General Business News & Links
See also: Small Business Resources
Small Business Reference Center [SP library card required] - Small Business Reference Center offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. Includes a user-friendly interface, hundreds of full-text periodicals, reference books & business videos, state-specific resources, and more. Enter your library card barcode number to get started if you're logging on at home or office.
EBSCOHost Business Source Elite [SP library card required] - Full-text coverage for nearly 1,100 business periodicals, ranging from general magazines to trade publications and top management journals. This resource contains expanded PDF backfiles for more than 150 titles (back to 1985 or the first issue published for that journal). Enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started if you're logging on at home or office.
EBSCOHost Regional Business News [SP library card required] - A supplemental database for Business Source Elite. With daily updates, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text for regional U.S. and Canadian business publications (including titles from Crain Communications). Regional Business News has full text for nearly 100 sources. You'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started if you're logging on at home or office.
Reference USA Business Directory is now Data Axle Reference Solutions [SP library card required] - Detailed, current directory information on more than 12 million U.S. Businesses, 102 million U.S. residents, 683,000 U.S. healthcare providers, 1 million Canadian businesses and 11 million Canadian residents. NOTE: To access Data Axle Reference Solutions outside the library, go to
JerseyClicks, and scroll down the page to Reference Solutions; you'll need to enter your library card barcode number to begin.
UNIVERSAL CLASS [SP library card required] - Free online non-credit courses in
career training,
computer skills,
office skills & career development,
and other subjects which may be helpful to jobseekers or career changers. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account.
Business USA - The small business section of provides links to official government information for business. It includes information on starting & financing a business, business taxes & incentives, importing & exporting, federal government contracting, starting a non-profit organization, and state business tools, services, & programs. (
SBA: Small Business Administration - Provides financial, technical and management assistance to help Americans start, run, and grow their businesses. The SBA offers free
online small business training on starting a business, managing a business, financing, contracting, and more (registration required).
FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection: Business Center
- Information for businesses on preventing fraud and complying with consumer laws & regulations. Covers topics such as advertising, credit, e-commerce, health, privacy, and more. (Federal Trade Commission)
Apprenticeship USA: Employers - Info on how you can create your future workforce, improve productivity, and reduce turn-over with a high-quality apprenticeship program. (U.S. Department of Labor)
Business Communications - See Business Writing and Public Speaking.
Business Presentations - See Public Speaking, below.
Business Etiquette - Advice on polite behavior in business, including interviews & meetings, business letters & email, office relationships, and more (Emily Post). See also Texting Etiquette, below.
Business Research Assistant UPDATED LINK! [NOTE: Some resources on this site are available only with a UVM login; look for titles with an open padlock icon] - An interactive, easy-to-use directory of the best business information sources, including reference books, free Web sites, and subscription databases (University of Vermont). Rutgers University's Subject Research Guide: Business [NOTE: Some resources on this site are available only with a Rutgers login] lists resources on a variety of business and management topics, with descriptions of databases and hundreds of reference books in the collections of the Rutgers Libraries; includes links to thousands of selected business and management-related Internet resources. Global Edge™ offers a wealth of information on global business, arranged by country, state (for all 50 U.S. states including N.J.), industry, classification, and trade blocs (Michigan State University). For additional resources on researching companies or industries, see the Research a Company section on our Jobs page.
Business Travel - See International Business links, below.
Business Writing - Explains principles in business writing that apply to many different situations, from applying for a job to communicating professionally within business relationships. Includes examples of the application letter and cover letter (University of North Carolina). Purdue Online Writing Lab offers resources to help you conduct research and compose documents for the workplace, such as memoranda, business letters, reports and scientific abstracts (Purdue University). The Business Writer's Free Library offers practical advice on a broad range of business writing skills, including compostion, formatting, proofreading, correspondence, and more. Part of the MAP Management Library (Authenticity Consulting, LLC.). Checklists for Plain Language offers advice on making your writing easily understood by most readers (U.S. General Services Administration). See also Writing Business Emails (Texas A&M University), Texting Etiquette: What to say and how to say it (Protocol School of Washington), Business Etiquette and Public Speaking links, below.
COVID-19 Information for NJ Businesses [Archived page] and COVID-19 Business Relief Options (US SBA) - Information about state and federal COVID-19 relief loans and grants for business; most of these programs are now ended, but the SBA continues to offer PPP loan forgiveness. See also COVID-19 Resources, and Government Loans &, below.
