Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
General Consumer Resources - This
U.S. government website provides basic, easy-to-understand information that can help you manage & use your money wisely, use credit & loans carefully, protect your personal information, and protect your money from people who try to take it (Federal Trade Commission). For additional consumer information from the federal government, see
Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Information.
Advertising - See Deceptive Advertising, below.
Attorneys General - Links and other contact information for offices of Attorneys General in every U.S. state (including New Jersey), the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. State Attorneys General serve a variety of functions, including 'acting as public advocates in areas such as child support enforcement, consumer protections, antitrust and utility regulation.' (National Association of Attorneys General)
Bank Accounts & Services - Banking basics Q & A, plus key terms, common issues, your rights, and how-to guides. You can also file a complaint from this page (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). See also Online and mobile banking, below. The FDIC offers a variety of bank- and finance-related consumer information (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation); see also FDIC Consumer News and FDIC Consumer Protection Topics. To learn why individuals and small businesses may want to bank with a community bank, or to find a local community bank, see Bank Locally (Independent Community Bankers of America). To learn about credit unions and how they differ from banks, or to locate a credit union near you, see My Credit Union (which also includes basic financial education resources) or Credit Unions vs. Banks: What's the Difference?. For additional advice on bank accounts & services, consumer credit, mortgages, and more, see (U.S. Department of the Treasury), and Financial Q & A and related links, below.
Better Business Bureau (BBB) - Before dealing with an unfamiliar company, you may want to search this site to find out whether the BBB has a report on them. The site also offers informative and timely BBB Consumer News, Scam Alerts, an online complaint form, and more. See also Fraud Schemes, below.
Complaints - See Complaints, below.
Consumer Action - Publications on dozens of consumer topics, available in English and other languages. Also offers a monthly Scam Gram email newsletter 'alerting you to the dirtiest players in the world of tech fraud, credit card scams, ID theft and general con-artistry' (non-profit financial education & advocacy organization). U.S. PIRG's Tips & Guides include advice on dealing with privacy, credit & credit cards, medical bills, airlines, scams, and other consumer topics (2024, U.S. PIRG Education Fund; non-profit consumer education organization)
Consumer Reports - See Consumer Reports Online, below.
Credit Reports - Federal law gives you the right to obtain free copies of your credit reports every year. This 2022 FTC page explains how, why, and when to order copies of your free annual credit reports. You also have the right to free Credit Freezes and Fraud Alerts (2021, Federal Trade Commission). For more on managing credit cards, credit scoring, loans, and other consumer debt, visit the FTC pages on Credit, Loans, and Debt. See also Avoiding and Reporting Gift Card Scams; includes contact info for major gift card companies (2023, Federal Trade Commission). To understand the pros and cons of different ways to pay for goods & services - cash, check, credit card, or debit card - see Privacy When You Pay: Credit, Debit, Cash and More (2019, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse). See also Specialty Reports below.
Customer Service: How to Talk to a Human when Calling a Business - Some suggestions that might help you cut through the automated messages and get a response from an actual person more quickly (2023, WikiHow). See also Best Customer Service Companies and Deleting Online Accounts, below.
Debt: How to Get Out of Debt NEW! - Explains steps you can take to get out of debt, and and how to find legitimate help; there are related resources on the FTC's Credit and Debt page (2022 - 2023, Federal Trade Commission). See also Debt collection & your rights NEW! (CFPB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), and our Personal Finance 101 Webfinder.
Deceptive Advertising: Consumer Basics - An introduction to common deceptive marketing tactics, including bait & switch advertising, celebrity endorsements, recyclable claims, Made in the USA claims, deceptive packaging, 'causewashing,' extended service contracts, and many others (TINA, Truth in Advertising; a non-profit consumer advocacy organization). See also Fraud Schemes, and Online Reviews, below.
Deepfakes: How to spot a deepfake NEW! - 'Deceptive pictures, videos and audio are proliferating as a result of the rise and misuse of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools... These fakes can be used to carry out scams & identity theft or propaganda & election manipulation.' This article explains steps you can take to avoid being duped by deepfakes (2024, Associated Press). See also Fraud Schemes, below, and our Fake News links.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Consumer Help Center - Visit this website to file a complaint about a telecom service provider, or to get consumer information about TV, phone, internet, radio, access for people with disabilities, and emergency communications. See also FCC Consumer Guides.
Federal Citizen Information Center - See, below.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC): Consumer Information - Online consumer guides and multimedia library VIDEO INTERACTIVE offering useful advice on a variety of topics, including automobiles, credit, investment, privacy, health, jobs, and others. You can also file an online complaint and sign up for e-mail updates. If you don't see the topic you're looking for, enter a topic in the search box, or go to Shopping and Donating to browse more topics.
