See also:
Webfinder: Job Resources for Veterans
Webfinder: People with Disabilities
More Military & Veteran resources
Military OneSource - For active-duty service members, National Guard and reserves, recently separated service members, military families and survivors, Military OneSource provides free assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the world. Offers a wide range of individualized consultations, coaching and counseling for many aspects of military life, as well as helpful online resources. Covers such issues as Military Life Cycle, Family & Relationships, Moving & Housing, Financial & Legal, Education & Employment, Health & Wellness, Recreation, Travel & Shopping, and Benefits & Resources. Available online or by phone at 1-800-342-9647 (U.S. Department of Defense).
National Resource Directory (NRD) - 'Connects wounded warriors, service members, veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them. It provides access to services and resources at the national, state and local levels to support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration'. (U.S. Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs)
NJ Veterans Helpline 1-866-838-7654 (1-866-VETS-NJ4) - 'A 24 hour/7-day a week helpline coordinated by UMDNJ-University Behavioral HealthCare. The helpline features peer counseling, clinical assessments, and assistance to family members. The helpline provides New Jersey veterans and their families with access to a comprehensive support network of mental health professionals who specialize in issues specific to Veterans returning to civilian life. Call 1-866-838-7654 (1-866-VETS-NJ4) and speak to someone who understands and can help. Don't suffer in silence, reach out for free, confidential support and let us help you get back to living the life you remember.'
Vets 4 Warriors 1-855-838-8255 (1-855-VET-TALK) - 24/7 confidential peer support by veterans to Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members, Veterans of all ages, Retirees, and their families/caregivers. Provides direct and immediate access to a peer who understands your life experiences and the challenges you face, and who can provide support whenever you confront an issue, wherever you are in the world. Vets4Warriors operates independently of the U.S. military. (Public-private funded organization, housed at the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center)
Veterans Crisis Line (dial 988, then press 1, or text 838255) - 'The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families & friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can dial 988 then press 1, send a text message to 838255, or chat online to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.' (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, et al.)
Vet Center Combat Call Center 1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387) - An around-the-clock confidential call center where combat Veterans and their families can call to talk about their military experience or any other issue they are facing in their readjustment to civilian life. The staff is comprised of combat veterans from several eras as well as families members of combat veterans. This benefit is prepaid through the veteran's military service. (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
DoD Safe Helpline (1-877-995-5247) - A crisis support service for members of the DoD community affected by sexual assault. Safe Helpline provides live, one-on-one specialized support and information, and is confidential, anonymous and secure. Safe Helpline services are available worldwide, 24/7 - providing victims with the help they need anytime, anywhere, by phone or online. (Operated by RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization)
Caregiver Support Line 1-855-260-3274 - 'Whether you're in need of immediate assistance or have questions about what services you may be eligible for, the caring licensed professionals who answer the Caregiver Support Line can tell you about the assistance available from VA, help you access services, connect you with the Caregiver Support Coordinator at a VA Medical Center near you, or just listen, if that's what you need right now.' For additional caregiver resources, see
Military Family Caregiving links, below
Homeless Veterans 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838) - Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness - and their family members, friends and supporters - can make the call to or chat online at 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838), where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. See also
VA Programs For Homeless Veterans. The NJ Veterans Transitional Housing Program has two facilities for homeless veterans,
Veterans Haven North in Glen Gardner, NJ, and
Veterans Haven South in Winslow, NJ. See also
Middlesex County Veteran Housing Assistance, and
Homes for Our Troops, below.
Benefits for Military (Active Duty and Veterans) UPDATED LINK! - Official information about U.S. government benefits and financial help, formerly located on the website, have been moved to Use the benefit finder tool or search by category to learn which benefits you and your family may be eligible for and how to apply. Programs can provide help with health & mental health, education, careers, housing, funerals, and more.
