interested in knowing more about religious issues behind today's headlines. Each weekly update contains background information and links to web resources on news stories of current interest.
Religious Podcasts - Directory of links to podcasts on a wide variety of religions as well as atheism / agnosticism. Sound quality varies; may not work in older browsers. (Site includes advertisements)
See also :
HISTORY : African-American Experience
Africa Web Links - An extensive, annotated directory of online African studies resources, including business, culture, health, education, and other subjects; covers both Africa and African-Americans. Updated 2011-2012. (Dr. Ali B. Ali-Dinar, University of Pennsylvania)
Afro - This website for The Afro-American Newpapers of Washington and Baltimore also offers national news, entertainment, sports, book & movie reviews, history, and more. (Site includes advertisements)
Basic Black - Stories, interviews, and commentaries provide 'a fresh examination of the black experience - the reexamination of racial ideologies, the search for new black leadership, the embrace of a global citizenship, and the continuing search for solutions to pressing concerns.' (WGBH Public Television, Boston)
Black Culture and History Guide to the Web - An extensive directory of websites dealing with all aspects of black history & culture. Most pages have not been updated since 2007. (Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History Library, University of North Carolina).
Black Voices - African-American news & opinion, plus articles on lifestyle, money, pop culture, hair & beauty, parenting. (Now part of Huffington Post; site includes advertisements)
See also:
HISTORY - Immigrant Experience
Asia Society - Information on Asian policy & politics, arts & culture, business & economics, education & learning, countries & history, and style & living. Use the menu bar across the top to choose a topic (non-profit organization). See also In Asia, 'a weekly in-depth, in-country resource blog for readers who want to stay abreast of significant events shaping Asia' (Asia Foundation; non-profit organization).
Asian Nation - 'Your one-stop information source on the historical, political, social, economic, and cultural elements and issues that make up today's diverse Asian American community. You can almost think of Asian-Nation as an online version of 'Asian Americans 101'.' (By C.N. Le, a professor of Sociology / Asian-American Studies)
Japan Reference - An extensive web directory covering 'almost every aspect of Japan'. (Site includes advertisements)
NewsLink India - Links to Indian newspapers online. Newslink also offers links to other Asian Newspapers. (Site includes advertisements)
Samachar - Extensive Indian web directory. (Site includes advertisements)
Vea también : PÁGINAS en ESPANÕL
See also:
HISTORY - Immigrant Experience
HISTORY - Latin America
Es Mas - News in Spanish, including sports, entertainment, health, personal finance, and more. (Noticias en Español, incluyendo deportes, entretenimiento, salud, niños, finanzas personales y mucho mas.) (Site includes advertisements)
Hispanic Vista - Commentary and analysis on issues of interest to the Latino population. (Sal Osio, Sr., editor)
Other Ethnic / Religious Groups
See also:
HISTORY - Immigrant Experience
American Catholic - Information on the Catholic faith (Franciscan Communications; site includes advertisements). Another site featuring news & opinion about Catholics and Catholicism is Catholic Online (site includes advertisements). - Educational resources on the Jewish faith, with articles and resources on spirituality, holidays, family, dating, travel, and more (site includes advertisements). My Jewish Learning has more on Judaism in daily life, history and culture (site includes advertisements). Maven - The Jewish Portal is a comprehensive subject directory for online Jewish resources, covering business, art, travel, holocaust, health, and much more (site includes advertisements). The Jewish Webcasting Guide offers links by subject to a wide variety of online audio and video programs.
Arab Gateway - A site designed to explain the Arabs and their culture to non-Arabs. (By a British journalist; site includes advertisements)
Atheism : Investigating Atheism - Places current debates on atheism in their historical context, and offers a range of perspectives (from all sides) on the chief issues. (University of Cambridge, UK)
Blue Letter Bible - An online Bible searchable by keyword or phrase. An alternate site is Bible Gateway (site includes advertisements).
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - A large library of classic Christian literature and reference works including Bibles and Commentaries, Creeds, Catechisms, Liturgies, Fiction, History, Hymns and more. You can search by keyword or browse topics, authors, or titles. (Calvin College; site includes advertisements)
Crosswalk - A web directory for the online Christian community. (Site includes advertisements)
Hinduism 101 - A brief overview of the basic principles of Hinduism, plus Q & A, demographics, and a recommended reading list. (Hindu American Foundation)
Irish-American Resources - Selected links on Ireland & Irish /Irish-American culture, including genealogy, travel, arts, media, fun facts, toasts & proverbs, and more. (Irish American Cultural Institute)
al-Islam - Explores 'the history, law, practice, and society of the Islamic religion and the Muslim peoples, with particular emphasis on Twelver Shia Islamic school of thought' (Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project; donor-supported site). For a brief explanation of the basics of Islam, see Islam FAQ (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
Italian American Foundation - Links to a variety of resources on Italian-American heritage, culture, language, and more. Also offers educational and youth programs including scholarships, grants, heritage travel, and mentoring (non-profit organization; site includes advertisements). See also Italian American Heritage Resources (Italian American Heritage Foundation, San Jose, CA).
Mavin Foundation - Links, articles, and other resources for people of bi-racial and multi-racial ancestry.
Native American Nations - Many links to tribal homepages, arranged alphabetically by tribe name. Scroll to the bottom for links to other websites with Native American information. Not updated frequently (By Lisa Mitten, a Native American librarian). The U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs also maintains a Tribal Directory (only for federally-recognized tribes), as does the National Congress of American Indians. See also Homework Links : INDIAN TRIBES / NATIVE PEOPLES.
Religion Online - Thousands of articles on Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education; written primarily from a Christian perspective. (Claremont School of Theology)
People with Disabilities
See our Resources for People with Disabilities Webfinder.
Men & Women
See also:
HISTORY - Women's History - 'Resources and information dedicated to women's equality, justice, wellness and safety.' Includes news, feature stories, interviews, and more. (Non-profit organization)
Gay & Lesbian Resources - A directory of organizations & publications arranged by subject, covering academic/professional resources, archives & libraries, bookstores, business, history & culture, education, health, politics, and more. Last updated in 2009 (University of Washington). For more recent resources, see LGBTQ Studies (2013, University of Wisconsin).
Men's Bibliography - An extensive list of books and articles on men, masculinities, gender, and sexualities. Updated infrequently. Part of XYOnline, a website focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics; updated frequently. (By Michael Flood, a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Wollongong, Australia, et al.)
Men's Web - Articles dealing with men's issues such as anger, grief, depression, fathering, relationships, spirituality and more. Not updated frequently, expect some broken links. (Site includes advertisements)
Violence Against Women : Victim Hotlines - If you, or someone you know, are a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or dating violence, help is available from these toll-free telephone hotlines. Includes links to related resources (U.S. Department of Justice). Women's Law provides easy-to-understand legal information and resources to women living with or escaping domestic violence or sexual assault. Inclused state-specific legal information for domestic violence and information on getting help in your community, as well as direct email assistance (non-profit organization). See also 911 for Women and related links. For information on sex discrimination in the workplace, see Sex-Based Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).
Women's Studies / Women's Issues Resource Sites - A selective, annotated listing of over 500 web sites arranged by subject; also includes an alphabetical listing (University of Maryland). See also Women's Studies Resources (University of Wisconsin).
See our SITES for SENIORS page.
Veterans, Military Service Members & Their Families
See our Resources for Veterans, Military Service Members & Their Families page.