Financial Q & A: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) - Answers to common questions about credit cards, mortgages, loans (including student loans), debt collection, and more, plus information about credit discrimination, foreclosure help, and an online complaint form. Includes resources in multiple languages. See also Bank Accounts & Services and related links.
FlyersRights - Explains your rights as an airline passenger, and where to complain when something goes wrong. Covers purchasing tickets, canceling reservations, flight & tarmac delays, delayed or cancelled flights, lost luggage and more (non-profit airline passenger organization).
Food & Food Safety - See our Dieting, Nutrition, & Food Safety links.
Fraud Schemes - Describes some of the most common scams that the FBI investigates and what you can do to avoid them; a related page, Be Crime Smart, gives additional advice to help you protect your kids and avoid becoming a victim of crime or fraud, online or off, as well as information on how to report crimes and frauds (2016 - 2023, Federal Bureau of Investigation). The FTC's (Federal Trade Commission) Pass It On also offers brief tips on avoiding many different types of common scams, as well as Consumer Education in Multiple Languages NEW! (Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, French, Hmong, Korean, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese). See also Consumer Reports Scam Protection Guide (2023, Consumer Reports), Scams and Fraud (2024,, and Avoiding and Reporting Scams (Federal Trade Commission). For related info, see Caller ID Spoofing, robocalls & spam text links, Consumer Action's Scam Gram, Deceptive Advertising, Deepfakes, Investment Fraud links, Online Marketplace Tips for Buyers, Privacy, Identity Theft, & Junk Mail, and COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Protecting Yourself & Your Family. The Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office offers a printable Fraud Prevention brochure [Link opens a PDF] with brief basic tips for protecting yourself from frauds & scams (2016). Credit Card Shimming & Skimming NEW! explains two techniques used by identity thieves to steal credit card data from ATM, gas pump, or other credit card reader, and suggests steps you can take to prevent it from happening to you (2024, Experian; a major credit reporting agency). Avoiding Scams on Craigslist UPDATED LINK! includes tips to avoid scams, examples of common Craigslist scams, and a few actual scam emails sent to Craigslist users. If you have a dispute about an online or related transaction with a company LOCATED OUTSIDE THE U.S., you can file a complaint at
Free Trials, Auto-Renewals, and Negative Option Subscriptions - Learn the ins and outs of subscriptions and free trials to save yourself money, time, and aggravation. Includes advice on how to stop a subscription you're enrolled in, and how to report problems. (2021, Federal Trade Commission).
Housing Law - Explains your rights and responsibilities under state and federal law, covering topics such as Housing Discrimination, Landlord-Tenant, Public Housing and more (Legal Services of New Jersey). See also
Fair Housing - Rights & Responsibilities (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development),
New Jersey Law Against Discrimination: Housing Rights (N.J. Division on Civil Rights),
Community & Social Services: Housing, and
Tenant Screening Reports, below.
Insurance Basics VIDEO - Advice from an insurance industry association on choosing and using different kinds of insurance, including auto, home, and life insurance, plus articles & videos on related financial planning topics such as annuities, disability income, long-term care, and more (Insurance Information Institute; insurance industry association). See also Liability Insurance (2021, Consumer Action). How to get your CLUE insurance report explains how the insurance industry collects information about insurance claims you've made on your home and auto policies, how these 'CLUE' reports may affect your rates & coverage, and how to get a copy of your CLUE report (2023, USA Today).
Investment Fraud: HoweyTrade VIDEO - Shows investors how to spot and avoid fraudulent investment promotions; see also Types of Investment Fraud (U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission), and our Investment 101 webfinder.
Middlesex County Consumer Affairs Department - Have a complaint against a business in Middlesex County? You can download a printed form or perform a Business Complaint History Search here. You can also perform a Business Complaint History Search.
New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs - Provides an online complaint form, and consumer information on topics such as NJ's Lemon Law, home contractors, identity theft, and cyber fraud. If you can't find the information you need, check the
A to Z Consumer Briefs section.
New Jersey Legal Information: LSNJ Law - Information for non-lawyers on a variety of legal issues and problems such as family law, landlord-tenant law, employment, immigration, and many others. (Legal Services of NJ). For more on your legal rights, see the South Plainfield Public Library's
Government and Law: State & Local Government links.