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources in New Jersey to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
Brainfuse VetNow - An all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of veteran needs: whether it's updating a resume for civilian life, navigating the VA system, or seeking local resources and support for veterans and their families. VetNow services include self-study tools to empower users, plus live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches or Veteran Navigators. The Brainfuse full-service test center offers practice tests for all levels in math, reading, and writing as well as college preparatory tests. Enter your full 14-digit library card barcode number to access the site, then click on the Login button to sign up for your personal account.
Military & Government Collection - Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government, this database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals, and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of those sites. The Military & Government Collection provides cover-to-cover full text for nearly 300 journals and periodicals and indexing and abstracts for more than 400 titles.
America the Beautiful Pass - 'America the Beautiful' passes for U.S. Military are your free ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites, including national parks, wildlife refuges, forests, grasslands, and historic sites. A pass covers entrance, standard amenity fees and day use fees for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle at per vehicle fee areas (or up to four adults at sites that charge per person). Children age 15 or under are admitted free. Free passes are available for current U.S. military members and dependents in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard as well as Reserve and National Guard members, U.S. military veterans, and Gold Star Families. (National Park Service)
American Widow Project - Provides emotional and practical support for military widows (non-profit organization). For links to other groups providing aid and support to family members of deceased servicemembers, see Survivors' Organizations (parents, spouses, children, caregivers) (Military Officers Association of America), VA benefits for spouses, dependents, survivors, and family caregivers (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs), and Grief support links (not specific to military families). Gold Star Family identification cards are now available to the spouses, domestic partners, civil union partners, and children of military members who died while serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces. This includes children to whom the service member was a parent, legal guardian, or other legal custodian, whether related by blood or by law. In Middlesex County, Gold Star Family ID cards may be requested from the County Clerk's office (2022, Middlesex County, NJ). For more information, see Gold Star Families: Benefits and Resources (2020, State of New Jersey).
Business: Veteran-Owned Businesses - If you are a veteran, this website has resources to help you start and grow your small business. See also Boots to Business training program (U.S. Small Business Administration). For general resources on starting & running a business, see Useful Websites: BUSINESS.
Caregiving - See Military Family Caregiving.
Career OneStop: Veteran and Military Transition Center - 'Veterans ReEmployment is your one-stop site for employment, training and financial help after your military service.' Also includes resources for Military Spouses. For additional career resources, see our Job Resources for Veterans Webfinder. For resources specific to New Jersey, see NJ Career Connections: Veterans, below. For information on starting and running a business, see Business: Veteran-Owned Businesses, above.
Center for Women Veterans - See Women Veterans, below.
Charitable Donations to Support Military Personnel and Veterans - See Support Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers, below.
Children of Military Families - See Military Families: Military Kids Connect (MKC), below.
College for Veterans and Servicemembers: Preparing for Higher Education - Tools & resources to help you in selecting a course of study & understanding how that degree will affect your career options, preparing for college admission exams, choosing a school, knowing how much your educational options will cost and what financial aid is available to you, and more (Military OneSource). See also Federal Grants, Loans and Tools (Military OneSource) and Veterans Benefits Administration Education and Training: GI Bill (Veterans Adminstration). For general information on higher education, see Useful Websites: EDUCATION - College & University Information (includes Alternatives to College).
COVID-19 Resources for Military Families UPDATED! - Links to military & veterans resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2024, South Plainfield Public Library)
Dietary Supplements: Operation Supplement Safety - Servicemembers often are targeted by companies selling supplements: to help you lose weight, enhance workouts, or be in top shape for battle. This site has a list of dietary supplement ingredients prohibited by the Department of Defense, along with a list of high-risk supplements that may contain stimulants, steroids, hormone-like ingredients, controlled substances, or unapproved drugs. Includes a handy Ask the Expert feature, tips on how to screen your supplement for safety, ingredient look-up, and more. (Department of Defense, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, et al.). For general information on drugs and supplements, see Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS - Drug & Supplement Information.