Cross-Cultural Communication - See Cultural Savvy, below.
Disabilities in the Workplace - See Disabilities in the Workplace, below.
Disaster Planning for the Workplace - Ready Rating™, a free service from the American Red Cross, helps businesses and other organizations become prepared for disasters and other emergencies. 'All in one place, Ready Rating members have access to one-of-a-kind tools, resources and information for evaluating and improving their ability to withstand disaster, maintain operations, and protect lives and property. Whether you are taking your first steps or have a fully-functioning emergency management program, the Ready Rating program can help you achieve a higher level of preparedness.' Registration is required. See also Small Business Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Assistance (U.S. Small Business Association), and Business (U.S. Department of Homeland Security). If you are struck by a natural disaster, is the official U.S. government website that provides information and services to access and apply for disaster assistance. Our Webfinder: Disasters on Wordpress offers disaster resources for individuals and families.
Diversity in the Workplace - See Diversity in Business, below.
Environment: EPA for Small Businesses - Resources to assist small and socio-economically disadvantaged businesses with business, regulatory, and environmental compliance. See also EPA Regulatory Information by Business Sector (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), N.J. Department of Environmental Protection's Online Business Portal, and Green Business Network and related links, below.
Glossary of Financial and Business Terms - Thousands of short definitions, with links to related terms. By Duke University professor Campbell R. Harvey. (Site includes advertisements)
Government Loans - A gateway to Federal loan information including business loans, education loans, disaster relief loans, and more. is 'THE single access point for over 1000 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies,' including small business grants (U.S. government websites). See also Business Loans, below.
Green Workplaces - See Environment: EPA for Small Businesses, above. See also Green Business Network and related links, below.
Marketing: Know This - An online library of tutorials on all aspects of marketing. (Edited by Paul Christ, retired Professor of Marketing, West Chester University.)
Product Safety - The Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) Business Portal is the online home for businesses to interact with CPSC. Through the portal, you can review and comment on consumer product safety reports submitted to and report potentially unsafe products to CPSC.
Public Speaking - Detailed advice on writing and delivering a speech (University of Pittsburgh). Public Speaking: 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills offers quick tips that will help reduce your anxiety, dispel myths, and improve your performance (by Marjorie North; 2020, Harvard University Extension School). See also Toastmasters International Public Speaking Tips (includes Sales Pitches, plus other Public Speaking Resources).
SIC Code Search - Enter a keyword or keywords to locate the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code for any industry.
Think Beyond the Label - See Disabilities in the Workplace, below.
Thomas Register Online [NOTE: Free registration required for full access] - A searchable directory of over 500,000 commercial and industrial suppliers, including OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), Custom Manufacturers, Service Companies, and Distributors. Thomas Insights offers industry news, plus brief Technical Guides, Industry Videos VIDEO, and more.
Local & State Business Resources
(South Plainfield / Middlesex County / New Jersey)
See also:
Small Business Resources
South Plainfield Business Association - Local association to promote the development of local businesses in the borough. Includes member directory.
East Brunswick Public Library Business Resource Connection - 'Connects small business, entrepeneurs, and jobseekers within Middlesex County to vital resources, training, and networking opportunities to help them grow and thrive.'
Middlesex County Office of Business Engagement - Serves as a single point of contact in the county, connecting businesses with a wide range of resources and services, including site selection, market research, business licensing and permitting, workforce development, and financing and incentives.
N.J. Business Portal - An excellent starting point for finding out about starting, relocating, or maintaining a business in the Garden State, as well as how to do business with the state government (State of New
New Jersey Business Action Center NEW!, whose business advocates 'are available to work closely with you and find solutions for your unique business needs. They can help you get the answers you need from government and regulatory agencies at the local, state and federal level. They can facilitate your meetings and handle the follow-ups - confidentially and at no cost to you.' Also includes a
N.J. Small Business Manual offering information & guidance on establishing, maintaining and expanding a small business in New Jersey. You can download the manual in PDF, or order a printed copy (2024, State of New Jersey).
Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce - Seeks to 'provide opportunities for business growth and prosperity, offer quality service to its members, and serve as the resource leader for business to business referrals.'.
N.J. Business Financing - Information about business financing opportunities available through various lenders and programs. The
New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) is an independent state agency whose programs provide businesses with low-interest financing, with 'a broad portfolio of economic development tools such as jobs-based tax credits, real estate and development tax credits, community development programs, main street technical assistance, innovation economy programs, clean energy programs, and low-interest business financing.'
