Additional Helpful Resources
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department - The Social Services/Welfare Department operates Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. and is on call through the South Plainfield Police Department 24 hours a day. The function of this Department is to assist the needy with financial help and guidance in their search for employment. In the case of the disabled, assistance is given to access such programs such as food stamps, energy assistance and PAAD. A food pantry operates daily and is accessible to all South Plainfield residents who find themselves in need. Donations are always welcome. PLEASE NOTE: Both the Social Services office and Food Pantry are located INSIDE the South Plainfield Senior Center at 90 Maple Avenue. (Borough of South Plainfield)
South Plainfield Senior Center - The Borough offers a Dial-A-Ride transportation program to our seniors, providing free curb-to-curb transportation for essential services. Other programs include weekly grocery shopping trips, Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, and a variety of information and other assistance. Visit the website for details, or call 908-754-1047. (Borough of South Plainfield)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment & unemployment, alcoholism & drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Middlesex County Services Locator - 'It can be difficult to know where to start looking when you, a friend or family member, patient or client needs help. Know that whatever the need - food, substance abuse resources, job training, emergency preparedness, veterans services, housing or caregiving - the Locator can help you find available resources.'
Middlesex County Community Health Programs - 'From COVID-19 testing & vaccines to access to affordable healthcare to assistance with paying rent, the County has resources to help you care for yourself and your loved ones.'
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including housing, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
Middlesex County Consumer Affairs Department - Have a complaint against a business in Middlesex County? You can download a printed form or perform a Business Complaint History Search here. The Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office offers a
printable Fraud Prevention brochure [Link opens a PDF] with brief tips for protecting yourself from frauds & scams (Office of the County Prosecutor: Crime Prevention). If you have a dispute about an online or related transaction with a company LOCATED OUTSIDE THE U.S., you can file a complaint at See also
Consumer Info links.
South Plainfield Special Needs Registry - The Special Needs Registry is designed to ensure that police & other first responders have all the vital information they will need to assist residents with special needs in the event of an emergency. The form can be completed on-line. Applications may also be mailed to or dropped off at South Plainfield Police Headquarters. All forms will be sent to the South Plainfield Police Department and kept on file. Participation is voluntary, and you may opt out at any time. See also
Middlesex County Special Needs Registry, and
Caregiving: AngelSense Program, above.
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24/7
2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call. You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
Basic Needs NJ: Resources for College Students - Regularly updated info on services available to provide for students' basic needs, including food, health, housing, legal aid, parenting, transportation, financial aid, technology, and taxes.
Connecting NJ - Provides mothers, fathers, grandparents, and guardians free or affordable access to people, organizations, and other sources of information needed to raise healthy children. Health insurance, doula services, home visit assistance, obstetrical & prenatal care referrals, community agencies, early childhood education, and other services for families with young children are now available through Connecting NJ. This new website simplifies the process of accessing services and provides a single point of entry for community members in need.
Garden State Outreach NEW! - Connects New Jersey residents to cost-saving and life-changing programs such as utility assistance, wellness resources, financial resources, disability-related resources, and mental health & substance use services. Use the program finder to help identify which programs you may be eligible for.
NJHelps - This site will help to see if you are eligible for food assistance (SNAP), cash assistance (WFNJ/TANF or WFNJ/GA), and health Insurance (NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid). From there you can apply for services or learn about additional resources. See also
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
Get Help: New Jersey Social Services - Links to various types of assistance for families, seniors, veterans, and ex-offenders, including employment, finances, health care, housing, literacy/ESL. (New Jersey State Library)
See also:
Consumer Resources (consumer protection, privacy, identity theft, etc.)
COVID-19 Info & Resources [Archived page]
Disaster Preparedness & Recovery
Government & Law
N.J. Legal Information for Non-Lawyers
Information for New Americans
Jobs & Careers
Local Info
Parenting & Family
People with Disabilities
Veterans, Military Service Members & Their Families
Job Resources for Veterans