«««« Click here for the SOUTH PLAINFIELD SENIOR CENTER Website »»»»
«««« Click here for the MIDDLESEX COUNTY AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES Website »»»»
'SITES for SENIORS' have been chosen by the South Plainfield Public Library staff. We have tried to choose the most useful sites available, but we cannot be responsible for accuracy of information at these sites. Our inclusion of websites on this page is not an endorsement of any products or services these sites may be selling. Please use all information gathered over the Internet with caution.
HOMEBOUND DELIVERY SERVICE - Are you a South Plainfield resident who is unable to come to the library due to illness or disability? If you sign up for the Edith Goodrich Homebound Delivery Program, you will be paired with a volunteer who will select Library materials based on your requests and preferences, and then deliver them to you on a mutually agreeable schedule. Please call the Library or
click here for more information and an application form.
South Plainfield Senior Center - The Borough offers a Dial-A-Ride transportation program to our seniors, providing free curb-to-curb transportation for essential services. Other programs include weekly grocery shopping trips, Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, and a variety of information and other assistance. Visit the website for details, or call 908-754-1047. (Borough of South Plainfield)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148 (United Ways of New Jersey).
«««« Please call 988 if you are having a mental health crisis »»»»
«««« Click here for more NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
Arts, Books, Media, Culture, & Society
See also:
SENIORS: Education
Recommended Reading Lists for adults
HOMEBOUND DELIVERY SERVICE - Are you a South Plainfield resident who is unable to come to the library due to illness or disability? If you sign up for the Edith Goodrich Homebound Delivery Program, you will be paired with a volunteer who will select Library materials based on your requests and preferences, and then deliver them to you on a mutually agreeable schedule. Please call the Library or
click here for more information and an application form.
NOTE: A high-speed internet connection (cable or DSL) is recommended
for viewing and listening to audio / video presentations.
Art: National Gallery Audio & Video AUDIO VIDEO - Online audio and video series on a wide range of art topics. Use the left hand menus to browse. (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC)
Constitution Center podcasts AUDIO - Engaging audio programs (We The People and Live at the NCC) featuring 'the best arguments on all sides of the constitutional issues at the center of American life,' with discussions of recent & upcoming Supreme Court cases as well as emerging & historical legal concerns. Click here for all NCC media, including podcasts, video, and blog posts AUDIO VIDEO. (National Constitution Center; non-profit organization)
Distinctive Voices VIDEO - A collection of video lectures that highlight innovations, discoveries, and emerging issues in science, medicine, biotechnology, energy, the environment, space exploration, and more. Lectures range from about 40 minutes to 90 minutes; new videos are added regularly. (2010 - present, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine; videos are hosted on YouTube)
History Links - An extensive collection of annotated links to websites about world and U.S. history; arranged by subject. Selected for students, but many of these sites will be of interest to adult history buffs as well (South Plainfield Public Library). For an overview of South Plainfield history, see History of South Plainfield. See also Middlesex County Division of History and Historic Preservation & related info AUDIO VIDEO (includes events calendar, History Publications, and History of New Jersey podcasts, Middlesex County History Hub (a database of objects, historic documents, photographs and archaeological artifacts), Middlesex County History Tour (guided tour through New Brunswick, Highland Park, and Piscataway to see historically significant monuments, buildings, parks, and more), It Happened Here: New Jersey VIDEO, New Jersey Digital Highway, and New Jersey Historical Commission VIDEO. The New Jersey History Guide: Places to Go! has links to dozens of historic sites in New Jersey, as well as historical societies & organizations throughout the state (Kean University Library). Historical Voices AUDIO offers several collections of spoken word recordings spanning the 20th century, including the Studs Terkel Radio Archive AUDIO. The In the Past Lane [Archived page] AUDIO American history podcast has focus on the past, 'but always with an eye to the present and future' (2016 - 2020; Edward T. O'Donnell, associate professor of history at Holy Cross College). The Backstory Radio [Archived page] AUDIO American history podcast ceased production in July 2020, but archived programs are still available on the website (2008 - 2020; Virginia Foundation for the Humanities). Throughline AUDIO is another excellent podcast on American history that goes 'back in time to understand the present' (2019 - present, NPR). For more on American History, see National Museum of American History Online Exhibitions [Archived pages] & Online History & Culture Exhibitions (Smithsonian). For online articles from history magazines, see History Net, American Heritage, and Archaeology (magazine sites include advertisements).