N.J. Business Gateway Registry Services (Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services) - 'One-Stop Shopping' site offers a single point of entry for business registrations & certifications, for filing and paying gross income tax withheld and other payroll taxes, and more. Businesses or individuals contracting to provide goods or services to local governments in New Jersey must obtain a
Business Registration Certificate; you may
Register Your Business Online (N.J. Division of Revenue).
N.J. Local Agency Procurement Laws has additional information (N.J. Department of Community Affairs). See also Government Contracts, below.
N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development - Information on labor law, benefits, disabilities, safety, and other information useful to both employers and workers. (State of New Jersey)
New Jersey Law Against Discrimination - Explains state law that prohibit various types of employment discrimination and bias-based harassment. See also
5 Things You Should Know About The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination [Link opens a PDF]. (NJ Office of the Attorney General)
N.J. Small Business Development Centers - Information about regional business development offices offering a wide variety of services designed to help businesses expand, relocate, or retain jobs in the State. (SBA / Rutgers)
Computers, Technology, & E-Business
See also:
USEFUL WEBSITES: Computers & Technology
Build a Killer Small Business Website - Basic dos & don'ts for making your website 'the best marketing tool you have' ( See Website Design [NOTE: Free registration required for full access] for newer articles on this subject.
Cyber Security: Protecting Small Businesses - Advice to help you avoid scams, protect your computers & networks, keep your customers' data safe, deal with data breaches, and protect your bottom line (2016 - 2023, Federal Trade Commission). NIST Cybersecurity Corner: Cybersecurity Risks includes overviews of cybersecurity risk & threats and how to manage those threats, including ransomware, malware, spyware, phishing, and more (2023, National Institute of Standards and Technology) Cyber Security Resources for Small and Midsize Businesses (SMB) can help small- & medium-sized businesses protect their people, customers, intellectual property, and sensitive data from cyber and physical threats, including active shooters & bombings; Cyber Defense Resources offers related tools & info (, Department of Homeland Security). Get your Stuff Off Search (S.O.S.) provides detailed advice on how to reduce your exposure to Internet attacks through Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), remote access technologies, and other critical business assets (, Department of Homeland Security). CyberSecure My Business™ course 'equips small business leaders with the core understanding of how your business is vulnerable to cyber attacks and how you can manage this risk.' NOTE: This organization works with sponsors so there will be no financial cost to the participant. When sponsorship is unavailable, participants can enroll on a fee basis. A related page, Cybersecurity for Business NEW!, offers articles, videos, and links to external resources (National Cybersecurity Alliance; non-profit organization). Ransomware prevents you from accessing your computer files, systems, or networks, and demands you pay a ransom to get them back (FBI). is the U.S. Government's official one-stop location for resources to tackle ransomware more effectively (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security).
Data Security - See Cyber Security, above.
E-Commerce Times - Current news and analysis about the electronic commerce industry (Formerly All E-Commerce).
Electronic Commerce Research Guide - Links to 'sites with resources to aid the would-be online marketer: steps for doing business on the Internet; search engine optimization; data about Internet users; and tools to support electronic commerce (e.g. payment mechanisms, security technologies, digital-rights management). A new section covers the increasingly important social media tools and technologies.' Use the tabs to navigate. (Rutgers University).
E-Mail - See Business Writing, above.
HP LIFE e-Learning [NOTE: Free registration or social media sign-in required.] - 'HP Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) is a global program that trains students, entrepreneurs, and small business owners like you to apply IT and business skills, so you can establish and grow a business, build successful companies and create jobs.' (Hewlett-Packard)
Main Street Against Big Tech NEW! - Seeks to 'to rein in Big Tech's abuses of power to give small business owners the chance to compete, innovate, and succeed.' (A project of Accountable Tech)
Online Safety - See Cyber Security, above, and USEFUL WEBSITES: Computers & Technology.
Small Business Computing - Tech news & trends, how-to guides, product reviews, eBook library, and more (IT Business Edge Network).
Stay Safe Online - See Cyber Security, above.
TechSoup - 'A comprehensive source of technology information just for nonprofit organizations,' but also useful for small businesses. Includes free downloads and other tools (non-profit organization). The .Org Learning Center NEW! 'provides a variety of information and tools that every .ORG needs to be successful online,' including digital fundraising, cyber security, data analytics, and more (non-profit organization).