N.J. Professional Licensing Boards - Information about professional licensing in New Jersey. Search the
License Verification to find out the current status of the professional license (active, inactive, suspended, or expired) for practitioners of dozens of professions and occupations in the state of NJ, including lawyers, dentists, accountants, acupuncturists, social workers, veterinarians, barbers, funeral directors, locksmiths, and many more. See also
New Jersey Professional and Occupational Boards and Committees (New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs).
Use the
NJ Attorney Search to find attorneys who have been admitted to practice in New Jersey (New Jersey Courts). See also
N.J. Health Care Profile and related links to search for medical doctors (including osteopathic physicians), podiatrists and optometrists. The South Plainfield Public Library's
Doctors, Hospitals & Health Plans links offer more health-related consumer resources.
Public Citizen - Research and advocacy on consumer issues such as health & safety, energy, financial reform, trade issues, and government reform.
Records & documents, how long to keep - See Recordkeeping links.
Retirement Planning - Tips for savings and benefits that may be able to help you through retirement (2023, See our Sites for Seniors: Retirement links for additional information.
Social Media Influencers - See Online Reviews and related links.
Unclaimed Money (bank accounts, security deposits, stocks, dividends, wages, insurance, etc.) - See Unclaimed Property Search. Complaints - Information on how to file complaints involving government agencies, products & services, travel, housing, and banking. For free U.S. government brochures & pamphlets about cars, computers, education, employment, family, food, health, housing, money, small business, travel, and more, see (formerly You can read the publications online or order printed copies (there is a charge for some printed documents).
Buying Online
See also:
Fraud Schemes & related links
Junk Mail, Privacy, & Identity Theft
Product Review Sites
Shopping, Coupons, and Price Comparisons
BUSINESS RESOURCES: Computers, Technology, & E-Business
COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Protecting Yourself & Your Family
PARENTING & FAMILY: Media & Entertainment
Online Privacy and Security (formerly OnGuard Online VIDEO - Practical tips to help you understand online privacy, protect your devices from hackers and threats, and avoid common online scams (Federal Trade Commission). The date of each article is provided at the bottom of the page, so you know how up-to-date the information is.
For many additional resources on internet fraud, online privacy, computer viruses, cell phone/portable device safety, and other electronic security threats, please visit
COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Protect Yourself & Your Family
Deleting Online Accounts NEW! - Advice on how to close online accounts you no longer use, and what to do if you are unable to close an account (2023, HowToGeek; part of LifeSavvy Media)
Digital Payments - See Safest Payment Methods & related links.
Electronic Banking - See Online and mobile banking and related links.
Mobile Banking & Payments - See Online and mobile banking and related links.
Online and mobile banking: What Is Online Banking? - Explains how online banking works and what kinds of transactions you can use it for; there's a related article outlining the Pros and Cons of Online Banking (2022, 2021, The Balance; part of See also What is a wire transfer? & What is an ACH transaction? NEW! (2022, 2024; Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), Safest Payment Methods (and the Ones You Should Avoid) NEW! (2023, Lifehacker; part of Ziff Davis digital media and internet company), Digital Payment App Scams NEW! (2024,, part of Red Ventures), Mobile Wallet Services Protection (2020, FCC), Using Peer-to-Peer Payments More Safely (2019, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse), and Bank Accounts & Services & related links, above.
Online Marketplace Tips for Buyers - General advice for consumers on buying goods through online marketplaces selling new and used goods, with tips on avoiding scams (2022, Federal Trade Commission).
Online Reviews: Why You Should Not Trust Online Reviews - Alerts you to the ways different kinds of fakes and frauds can make online reviews and recommendations untrustworthy (2018, Forbes). Social Media Influencers explains who/what/where social media influencers & content creators are, how they're changing the marketplace, and some potentially fraudulent practices you should watch out for (2023, Better Business Bureau). See also Are Consumer Reviews Trustworthy and Reliable? (2023,, How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon (2021, Lifehacker), How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon (2021, PC Magazine), and How To Report Suspicious Online Reviews (2022, Federal Trade Commission). See also Deceptive Advertising, above.
Shopping Tips - Advice that can help you save money and avoid fraud when shopping for a variety of goods & services, renting or leasing, dealing with subscriptions or free trials, extended warranties, and more (2021 - 2022, Federal Trade Commission). See also Online Shopping (2022, Federal Trade Commission), and Avoid Scams While Shopping Online for Bargains (2022, FDIC).