In Our Time - A long-established BBC radio program covering culture, history, philosophy, religion and science. Host Melvyn Bragg discusses a wide range of topics with 2 or 3 experts on each show; every episode broadcast from 1998 to the present is available in the online archive.
Library of Congress Videos VIDEO - Lectures and presentations on a wide range of topics including books, history, science, and the arts. See or search Playlists for videos arranged by series, such as National Book Festivals, Music & Concerts, Topics in Science, Civil Rights, and many others. (2007 - present; videos hosted on YouTube)
Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped [NOTE: Free registration required] - A national network of cooperating libraries lending braille and audio materials, by postage-free mail, to eligible visually or physically handicapped borrowers in the United States. Includes books and magazines. See also New Jersey State Library Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC) [NOTE: Free registration required]. The Described and Captioned Media Library [NOTE: Free registration required] AUDIO VIDEO has over 6,000 free-loan described and captioned media titles for students with disabilities. The media library covers arts, business, health, home & family, literature, science, and more. Browse through the catalog by topic; you can set browsing preferences to limit results by grade level, accessibility features, format (online streaming or DVD by mail) and runtime (U.S. Department of Education & National Association of the Deaf). The SOUTH PLAINFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY offers audio books, large print books, eLibrary digital downloads AUDIO (free audiobooks, ebooks, magazines, video, online classes, music, and more), and homebound delivery for our patrons. Call us at (908) 754-7885 for more information.
New York Public Library Programs VIDEO - NYPL's YouTube channel playlists include videos of recent past programs, with playlists for series such as LIVE from the NYPL and many others.
Notable Books for Adults - An annual list of 25 titles selected for their 'significant contribution to the expansion of knowledge or for the pleasure they can provide to adult readers.' Includes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry (American Library Association). The South Plainfield Public Library staff has created a collection of Recommended Reading Lists for adults, arranged by popular genres/subjects and favorite authors/series (2023).
Open Culture AUDIO VIDEO - 'Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community... Free audio books, free courses, free movies, free language lessons and other enriching content - it's all here.' (Site includes advertisements; edited by Dan Colman, Associate Dean of Stanford University's Continuing Studies Program, et al. Open Culture is not affiliated with Stanford.)
Open Source Radio AUDIO - 'American conversation with global attitude': a series of thoughtful discussions with authors, academics, and other experts, on diverse topics such as history, politics, economics, international relations, the arts, pop culture, science, environmental issues, and more. You can listen online or download the podcast (WBUR, Boston).
PBS Video [NOTE: Many video episodes are available only to members] VIDEO - Access to a growing online library of PBS programming. (Site includes advertisements)
Podbay Podcast Directory AUDIO - A great alternative to Apple/iTunes, Google, Spotify and Stitcher podcasts. Use this directory to find your favorite podcasts or discover new ones. For each podcast, Podbay provides a general description and downloadable episode list, plus links to the podcast's website and RSS feed. Search by keyword, or browse by broad topic; a login is not required. For other alternative podcast directories, see Podcast Addict APP, Player FM AUDIO APP, or Podcast App APP.
Reading Group Guides - Offers advice on starting and running a reading group, with reading guides & reviews, contests, and more. (BookReporter.com; site includes advertisements)
Science News - 'Offers readers a concise, current and comprehensive overview of the latest scientific research in all fields and applications of science and technology' (Society for Science & the Public, a nonprofit organization). Science Update AUDIO posts daily and weekly audio reports on the latest discoveries in science, technology and medicine (American Association for the Advancement of Science). For more audio science news, see Scientific American Podcasts AUDIO (Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc.; site includes advertisements), NPR Research News AUDIO and NPR Science AUDIO (National Public Radio). See Science Podcasts and related links for additional science podcasts, and Homework Links: SCIENCE & MATH for additional science learning links.