ZDNet - '24/7 news coverage and analysis on the trends, technologies and opportunities that matter to IT professionals and decision makers.' Includes a Small Business section. (A CBS Interactive site)
Economic & Demographic Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics - A wide assortment of economic data from the U.S. government; arranged by subject.
Consumer Price Indexes Home Page - Monthly data on changes in the prices of goods and services. Use the Inflation Calculator to find out what your weekly salary would be worth in 1940 dollars!
Federal Reserve Bulletin Articles [Archived page] - 'Contains topical research and analysis and quarterly Legal Developments.' Archives go back to 1996. NOTE: Federal Reserve Bulletin ceased publication in 2022. See the Research & Analysis page for topical Board research and analysis publications. See the Data section of the site for statistical data formerly published in the Bulletin (before 2004) and in the Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin (before 2009).
Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) - U.S. economic and financial data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Monthly Labor Review - Data, analysis, and research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in a wide variety of fields, including the labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries, wages, prices, and more. Archives go back to 1980, with a few earlier years also included; you can also search by subject. Articles are in PDF format.
Moody's Economic Indicators - Links to a wide range of daily economic indicator releases in the U.S. and abroad, including price indexes, stock market indexes, housing starts & prices, employment, government expenditures & revenues, and many more.
U.S. Census Bureau - Official source of statistics on U.S. population and demographics, as well as economic data. See also
Intellectual Property
Copyright - See U.S. Copyright Office, below.
Invention Marketing Scams - 'Dishonest invention promoters lie about the profit potential of your invention to get you to pay for expensive, but often useless, services. Here's what you need to know to avoid an invention promotion scam.' (2023, Federal Trade Commission)
Inventor Handbook - Answers to 'the independent inventor's and aspiring entrepreneur's most frequently asked questions... on the patenting and commercialization processes.' (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Inventors Digest - Magazine with articles about how to protect and market your inventions.
Patents - See U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, below.
U.S. Copyright Office - The place to register and protect your 'original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.' Covers copyright basics, FAQ, and related information.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - All kinds of information on U.S. patents and trademarks, with options for online filing of patent or trademark applications, as well as printable forms, and a collection of helpful Resources for Inventors & Entrepreneurs VIDEO (including an Inventors Assistance Center). See U.S. PTO Patent Search and How to Search for Patents for basic or advanced searching of the database of U.S. patents and published applications, searchable by patent title, number, inventor name, application date, or other terms. See also Google Patent Search. Introduction to the Patent System VIDEO explains 'what patents are, why they are needed, how inventors get them, the role of the Patent and Trademark Office, and why disputes over patents arise.' Though it was created for jurors in patent jury trials, this video should be useful to anyone who wants to understand the basics of patent law (2013, Federal Judicial Center; hosted on YouTube).
Money Management & Personal Finance
See Money Management & Personal Finance Webfinder and related resources.
International Business
Country & Region Profiles AUDIO VIDEO - Brief profiles provide background on the history, politics and economics of countries and territories (British Broadcasting System). For more information on countries and regions, see World Factbook (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency; updated frequently), Countries A - Z; includes links to current Travel Advisories (U.S. State Department), and Global Edge.
Cultural Savvy - Useful tips for communicating with people of different cultures, particularly Asian cultures (by a cross-cultural training consultant). - Tools to help U.S. companies expand in global markets. Covers How to Export, Research Foreign Markets, Find Buyers & Partners, Obtain Financing, Negotiate an Export Sale, Comply with U.S. and Foreign Regulations, Protect Intellectual Property, Resolve Export Problems, and more (U.S. Department of Commerce et al.). See also U.S. Department of State: Business Resources, and Travel Advisories, above.
Global Edge - See Global Edge™.
JuriGlobe - A multilingual online data bank containing general information about the different legal systems in the world, the different official languages, and important international commercial conventions, as well as other multilateral commercial tools. Covers civil law, common law, Muslim law, customary law, and mixed systems (University of Ottawa). See also USEFUL WEBSITES: Government & Law - International Government.
World Bank: Business Ready (B-READY) (formerly Doing Business) - 'Provides a quantitative assessment of the business environment around the world, to support private sector development.' B-READY focuses on 10 topics that are important while opening, operating or expanding, closing or reorganizing a business: 'Business Entry, Business Location, Utility Services, Labor, Financial Services, International Trade, Taxation, Dispute Resolution, Market Competition, and Business Insolvency.' (World Bank)
Small Business Resources
See also:
General Business News & Links
Local & State Business Resources
Computers & E-Business
Diversity in Business
EBSCOHost Small Business Reference Center [SP library card required] - Small Business Reference Center offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. Includes a user-friendly interface, hundreds of full-text periodicals, reference books & business videos, state-specific resources, and more. Enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started if you're logging on at home or office.
UNIVERSAL CLASS [SP library card required] - Free online non-credit courses in
career training UPDATED LINK!,
business UPDATED LINK!,
computing & technology UPDATED LINK!,
office skills & career development UPDATED LINK!,
and other subjects which may be helpful to jobseekers or career changers. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account.
SBA: Small Business Administration - Provides financial, technical and management assistance to help Americans start, run, and grow their businesses. The SBA offers free
online small business training VIDEO on starting a business, managing a business, financing, contracting, and more (registration required).
Business USA - The small business section of provides links to official government information for business. It includes information on starting & financing a business, business taxes & incentives, importing & exporting, federal government contracting, starting a non-profit organization, and state business tools, services, & programs. (
N.J. Small Business Manual - Information & guidance on establishing, maintaining and expanding a small business in New Jersey. You can download the manual in PDF, or order a printed copy. (2024, State of New Jersey)
Apprentices - See Apprenticeship USA: Employers, above.
Business Loans - The SBA works with lenders, community development organizations, and micro-lending institutions to provide loans to small businesses. This page provides more information, and 'Lender Match' to find lenders that offer loans for your business (U.S. Small Business Administration). See also Microloans & SBA Microloan Program: Find a Lender, and Government Loans, above.
Business Opportunity Scams - See Scams and Your Small Business, below.
Business Owner's Toolkit VIDEO - An extensive Small Business Guide to starting, running and growing your business, plus a variety of useful business tools, including downloadable checklists, model business plans, forms and other documents. Also includes a podcast AUDIO. (Wolters Kluwer, an international multimedia company)
Business Plans: B-Plans - An online library of sample business plans for a wide range of small businesses (Palo Alto Software, a software developer, publisher & marketer). You can also find sample business plans and advice on writing business plans in the EBSCOHost Small Business Reference Center (SP Library card required).
Credit: Managing Your Business Credit - This page explains how to maintain good personal & business credit history, apply for business credit, and check & monitor your credit. See also Open a business bank account (2023, U.S. Small Business Administration), and How To Get A Business Credit Card (2024, Forbes).
Employment Laws for Workers & Small Business - Information about U.S. wage laws, safety & health standards, equal opportunity compliance, and other workplace requirements for employers (U.S. Department of Labor). See also Federal Employment Discrimination & Harassment Laws (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, above. More information for N.J. employers may be found at N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development, above. For information on hiring people with disabilities, see Disabilities in the Workplace: What Can You Do, below. E-Verify is 'a web-based system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States' (U.S. Department of Homeland Security).
Entrepreneurship - A collection of resources on topics related to managing and growing a business, including products & services, finance & accounting, human resources, sales & marketing, operations, and more. (Kauffman Foundation)
Forms - For free legal forms & info, see EBSCOHost Legal Information Reference Center [SP library card required] and Gale Legal Forms Plus Law Digest [SP library card required]. - Provides an introduction to franchising UPDATED LINK!, plus a large directory of franchise opportunities, and related resources (International Franchise Association). See also Franchise Fundamentals (2023, Federal Trade Commission), Franchises, Business Opportunities, & Investments (2008 - 2023, Federal Trade Commission), and Franchise How-Tos (2012 - 2025, Entrepreneur Magazine).
Government Contracts - Information for small businesses on obtaining procurement contracts with the Federal Government (U.S. Small Business Administration et al.). Federal Contract Opportunities is the official U.S. government website for finding, receiving, and managing federal contract awards. N.J. State Contracting offers a database of bidding opportunities, contract regulations & requirements, and other important tools & information about contracting with the State of New Jersey. See also N.J. Business Gateway Registry Services, above.
Government Loans & Grants - See Government Loans and Business Loans, above.
Government Sales - 'Each year the federal government sells billions of dollars of surplus, seized, forfeited and exchange/sale assets. GovSales is a centralized, citizen-centered website that was created to make it easy for people and businesses to locate government assets for sale.' Now part of (U.S. General Services Administration)
Green Business Network - Practical advice, resources and contacts to help companies turn social responsibility into business success (formerly Co-op America). The FTC's Green Guides outline the dos & donts of making environmental claims when marketing your product or service; includes news updates (2009 - 2023). See also B Corporation, U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce, Environment: EPA for Small Businesses, above, and Diversity in Business, below.
Institute for Local Self-Reliance NEW! - Seeks to build local power and fight corporate control, researching and advocating on topics such as Small Independent Businesses, Antimonopoly, Community Broadband Networks, Community Solar, Dollar Stores, Economic Justice, Food Security, and many others (non-profit organization). See also Main Street Alliance NEW! (non-profit organization).
Microloans - See Business Loans, above.
New Jersey Resource Guide for Small Business - Links to federal, state and local information & programs designed to help you start and grow a business in N.J. Also lists resource partners who can provide you with expert business counseling. (SBA, New Jersey District Office)
Scams and Your Small Business - This guide explains common scams that target small businesses and non-profit organizations, describes scammers' tactics, and provides steps people can take to protect their company from scams (2023, Federal Trade Commission). See also Franchises, Business Opportunities, & Investments, above.
SCORE - Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) is a nonprofit organization providing free expert counseling, advice, and mentoring services to aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Self Employed & Independent Contractors - Advice and resources for the self-employed and small business owner, from the National Association for the Self-Employed; some resources are available only to members.
Social Responsibility - See Green Business, above, and Diversity in Business, below.
StartUp Nation AUDIO - Articles, podcasts, and other resources to help you start your business, grow your business, or market your invention. (By Rich & Jeff Sloan, authors / entrepreneurs.)
Tax Information: Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center - Tax forms, publications, and a wealth of information for self-employed and small businesses with assets under $10 million. (Internal Revenue Service)
Diversity in Business
See also:
General Business News & Links
Local & State Business Resources
Computers & E-Business
Small Business Resources
African-Americans in business - See U.S. Black Chambers, below.
Disabilities in the Workplace: What Can You Do - A collection of resources for employers on recruiting & hiring qualified people with disabilities, providing job accommodations, creating an inclusive workplace, and more (Campaign for Disability Employment). Employment Laws: Disability & Discrimination provides an overview of five important federal laws that protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination in employment and the job application process, plus related resources (U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment). National Organization on Disability: Disability Resources for Employers include information on 503 compliance, disability employment benchmarks, mental health, accessibility, recruitment and more (nonprofit organization). See also Hire employees with disabilities (U.S. Small Business Administration), WorkforceGPS: Disability and Employment resources (U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration). Find out about Tax Benefits for Businesses Who Have Employees with Disabilities from A Guide to Interacting with People who Have Disabilities [Link opens a PDF] describes myths and facts about people with disabilities, and tips for appropriate communications and behaviors when interacting with people who have disabilities; written for DHS personnel, contractors, & grantees, but much of the information is generally useful (2013, Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties); see also Disability Etiquette: Tips On Interacting With People With Disabilities [Link opens a PDF] (United Spinal Association) and Myths and Facts About People with Disabilities UPDATED LINK! (Easter Seals).
LGBT Chamber of Commerce - The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) is 'dedicated to expanding economic opportunities for the LGBT business community. NGLCC is the exclusive third-party certifying body for LGBT Business Enterprises (LGBTBEs).'
Minority Business Development Agency - MBDA's Business Centers provide expert advice to minority business owners. There is a New Jersey MBDA Business Center in Camden; there are also MBDA Business Centers in Manhattan and Philadelphia. (U.S. Department of Commerce)
Minority Business Entrepreneur - Articles for minority and women business owners. Includes an digital magazine archive, 2011 to the present.
New Jersey State Women's Chamber of Commerce (formerly N.J. Association of Women Business Owners [NJAWBO]) UPDATED LINK! - 'Gives members the opportunity to network with hundreds of other women business owners through Region events across the state and the organization's annual statewide events.' Includes some resource links UPDATED LINK! for women business owners. There is also a NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) North & Central Jersey Chapter (Facebook page only). See also Women-Owned Businesses, below.
Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of NJ - Provides networking and support for members (both Hispanic and non-Hispanic) and serves as an advocate for small business in New Jersey.
U.S. Black Chambers - 'An association of Black Chambers and nationwide small business associations committed to developing and growing Black enterprises.'
Women-Owned Businesses - Links to training and funding opportunities specifically for women business owners (Small Business Administration). The SBA's Ascent for Women is a free online learning platform for women interested in starting or growing their small businesses. See also New Jersey State Women's Chamber of Commerce, above.