Disability, Illness, or Injury - See Wounded Warriors and related links, below.
Education - See Military Child Education Coalition and College for Veterans and Servicemembers.
Financial Education: Road to Financial Readiness NEW! VIDEO - Designed to help service members and families learn how to achieve personal financial readiness, this site offers information about your Benefits & Entitlements, Managing Your Money, Saving & Investing, Planning for the Future, Consumer Protections, and more. Also explains how to access no-cost financial counseling NEW! (Department of Defense). Military Saves VIDEO encourages military families to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth (Department of Defense and America Saves, non-profit organization). FINVET: National Veterans Financial Resource Center NEW! is a one-stop site for Veterans with links to resources that can help you pay for essentials, save more money, increase income, manage debt, and protect your money (VA Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention). See also Military Consumer, Military families combat identity theft amid life transitions , & Responding to Identity Theft (Federal Trade Commission et al.), Navigating the military financial lifecycle, Military Communities financial tools & handouts, & additional CFPB Financial Information for Servicemembers (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), and Financial Education for the Military Community (FINRA Investor Education Foundation). Military VIDEO provides some useful investment advice and resources for service members (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission).
Gold Star Families - See American Widow Project and related links, above.
Grief - See Grief support links (not specific to military families) and American Widow Project & related links, above.
Health: My Health eVet - This online service from the V.A. allows you to keep track of V.A. prescriptions & appointments, view your V.A. health records, access information on healthy living, and use related resources (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs). Military Health podcasts UPDATED LINK! [Archived page] provide information and tools to improve wellness in the military community. Podcasts include 'Wise Health for Women Warriors,' 'Military Meditation Coach,' 'A Better Night's Sleep,' and 'Living Beyond Pain' (Defense Health Agency; hosted on YouTube). See also Mental Health info & Resources (Military OneSource, U.S. Department of Defense), Mental Health Services for Veterans NEW! (, Wounded Warriors, below, and Dietary Supplements, above.
Homes for Our Troops - 'Builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives... HFOT builds these homes where the veteran chooses to live, and continues its relationship with the veterans after home delivery to assist them with rebuilding their lives' (non-profit organization). See also Homeless Veterans, above.
Jobs - See Job Resources for Veterans Webfinder.
Jobs 4 Jersey: Veterans - See NJ Career Connections, below.
Kids - See Military Families: Military Kids Connect (MKC), below.
Legal Help: N.J. Military Legal Assistance Program - This program provides free legal assistance to New Jersey residents who have served overseas as active duty members of reserve components of the armed forces after September 11, 2001. Toll-free phone number: 888-541-1900; email: (N.J. State Bar Association). See also Directory of Legal Programs for military families (American Bar Association). Stateside Legal offers easy-to-use legal information and networking tools for servicemembers, veterans, their families and advocates (funded by Legal Services Corporation). The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) outlines the protections and rights available to active-duty servicemembers and their families under this federal law (2021, American Bar Association); see also Know your rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) (2021, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). The U.S. Department of Justice: Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative protects servicemember and veteran rights through a wide range of federal laws and resources, including Financial & Housing Rights, Employment, Voting, Consumer Protection, Disability Rights, Access to Justice, and others. Under the Middlesex County Veterans Diversion Program (VDP), any active and former military service member charged with 3rd or 4th degree crimes which do not include violence, and who is suffering from a mental condition, may be eligible for diversion to mental health and rehabilitative treatment, rather than face traditional criminal prosecution.
Mailing Letters and Packages to Military Members - Visit this page to learn how you can ship care packages to military addresses at domestic prices, even if you're sending mail overseas. Includes info about free military shipping kits (Free Shipping Supplies link is broken, scroll down the page for the details), help with customs forms, military address tips, shipping restriction lists by country, and free package pickup when your shipment is ready to go (US Postal Service). See also Sending a Military Care Package: What You Need to Know (Military OneSource, U.S. Department of Defense), and Locate Military Members, Veterans, and Installations (, and Support Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers, below.