Smithsonian - Online exhibits from the Smithsonian Institution, featuring art and design, science and nature, and history and faraway places.
TED Talks VIDEO - An archive of talks on a broad range of topics in technology, design, entertainment, science, business, the arts, and global issues. NPR hosts the TED Radio Hour AUDIO, which features excerpts from TED Talks and conversations with speakers, each centered on a common theme; you can listen online or subscribe to the podcast. See also Big Ideas: The Do Lectures VIDEO (Co-founded by UK entrepreneurs David & Clare Hieatt).
WGBH Forum VIDEO - Video lectures from the world's foremost scholars, authors, artists, scientists, policymakers, and community leaders (WGBH & the Lowell Institute; hosted on YouTube). WGBH Open Vault AUDIO VIDEO provides online access to unique and historically important content produced by the Boston public television and radio station WGBH.
With Good Reason Radio AUDIO - Weekly podcast on a variety of topics including arts & culture, health, history, literature, politics, and science. You can listen online or subscribe to the podcast to listen on your portable device. (Virginia Foundation for the Humanities)
Computers & Technology
See also:
Useful Websites: COMPUTERS
UNIVERSAL CLASS - Free online non-credit courses for your personal enrichment. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet, and are offered in a wide variety of subjects.
Computers & Technology UPDATED LINK courses cover computer basics, business applications, programming, image editing, web development, HTML, MS applications, photography, and more. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account. (From Recorded Books)
Computer Training Tutorials VIDEO - Self-paced lessons on Computer Basics, Internet Basics (including 4 different browsers),
E-Mail, Social Media, Internet Safety,
Smartphones & Tablets, Microsoft Office, and more, including lessons on using Microsoft's Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, and 10 and MAC OS. There's even a typing tutorial. Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. (Goodwill Community Foundation)
Firefox Reader View - A Firefox browser feature that strips away clutter like buttons, ads, background images, and videos, while also letting you customize font size and other settings to fit your reading preferences; not all web pages are available in Reader View.
Judging Online Information - How do you know if the information you're finding on the Web is accurate and up-to-date? This site tells you how to find out (Goodwill Community Foundation). See also Evaluating Websites, and Fact Checking & Fake News links.
Online Safety Tips for Older Adults - Brief general tips to help you protect your privacy & personal information while online (2022, National Cyber Security Alliance). The ConnectSafely Resources for Seniors provide more detailed advice (2021 - 2023, ConnectSafely.org; non-profit organization). The Digital Declutter Checklist and Smartphone Security [Link opens a PDF] offer general tips on keeping your devices secure (Stop.Think.Connect.™, Department of Homeland Security). See Computers & Technology: Protecting Yourself & Your Family for lots of additional advice. See also Scams & Frauds.
Online Life After Death: A Plan for Your Digital Assets - Tips on how to plan for the management of your digital photos, music, social media accounts, emails, and other accounts after your death (2023, Nolo Press; site includes advertisements). See also How to Prepare Your Digital Life for Your Death (2024, PC Magazine; site includes advertisements).
Readability - See Firefox Reader View, above.
See also:
SENIORS: Arts, Media, Culture & Society
Useful Websites: EDUCATION
Wordpress posts: Adult & Continuing Education
PLEASE NOTE: The South Plainfield Adult School has been closed [UPDATED!]. See Community Events & Resources for related info.
See also Adult & Continuing Education Webfinder and related posts on WordPress.
UNIVERSAL CLASS: Free online non-credit courses for your personal enrichment. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet, and are offered in a wide variety of subjects, including business, computers, cooking, crafts & hobbies, do-it-yourself, health, history, home & garden, office skills, parenting & family, personal care, psychology, real estate, self-help, religious & spiritual studies, web development, writing, and more. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account. (From Recorded Books)
Great Courses on Kanopy [SP Library card required] - Get instant access to a large collection of instructional videos from The Great Courses, along with thousands of critically-acclaimed movies, award-winning foreign films, and inspiring documentaries. You can search for specific titles, or browse the collection by subjects and genres. You can watch Kanopy on your desktop computer, and SmartTV apps like Roku, Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, Fire Stick, and Samsung. Kanopy also offers mobile and tablet apps for iPhone and Android.