Privacy, Identity Theft, & Junk Mail
See also:
Buying Online
Fraud Schemes & related links
To find out more about internet fraud, online privacy, computer viruses,
cell phone/portable device safety, and other electronic security threats, please visit
COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Protect Yourself & Your Family - The federal government's one-stop resource for victims of identity theft. The site provides streamlined checklists and sample letters to guide you through the recovery process (Federal Trade Commission). See also
Protect Your Child From Identity Theft (2021, Federal Trade Commission) &
Keeping kids safe from identity thieves VIDEO (2023, Consumer Action),
Credit Freezes and Fraud Alerts,
Social Security Numbers: Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number,
Identity Theft Resource Center (non-profit organization; website funded by U.S. Department of Justice), and
Data Breaches. For tax-related identity theft, see Identity Theft Central and our
Tax resources page.
Behavioral Advertising Opt-Out - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Cookies & Online Tracking links.
Customer Loyalty Cards: Pros and Cons of Supermarket Loyalty Programs [Archived page] - Explains how grocery stores (and others) track your buying habits and how they use the data they collect - whether you use a 'loyalty card' or not (2019, LiveAbout; part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family). See also Coupon Codes, below.
Data Brokers - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Data Brokers and 'People Search' Sites.
Data Security Breaches - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Data Breaches.
Electronic Privacy - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Privacy.
Junk Mail: Stopping Unsolicited Mail - Advice on some steps you can take to cut down on unsolicited mailings (2022, Federal Trade Commission). You can register online with the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service (includes Email Opt Out Service) and the consumer credit reporting industry's website to get off a variety of junk mail lists. These sites also offer some tips and answers about junk mail (industry associations). Catalog Choice is a free service that will send merchants your catalog opt-out request; registration required (non-profit organization, managed by The Story of Stuff Project). Go to Yellow Pages Opt-Out to customize or stop delivery of printed phone books; registration required. See also National Do Not Call Registry and related links, below, for advice on dealing with unwanted phone calls, emails, & text messages.
National Do Not Call Registry [NOTE: The FTC does NOT investigate individual complaints against do-not-call offenders. Click here for details] - Tired of telemarketers interrupting your dinner? If you put your number on the national 'do not call' list, it will be illegal for most telemarketers to call you (2021, Federal Trade Commission). Caller ID Spoofing explains how telemarketers and scammers are increasingly disguising their real identities and phone numbers - often to trick you into giving away valuable personal information - and what you can do to protect yourself from this fraud (2022, Federal Communications Commission). If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a Robocall; this article offers tips on dealing with them (2023, Federal Trade Commission). See also Robocall Scam Examples AUDIO VIDEO (2023, Federal Trade Commission). See Blocking Unwanted Calls for more advice on dealing with robocalls (2023, Federal Trade Commission). See also Stop Unwanted Calls and Texts (2024, Federal Communications Commission), Unwanted Calls, Emails, & Texts (2021 - 2024, Federal Trade Commission), 'One Ring' Phone Scam NEW! (FCC, the Federal Communications Commission), and BBB Scam Alert: That's not your mom texting! How to spot an impersonator in your text messages (2022, Better Business Bureau).
Online Information Brokers - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Data Brokers and 'People Search' Sites and related links.
Online Privacy - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Privacy.
Prescreened Credit and Insurance Offers - Companies sending 'prescreened' solicitations of credit or insurance to consumers must now provide easy-to-understand notices that explain consumers' right to opt out of receiving future offers (2023, Federal Trade Commission). This page explains prescreening and how you can opt-out by phone or online. See related resources at Junk Mail: Stopping Unsolicited Mail, above.
Privacy, Identity, and Online Security - Tips on securing your devices, protecting your privacy and your children's, avoiding identity theft, what to do if your identity is stolen, and related information (2011 - 2024, Federal Trade Commission). See also Identity Theft links, above, and COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Privacy.
Robocalls - See National Do Not Call Registry and related links, above.
Security Breaches - See COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY: Data Breaches.
Social Security Numbers: Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number [Link opens a PDF] - Brief advice on steps you can take to protect your Social Security number from theft, and what to do if you suspect someone has stolen your SSN (2021, Social Security Administration). For advice on recognizing and avoiding government imposter scams (where criminals impersonate SSA and other government agencies to steal your personal information or money), see Protect Yourself from Social Security Scams and Slam the Scam: Spot Scammer Red Flags VIDEO (2023, Social Security Administration; video hosted on YouTube). See also Identity Theft links, above.