Military Families: Child Support Handbook - Provides in-depth information for military families regarding child support, establishing paternity, access/visitation, and child custody (2022, Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services).
Military Families: Children, Youth & Family Programs - From online education resources to child care programs, youth and teen centers, school liaison support, non-medical counseling and much more, this website offers military parents information, resources and services to help them raise healthy, resilient children from birth to age 19 (MilitaryOneSource; funded by the U.S. Department of Defense). Sesame Street for Military Families VIDEO offers videos, games, printable guides, and other resources to help families talk to their kids about deployments, homecomings, injuries, grief, and other topics; available in English and en español (Sesame Workshop; non-profit educational organization). Zero to Three: Parenting Resources for Military Families - scroll past Popular Resources at the top to see resources specific to military families (National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, non-profit organization). See also Military & Veteran Families and Children (National Child Traumatic Stress Network); American Widow Project and related links, above, Military Family Caregiving links, Military Family Services (Red Cross), Military Families: Moving links, and Military Families with Special Needs links, below.
Military Families: Moving - A collection of useful online tools and resources to help military families plan a successful move. Ways to Help Your Children Cope with Moving offers advice & resources for helping your kids say goodbye, plan for the move, and adjust to a new home & school (Military OneSource, U.S. Department of Defense)., the official DOD moving portal to plan, schedule, and manage your move, has moved to Military OneSource: PCS & Military Moves. The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)® UPDATED LINK! has programs, services, and resources to help military-connected children & their families deal with education challenges associated with the military lifestyle (non-profit organization). See also Deployment & Children UPDATED LINK! (2019, American Academy of Pediatrics) and A Military Family's Guide to School Transitions [also in PDF] (2017, Military Families for High Standards). See also Homes for Our Troops, above. For general advice on helping kids deal with moving, see PARENTING & FAMILY: Moving links.
Military Families with Special Needs: Support 360 Center (NJ) - Provides assistance to military families in New Jersey who have children (ages birth to 26) with disabilities. Located at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst; to find support in other states, see Parent Center Hub (Center for Parent Information and Resources and U.S. Department of Education). See also Military Parent Technical Assistance Center (U.S. Department of Education), and Military OneSource: Families With Special Needs & Disability resources. See also Families with Special Needs for links to additional useful information (not specific to military families).
Military Family Caregiving UPDATED LINK! - Blog posts on various caregiving topics, many dealing with the emotional challenges of caregiving; most recent articles are listed first (OneOp, formerly Military Families Learning Network). Wounded, Ill or Injured & Their Caregivers: Benefits and Services offers information about the services and benefits available for ill or injured service members, veterans, and their caregivers (Military OneSource, U.S. Department of Defense). The VA offers many caregiver programs & resources, including a Caregiver Support Line 1-855-260-3274. See also Wounded Warriors and related links, below, and our general Caregiving links to additional useful information (not specific to military families).
Military & Veteran Family Services - The American Red Cross offers a variety of support services for military families, including Emergency Communication, Financial Assistance, Information & Referral, Deployment Services, Services for Veterans, and Military & Veteran Caregiver Network. If your family needs emergency assistance, you can call the American Red Cross at (877) 272-7337 (toll-free) or contact your local Red Cross.
Military Spouse Employment Resources - Employment and training resources for military spouses (U.S. Department of Labor). CareerOneStop for Military Spouses NEW! links to employment, education, & relocation resources just for military spouses (U.S. Department of Labor). For information about survivors' benefits, see American Widow Project and related links, above.
Moving - See Military Families: Moving, above.