Enter your South Plainfield Library card barcode number to sign up for free access!
Hundreds of GREAT COURSES NEW! are also available for streaming on Hoopla! [SP Library card required]
Prefer to watch on DVD? You'll find hundreds of Great Courses DVDs available through our library catalog UPDATED LINK!.
Pronunciator Personalized Language Learning [SP Library card required]: The world's most comprehensive language-learning service. 164 languages to learn, 144 languages to learn them in. Years of learning activities within each language. Start right away with Instant Access, or build a course customized to your interests or profession. Simply select the topics you love, the skills you want to build, and how much you want to study each day, and Pronunciator will build a robust and effective personalized course just for you - in a matter of seconds. Use the Bluebird app on your mobile device.
GetSetUp: Live Online Learning - The NJ Division of Aging Services has teamed with GetSetUp to provide hundreds of free live online classes to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. Classes are interactive, easy to join, offered day and night and free for our community. Categories include aging-in-place, arts, business, communication, cooking, creativity, financial planning, health & wellness, jobs, languages, technology, travel and more. NOTE: You will need to
sign up with your name & email, and create a password (be sure COUPON CODE APPLIED says NJ) to take classes. (NJ Department of Human Services)
NOTE: A high-speed internet connection (cable or DSL) is recommended
for viewing and listening to audio / video presentations.
Annenberg Media [Archived page] VIDEO - A variety of online instructional video programs in the arts, literature, history, science, and more; audience level ranges from grades pre-K through adult. (Annenberg Foundation / Corporation for Public Broadcasting)
Class Central VIDEO - A search engine for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). Includes video 'trailers' for courses, where available, and user-contributed reviews. (Site includes advertisements.)
GCF Learn Free VIDEO - Free tutorials, articles, and other learning materials aimed at helping you improve the basic technology, literacy, and math skills needed for success in both work and life. Covers a wide range of subjects from operating ATMs and reading subway maps to using office software and running a home-based business. Free registration required. (Non-profit organization: Goodwill Community Foundation)
Lifelong Learning Institutes - Scroll down to 'Find a Lifelong Learning Institute' for a state-by-state list of institutions dedicated to providing educational opportunities for older adults (Road Scholar Institute Network), including Rutgers University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute & Senior Citizen Audit Program, and others in NJ.
MOOC.org: Massive Open Online Courses - A directory of thousands of free online courses from over 140 leading global institutions like MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, and leading companies like AWS, Microsoft, and IBM. MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and advance your career. (From edX.org)
Open Textbook Library - Hundreds of free online/downloadable textbooks on a wide range of subjects. All textbooks are either used at multiple higher education institutions or affiliated with an institution, scholarly society, or professional organization, and have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality (Center for Open Education, University of Minnesota). You'll find more free textbooks at OpenStax (Rice University), and Galileo Open Learning Textbooks (University System of Georgia).
Open University Learning Space - Hundreds of free, self-paced online courses in Health, Sports & Psychology, Education & Development, History & The Arts, Languages, Money & Business, Nature & Environment, Science / Math / Technology, and Society / Politics / Law. There is no tutor, but if you sign up for a free account you can track your progress, connect with other learners in the discussion forums, earn badges, and more; see Frequently Asked Questions for more information. (The Open University, Milton Keynes UK)
Open Yale Courses - 'Free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University... for all who wish to learn.'
Saylor Foundation - A free collection of self-paced, college-level courses, with no registrations or fees, and no application process. Courses are designed by credentialed college professors, but there is no individual supervision or interaction with faculty. Registration is required if you wish to receive a certificate for completing a course. (Non-profit organization)
Science - See Science News and related links, above.
Employment & Business
See also:
Useful Websites: BUSINESS
Useful Websites: JOBS & CAREERS
«««« Click here for NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
FERGUSON'S CAREER GUIDANCE CENTER VIDEO [SP Library card required] - Comprehensive and easy-to-use career research database offers information on more than 3,300 jobs and 94 industries, plus advice on applying for a job, acing an interview, behaving professionally in the work environment and more. More than 90 sample resumes and cover letters included! The Resources section contains over 50,000 entries on scholarships, internships, and other opportunities. Includes more than 290 videos present essential career information on both specific jobs and industries and on skills. If you're logging on at home, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started. From Facts on File.
UNIVERSAL CLASS [SP Library card required] - Free online non-credit courses for your personal enrichment. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet, and are offered in a wide variety of subjects, including business, career training, entrepreneurship, office skills, real estate, and more. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account. (From Recorded Books)
PETERSON'S TEST & CAREER PREP [SP Library card required] - Free practice tests, study tips, and test prep eBooks for all kinds of standardized employment & education tests, including civil service and licensure exams (Accountant/Auditor, Caseworker, Correction Officer, Firefighter, Parole Officer, Police Officer / promotions, Postal Worker, Probation Officer, Real Estate, State Trooper, Treasury Enforcement Agent, and others), GED (high school equivalency test), NCLEX (nursing), PRAXIS (teaching), Officer Candidate, and ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) tests, plus career tools such as a robust resume creator, career assessments and job overviews. If you're logging on at home, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode number, and PIN to get started.
PLEASE NOTE: Learning Express Library and Job & Career Accelerator have been discontinued. For more career resources, see Business, Jobs/Careers & Legal. For more computer skills resources, see Computers & Tech.
CareerOneStop VIDEO - An excellent place to start a job search, this site includes
Career Advice for 55+ Workers and
Workers with Disabilities, as well as a wide assortment of additional career information & job search tools. The site also provides links to
Job Banks in every state
(click here for New Jersey) and
American Job Centers, a searchable directory of local service centers which offer PCs, faxes, copy machines, career counseling, workshops, and many other services for job hunters. The How-to Guide
Recover After a Layoff explains how to apply for unemployment benefits, learn about special resources available after a layoff, and plan your job search. You can also call the
Helpline, 1-877-US2-JOBS (1-877-872-5627), for information about jobs, training, & career resources, including career services for workers & employers, laid-off worker assistance, and the location of One-Stop Career Centers. (U.S. Department of Labor)
Age Discrimination - An overview of federal law relating to age discrimination (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Protections Against Age Discrimination in New Jersey [Link opens a PDF] explains the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) (2021, NJ Office of the Attorney General). Working After Retirement NEW! and How Old is Too Old to Work? have useful advice for older job seekers (Monster.com, dates unknown; site includes advertisements). Guide to Successful Job Search for Job Seekers Over 50 offers helpful employment tips for 'boomers' / older job seekers to help you handle today's tough job market and economy. Scroll down the page for a list of related articles in the right sidebar, or below the intro on small screens (Susan P. Joyce, Job-Hunt.org, date unknown; site includes advertisements).
America's Career InfoNet is now CareerOneStop, above.
Business Startup Programs for People 50+ - An overview of courses and programs (some are free, others have fees) to help you learn business skills and explore the possibility of being your own boss. Starting a Business Articles offer lots of useful advice for older entrepreneurs (2020 - 2024, Next Avenue). For general small business resources, see Useful Websites: BUSINESS.
CoGenerate (formerly Encore.org - 'If you're interested in finding an encore career, exploring new opportunities for intergenerational collaboration or simply curious about midlife career pivots, this page offers some good ways to get started.' CoGenerate is focused on bridging generational divides (2022, Civic Ventures®; non-profit organization).
Disabilities and Employment - See DIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT links and Webfinder: People with Disabilities.
Encore Entrepreneurs - See Business Startup Programs.
Mature Workers: Workforce Programs - Information about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which provides training and employment opportunities to low-income Americans over the age of 55; as well as Senior Environmental Employment (SEE), another jobs program for mature workers, and other work / volunteer opportunities for seniors (Center for Workforce Inclusion; a non-profit organization serving low-income, older job seekers with a focus on communities who have been traditionally underserved by workforce programs. Formerly Senior Service America).
New Jersey WorkForce 55+ - Offers jobs and training to economically disadvantaged seniors, 55 years of age and older. WorkForce 55+ participants receive the counseling, assessment and training necessary to enable them to be placed in unsubsidized employment. (N.J. Department of Labor and Workforce Development)
SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) VIDEO - A non-profit organization which gives retired businesspersons an opportunity to donate their time and talent to assist America's aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. You can get free business advice, or become a SCORE volunteer to help others. Includes a variety of Templates & Tools, and other helpful online materials for small businesses. For many more small business resources, see Useful Websites: BUSINESS.
Veterans' Job Resources - Selected links to career resources for veterans, plus related posts.
Volunteer: AmeriCorps Seniors (formerly Senior Corps) - Volunteer opportunities for senior citizens (Corporation for National and Community Service, an independent federal agency). Volunteer New Jersey provides a form you can fill out to get personal guidance about volunteer opportunities, plus links to volunteer centers throughout the state (Association of New Jersey Volunteer Centers). For more volunteer opportunities, see Volunteer.gov, Points of Light (formerly All For Good), and Create the Good (AARP). See also Stay Active Through Volunteering [Link opens a PDF] & Stay Active Through Intergenerational Connections [Link opens a PDF] (2018, engAGED National Resource Center); see also CoGenerate, above.
General Senior & Aging Resources
See also:
Useful Websites: GENERAL
«««« Click here for the SOUTH PLAINFIELD SENIOR CENTER Website »»»»
«««« Click here for the MIDDLESEX COUNTY AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES Website »»»»
HOMEBOUND DELIVERY SERVICE - Are you a South Plainfield resident who is unable to come to the library due to illness or disability? If you sign up for the Edith Goodrich Homebound Delivery Program, you will be paired with a volunteer who will select Library materials based on your requests and preferences, and then deliver them to you on a mutually agreeable schedule. Please call the Library or
click here for more information and an application form.
South Plainfield Senior Center - The Borough offers a Dial-A-Ride transportation program to our seniors, providing free curb-to-curb transportation for essential services. Other programs include weekly grocery shopping trips, Meals on Wheels, congregate meals, and a variety of information and other assistance. Visit the website for details, or call 908-754-1047. (Borough of South Plainfield)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Ways of New Jersey)
«««« Click here for more NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
AARP - Website has a large collection of articles on money & work, learning, family, technology, and travel; click on the MENU icon in the upper left to open or close the list of topics. There are also many useful Tools & Calculators covering money, health, travel, and more. (Site includes advertisements)
Administration on Aging: Administration for Community Living - Resources for elders, caregivers, and people with disabilities, with links to agencies, public and private benefits programs, and more. See also Resource Centers (Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
Alliance for Retired Americans - 'The mission of the Alliance for Retired Americans is to ensure social and economic justice and full civil rights for all citizens so that they may enjoy lives of dignity, personal and family fulfillment and security.' Also offers a variety of discounts and other benefits for members.
Elder Abuse - Explains how to recognize elder abuse, what the risk factors are, who the abusers are, and how to get help for yourself or someone you know (U.S. Administration on Aging). See also Different Types of Elder Abuse (Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, Financial Exploitation, Neglect and Abandonment, and Sexual Abuse) & What is Adult Protective Services (APS)? [Link opens a PDF] (U.S. Department of Justice), Adult Protective Services (APS) in New Jersey [Link opens a PDF] (2022 - 2023, NJ Division of Aging Services), and NAPSA: National Adult Protective Services Association .
ElderCare Locator - A national toll-free referral service funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging to help older people and their families find community services for seniors anywhere in the country. Visit the website to get help online, or call 1-800-677-1116, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET.