'Specialty' Reports: What Have They Got On Me? [Archived page] - The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) covers a lot more than simply credit reports. 'Nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies' may also have records of your medical history, residential or tenant history & evictions, check writing history, employment background checks, and homeowner & auto insurance claims. Read this online publication to learn more about the kinds of information these companies collect about you, and your rights to obtain that information (2019, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse; non-profit organization). See also Specialty reports: The consumer reports you've never heard of (2020, Consumer Action), What are specialty consumer reporting agencies? (2020, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), What is a tenant screening report? (2021, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), Tenant Background Checks and Your Rights NEW!, and Tenant Screening Reports (2021, Consumer Action; non-profit organization). Consumer Reporting Companies explains how you can check and/or dispute the accuracy of information about you in a variety of consumer reports; provides contact info for consumer reporting companies (2024, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).
Telemarketing - See National Do Not Call Registry and related links, above.
Product Review Sites
See also:
Shopping, Coupons, and Price Comparisons
Consumer Reports Online [NOTE: Product links to Amazon and other online stores, as well as subscription fees, provide revenue for this website] - A wealth of consumer news and product information. Covers cars, electronics, appliances, home & garden, babies & kids, money, health, and more. Includes short videos VIDEO. [NOTE: Only paid subscribers have online access to ratings and repair records for specific products, but you can access them through our EBSCOHost Masterfile Elite database. You can also read them in person at the library!]
Consumers' Checkbook - Offers useful advice on a variety of services, including home repair, automotive, financial, personal, health care, and more. Ratings for specific services are only available to paid subscribers, and only in a handful of cities. (Center for the Study of Services; non-profit organization)
Wirecutter [NOTE: Product links to Amazon and other online stores, as well as subscription fees, provide revenue for this website] - 'A list of the best gear and gadgets for people who want to save the time and stress of figuring out what to buy. Whatever sort of thing you need - tableware or TV or air purifier - we make shopping for it easy by telling you the best one to get. (A New York Times Company)
Product Safety
See also:
Green Living Webfinders
Children's Toys & Baby Products - See Baby Products and related links.
Consumer Product Safety Commission - Information on unsafe products and product recalls. You can search product reports & recalls, and file complaints online, at The CPSC's Safety Guides and Safety Education sections provide free safety alerts, resources, posters, brochures, handbooks and other materials on a variety of products and topics, including cribs, drywall, recreation & safety, carbon monoxide, TV & furniture tip-overs, and more. is a 'one-stop shop' for government recalls on food, drugs, autos, and other consumer products. You can sign up for email alerts for any and all categories. (All from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission)
Environmental Working Group - Consumer guides on the health and environmental hazards of common products (non-profit organization).
FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts - Information on unsafe food and medical products. See also, and our Dieting, Nutrition, & Food Safety links. [NOTE: Products are tested only for hazardous chemical content, not for other possible hazards] - Information on toxic chemicals in children's products such as car seats and dollar store products (Ecology Center). See also Baby Products, and Tips on Toys.
Shopping, Coupons, and Price Comparisons
See also:
Buying Online
Product Review Sites
MONEY Webfinders
Our MONEY & CONSUMER posts on Wordpress offer selected links to helpful resources on money management, charitable giving, green shopping & green living, investment, home heating & energy conservation and more! (South Plainfield Public Library)
Best Customer Service Companies 2024 UPDATED! - Ranks hundreds of companies that provide the best customer service in categories ranging from brick-and-mortar retailers like grocery stores to insurance services, banking services, restaurants, movie theaters and more. (Newsweek). See also Customer Service: How to Talk to a Human when Calling a Business, above.
Best Things to Buy Every Month UPDATED! - A guide to what items are commonly on sale each month to help you save money on planned purchases (2024, NerdWallet). See also The Best Time to Buy Everything UPDATED! (2023, U.S. News).
Consumer Fraud - See Fraud Schemes and related links, above.
Coupon Codes: Retail-Me-Not - Enter a store's name, web address, or keyword to find coupons for thousands of stores. You can also contribute publicly-available coupon codes to share with other users (part of Ziff Davis digital media and internet company). See also Customer Loyalty Cards and related links, above.
Customer Service - See Customer Service links, above.
Government Auctions & Sales - Searchable listings of government assets for sale to the public, including land, houses, jewelry, cars, trucks, tools, computers and much more. Items are sold via online auctions, or live auctions in various locations around the country. Updated daily. (U.S. General Services Administration)
Online Shopping - See Buying Online, above.
Outlet Malls: 12 Pro Outlet Shopping Tips to Score the Best Bargains - Helpful tips on how to get the best stuff at the best prices (2022, RetailMeNot, Inc.; part of Ziff Davis digital media and internet company).
Supermarkets & Grocery Stores Buying Guide - Smart shopping tactics you can use to save money and avoid traps & tricks at the grocery store (2021, Consumer Reports). See also Customer Loyalty Cards and related links, above.