NJ Career Connections: Veterans - 'Veterans receive first priority referral to all jobs and training opportunities for which they are qualified. In the One-Stop Career Center, there is a Veterans Representative who specializes in helping veterans find the jobs and opportunities for which they qualify. In addition to priority referrals to jobs, vets can enroll in free job search workshops, find help developing a resume, learn about career training programs and get help understanding the network of veterans' benefits available through the Veterans Administration, state and local governments' (New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development). For additional career resources, see our Job Resources for Veterans Webfinder.
N.J. Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs (DMAVA) - At this website, you can request military records, apply for a distinguished service medal, order DMAVA publications, and find other useful resources for veterans, active military personnel, and military families.
N.J. Veterans Benefits Guide UPDATED! [Link opens a PDF] - Describes the programs, services, benefits, and honors available to New Jersey Veterans (2024, N.J. Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs). The NJ Military, Veterans, and Families Resource Guide UPDATED! provides information about support & assistance for military & veterans families, covering housing, health care, employment, education, and more (2024, N.J. Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs).
Special Needs - See Military Families with Special Needs, above.
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) Basics VIDEO APPS - Explains the basics of PTSD, with additional information on treatment, resources for getting help, advice for families & friends, plus videos, PTSD Coach mobile app, and more (National Center for PTSD, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs). For additional resources, see Medline: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2023, National Library of Medicine) and National Institute of Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (2024, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services).
School - See Military Child Education Coalition and College for Veterans and Servicemembers.

Support Veterans and Military Service Members - A list of highly rated charities that provide various services to military personnel, veterans, and families, from lifting troops' morale to financial assistance for food, rent, utilities, and medical expenses (Charity Navigator). See also Top Rated Veterans & Military Charities (Charity Watch), Operation Donate with Honor, Donate with honor, not to a sham charity & Donating To Help First Responders, Active Duty Military, Veterans, and Their Families (2018 - 2021, Federal Trade Commission), and Wise Giving Guide: Military & Veterans Charities [Link opens a PDF] (2018,; Better Business Bureau). For general advice on choosing a charity, see our Charitable Giving Webfinder. Want to send a care package to a servicemember? See Mailing Letters and Packages to Military Members, above.
Survivors of deceased service members - See American Widow Project and related links, above.
Tax Information for Members of the Military - Federal tax information for U.S. Armed Forces members and military veterans (Internal Revenue Service). For information on N.J. taxes, see Military Personnel & Veterans Income Tax Information (State of New Jersey). MilTax offers free tax software and one-on-one help from military tax experts for military members & families (U.S. Department of Defense program). For general tax resources, see our Useful Websites: TAXES page.
U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs - See Veteran's Administration (V.A.), below. Military & Veterans Resources - Links to official U.S. government information on how to join the military and find benefits & services as a member or veteran ( For links to additional service providers, see Military Support: Service Providers & Leaders APPS (U.S. Department of Defense). The American Legion also offers information & services to veterans, active duty military personnel, and their families, including Career and Business Resources (non-profit organization; site includes advertisements). See also Wounded Warriors links, below.
Veteran's Administration (V.A.) / U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs - Information on federal government programs for veterans, including online applications for pensions & compensation, education, health, vocational rehabilitation and employment services. The V.A. Facilities Locator is a searchable database of over one thousand Veteran's Administration facilities in the US, including benefits offices, medical facilities, and cemeteries. Or go directly to the list of New Jersey V.A. locations. (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
Wounded Warriors: Warrior Care - Supports wounded, ill, and injured Service members in their recovery and reintegration or transition to civilian life (U.S. Department of Defense). The National Resource Directory (NRD) connects wounded warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them. It provides access to services and resources at the national, state and local levels to support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration (Departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs). Disabled American Veterans offers a range of free services to disabled veterans, including claims help, medical transportation and employment resources (non-profit organization). See also Military Family Caregiving, My Health eVet, PTSD, and Homes for Our Troops, above. For general resources on living with disabilities, see our People with Disabilities Webfinder.
Women Veterans - Information on health care and other VA benefits for women veterans (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs).