The South Plainfield Public Library is a member of
STELLA (Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access), formerly LMxAC. Our online catalog allows you to request items directly from any member library, pick them up in South Plainfield, and return them to any member library. You can also use your South Plainfield library card at any STELLA (LMxAC) or more than 30 member libraries in Middlesex, Union, and Monmouth Counties. You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
apply online for a temporary card, which is valid for up to three months.
- You are eligible for a library card free of charge if you live in South Plainfield. With the resident's card, you can borrow all types of library materials and use the library's computers free of charge. See
Computer Use & Internet Access Policy for more details on using the library's computers.
- A resident's card must be renewed every three years.
Valid proof of address must be presented when obtaining or renewing a library card (resident or non-resident).
- There is no minimum age to apply for a library card. Signature of a parent or guardian is required when applying for a juvenile library card.
- Non-residents who live in a town with a
STELLA (formerly LMxAC) member library should get a library card from the library in that town. You can use your LMxAC library card at over 30 libraries in Middlesex, Union, Somerset and Monmouth Counties, including South Plainfield.
- Borrowing agreements with other local libraries allow residents of South Plainfield to borrow at nearby libraries.
- Some of our resources, such as databases, audiobook & eBook downloads, and
interlibrary loans, require a South Plainfield Library barcode.
- There is a $2.00 replacement fee for a lost library card. Please report a lost or stolen card immediately.
- Key chain cards are available. If you would like to exchange your standard library card for a key chain card, there is a fee of $.50.
Name Verification
- Driver's License
- State I.D.
- Passport
- Student I.D.
- Birth Certificate
- Military I.D.
Address Verification
- Driver's License
- State I.D.
- Passport
- Pre-Printed Check
- Lease Agreement
- Utility Bill
- Recently Postmarked Mail
(within the past 90 days)
- Voter Registration Card
- Bank Statement
- Pay Check
- Car Registration Papers
- Insurance Card
- Property Tax Receipt
The South Plainfield Public Library is a member of
STELLA (Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access), formerly LMxAC. Our online catalog allows you to request items directly from any member library, pick them up in South Plainfield, and return them to any member library. You can also use your South Plainfield library card at any STELLA (LMxAC) or more than 30 member libraries in Middlesex, Union, and Monmouth Counties. You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
Library materials may be checked out as follows:
(Click on an underlined heading in the chart below for more information on renewals, holds, and fines policies)
OVERDUE FINES (per day) |
New books |
14 days |
No limit |
2* |
Yes** |
$.10 |
Books (not new) |
28 days |
No limit, unless needed for school assignments |
2* |
Yes** |
$.10 |
Magazines (Back issues only. Current issue may not be
checked out.) |
14 days |
No limit. |
2* |
Yes** |
$.10 |
Audiobooks (on CD or Playaway) |
14 days |
4 titles per library card |
2* |
Yes** |
$.25 |
Music CDs |
14 days |
No limit |
2* |
Yes** |
$.25 |
14 days |
No limit |
2* |
Yes** |
$.25 |
Older DVDs |
7 days |
8 DVD titles per library card |
2* |
Yes** |
$2.00 |
New DVDs |
2 days |
4 NEW DVD titles per library card |
1* |
No |
$2.00 |
Playaway View portable videos |
7 days |
titles per library card |
1* |
Yes** |
$2.00 |
Video Games |
7 days |
4 titles per library card |
1* |
Yes** |
$2.00 |
- 14 day loan period
- No limit on how many you may check out at once
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.10 fine/day
- 28 day loan period
- No limit on how many you may check out at once (unless needed for school assignments)
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.10 fine/day
- MAGAZINES (Back issues only. Current issue may not be
checked out.)
- 14 day loan period
- No limit on how many you may check out at once.
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.10 fine/day
- AUDIOBOOKS (on tape, CD or Playaway)
- 14 day loan period
- Checkout limit: 4 titles per library card
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.25 fine/day
- 14 day loan period
- No limit on how many you may check out at once
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.25 fine/day
- 14 day loan period
- No limit on how many you may check out at once
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $.25 fine/day
- 7 day loan period
- Checkout limit: 8 DVD titles per library card
- Max. renewals: 2*
- Holds permitted**
- $2.00 fine/day
- 2 day loan period
- 4 NEW DVD titles per library card
- Max. renewals: 1*
- No holds
- $2.00 fine/day
- 7 day loan period
- Checkout limit: 2 titles per library card
- Max. renewals: 1*
- Holds permitted**
- $2.00 fine/day
- 7 day loan period
- Checkout limit: 4 titles per library card
- Max. renewals: 1*
- Holds permitted**
- $2.00 fine/day
*If another patron has placed a hold on an item you have checked out, you cannot renew it.
For more information on renewal policies and procedures, see the
Renewals page.
**You will be charged $.50 for any item you place on hold and do not pick up.
For more information on renewal policies and procedures, see
Holds (Reserves).
For instructions on placing holds online, see:
Check availability, place a hold, or access a resource.
The South Plainfield Public Library is a member of
STELLA (Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access), formerly LMxAC. Our online catalog allows you to request items directly from any member library, pick them up in South Plainfield, and return them to any member library. You can also use your South Plainfield library card at any STELLA (LMxAC) or more than 30 member libraries in Middlesex, Union, and Monmouth Counties. You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
The STELLA (LMxAC) online catalog allows you to search for library materials in all STELLA (LMxAC) member libraries, place & view holds, see a list of your currently checked-out items & due dates, see & pay your current fines, save multiple lists of favorites, and more. To log in to your account, you will need to enter your library card barcode number, and PIN. You may use the online catalog at the library, or access it from your home computer or mobile app.
You may place a hold on most library materials in person, by phone (call 908-754-7885; press 3 for the Reference Department), or from our
online catalog. PLEASE NOTE:
- As of 11/15/17, there is no longer a charge for placing a hold (or reserve) on any library material (book, CD, DVD, etc.).
You will be charged $.50 for any item you place on hold and do not pick up.
- If you would like to be notified by email when materials you have placed on hold become available, please stop at the circulation desk to give us your email address.
- Holds are NOT PERMITTED on some library materials. See CIRCULATION CHART above for specifics.
- We no longer allow holds to be placed on new DVDs.
- We no longer take requests by phone to place holds on movies which are not currently checked out.
- See CIRCULATION CHART above for information on what overdue fines are charged for different types of library materials.
- Overdue fines shall not exceed the price of the item.
- Cardholders are responsible for all items checked out on their library card and any fines or charges. If your card is lost or stolen, please report it to us immediately.
- Parents (or legal guardians) are responsible for all items checked out on their minor children's library card and any fees/fines.
- Fines accumulate from the first day the item is overdue.
- If you would like to be notified by email when materials are overdue, or receive emails notifying you in advance of an approaching due date, please stop at the circulation desk to give us your email address.
- Lost or damaged materials will be charged the original purchase price. A $5.00 processing fee will be added to the cost of the item to cover the cost to the library to replace the lost item.
- If you pay for a lost library item, your payment will NOT be refunded if you find the lost item. The full price of the item, plus the processing fee, must be paid.
- There is a $5.00 charge for missing case or insert from an AV item.
- If you owe fines or other charges of $25 or more, your account will be blocked and you will not be able to borrow library materials or use library computers until it is paid. If you owe fines of $35 or more, your account will be turned over to a Collection Agency.
The South Plainfield Public Library is a member of
STELLA (Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access), formerly LMxAC. Our online catalog allows you to request items directly from any member library, pick them up in South Plainfield, and return them to any member library. You can also use your South Plainfield library card at any STELLA (LMxAC) or more than 30 member libraries in Middlesex, Union, and Monmouth Counties. You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
- Interlibrary loans received from New Jersey libraries will be free to South Plainfield library patrons UNLESS they don't pick up the item. You will be charged $.50 for any item you do not pick up.
- For out-of-state interlibrary loans, you will be responsible for the return shipping and handling charges. This is the price of postage and $50.00 insurance.
- For more information about interlibrary loans, please read our
Interlibrary Loans page.
- $0.50 Mail notification of overdue items
- $2.00 Replacement of library card
- $5.00 Missing case or insert from AV item
- $15.00 Collection Agency fee for accounts which exceed $35.00 in fines
The South Plainfield Public Library is a member of
STELLA (Sharing and Technology Enhancing Local Library Access), formerly LMxAC. Our online catalog allows you to request items directly from any member library, pick them up in South Plainfield, and return them to any member library. You can also use your South Plainfield library card at any STELLA (LMxAC) or more than 30 member libraries in Middlesex, Union, and Monmouth Counties. You can download a
free mobile app that will let you check on your account, browse the library catalog and place holds from your phone. You can also
pay fines with a credit card.
- See CIRCULATION CHART above for information on how many AV items may be checked out and for how long.
- Waiver of liability: The library assumes no responsibility for any damage to your own audio, video, or computer equipment that may occur while using library AV materials.
- Copyright laws: Patrons agree to adhere to all federal copyright laws and/or performance restrictions that apply to audiovisual materials. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES shall any video, film, software, recording, or other audiovisual material
be copied by any process, electronic or mechanical, in whole or in part. The borrower is solely responsible for any legal action that may result from possible copyright infringement.
- Fines are $2.00 per day for DVDs and Playaway View™ portable videos; see FINES section, above, for more information.
- There is a $5.00 charge for missing case or insert from an AV item.
- Children : Beginning May 1, 2013, children may not borrow ANY materials from the library's audio/visual collection until their parent or legal guardian signs the new J/AV/JVID audio/visual permission slip. The parent/guardian must come to the library and show identification to library staff in order to sign one of the new slips, and must sign a separate slip for EACH CHILD. On the permission slip, the parent/guardian will choose what types of audio/visual materials the child will be allowed to check out as follows :
- JNOAV - can borrow print materials only.
- JAV - can borrow all materials EXCEPT video games.
- JVID - can borrow everything (just like an adult card).
For a child to use library computers, a parent/guardian must sign the computer access form which is located on the back of the J/AV JVID form.
The South Plainfield Public Library has contracted with a collection agency, Unique Management Services, Inc., to help us collect unpaid fines and recover unreturned books, videos, cds, dvds, and other materials, because:
- Materials which are not returned to the library are not available for others to use.
- Replacing lost materials is costly for the library and for taxpayers.
- All unresolved accounts over $35 will be turned over to the collection agency.
A service charge of $15.00 will be added to the balance owed. Please help us to serve all library patrons by returning overdue materials today.
Our library includes a meeting room. For more information and an application/reservation form, please read our
Meeting Room policies [Link opens a PDF].
Our library includes three quiet study rooms. For more information, please read our
Quiet Study Room policies (in PDF format).
Click here to reserve a study room UPDATED LINK!.
Attendance at programs and events that are sponsored by the South Plainfield Public Library may be recorded through photographs or video. This includes programs and events that are held on library premises, or at other locations. Recordings may be used to promote SPPL programs, promotions and community outreach efforts (not for commercial use). Recordings may be posted on the library's website or Facebook page. Patrons are welcome to step out of the recording if they choose.