Middlesex County Aging & Disability Services - Provides a variety of programs, services, & information for senior citizens and disabled persons residing in the county.
National Council on Aging - Information on health & safety, benefits, and jobs & economic security, including a number of helpful tools & resources for older adults and their caregivers. (Non-profit organization)
New Jersey Division of Aging Services - Information on state services for seniors and their families / caregivers.
NJ Community & Wellness: Senior Services also provides information on NJ programs related to Health & Wellness, Housing Options & Assisted Living, Safety & Legal concerns, Benefits & Assistance, and more. Closer to home, see
Middlesex County Aging & Disability Services,
Community & Social Services brochures and the
South Plainfield Senior Center Services.
Next Avenue - Information and advice for people over the age of 50 on Health, Money & Policy, Work & Purpose, Living, and Caregiving. (Twin Cities Public Television et al.)
South Plainfield Senior Center - 'The Senior Center is dedicated to enriching the lives of our community's great treasure...our seniors and strives to create a welcoming social environment with useful and entertaining programming and activities.' Includes senior services, and a calendar of upcoming trips & events.
Third Act - Seeks to build 'a community of experienced Americans over the age of sixty... to build better tomorrow.' Works to protect the climate and strengthen democracy. (Founded by author & climate activist Bill McKibben)
Grandparenting, Caregiving & Family
See also:
Useful Websites: PARENTING & FAMILY
WEBFINDER: Genealogy Resources
Ancestry Library Edition: Ancestry Library Edition provides library patrons instant access to a wide range of resources for genealogical and historical research, including records from the U.S. Census; military records; court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more!
Heritage Quest Online.
Heritage Quest Online Genealogy [SP Library card required]: A genealogy research tool you can use at home or in the library. Heritage Quest offers access to over 20,000 family and local histories, U.S. Federal Census records, 1790-1930, thousands of genealogy and local history periodicals, bank records, and more.
Aging Without Family [Archived page] - Describes some steps you can take to plan for aging when you don't have any family members who can make decisions, carry out your wishes, or provide care if needed. (2013, New York Times; site includes advertisements). See also No Spouse, No Kids, No Caregiver: How to Prepare to Age Alone [Archived page] (2015, U.S. News & World Report; site includes advertisements), 6 Tips for Aging Alone NEW! (2024, U.S. News & World Report; site includes advertisements), Elder Orphans Need Fearless Fallback Plan [Archived page] (2018, Kaiser Health News), and Elder Orphans: A Real Problem or a New Way to Scare Singles? [Archived page] (2016, Psychology Today; site includes advertisements).
10 Warning Signs Your Older Family Member May Need Help - Briefly outlines behaviors that may indicate the need to take action (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). In Middlesex County, the
Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care: Comprehensive Services on Aging (COPSA) offers mental health services for caregivers & families; contact 1-800-424-2494 for more information. See our
COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES: Caregiving brochures for related resources in Middlesex County.
National Family Caregiver Support Resources provides answers to common questions (Eldercare.gov).
The Caregiver Handbook [Link opens a PDF] is a comprehensive guide to finding care, paying for it, planning ahead, taking care of yourself, and more (2023, National Institute on Aging). Printable
Caregiver Worksheets can help you coordinate care and keep track of your caregiving responsibilities and needs (2023, National Institute on Aging).
Caregiver Support: Resources can help you find emotional and task support (USA.gov).
For additional caregiving resources, see
Caregiver Resources & Long-Term Care NEW! (2022, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services),
Family Caregiver Support Center (FCSC) Tip Sheets: Caregiver Issues & Advice UPDATED LINK! (USC Davis School of Gerontology),
Caring for Another VIDEO (Family Caregiver Alliance),
Family Caregiver Toolbox (Caregiver Action Network; non-profit organization),
Medline Plus: Caregivers,
Hospice links,
Alzheimer's links,
Long Term Care,
Health and Aging, below. See also
Military Family Caregiving links.
For practical instructions & advice on dealing with specific problems, tasks, and conditions, see
- Eldercare at Home: Caregiving Tips (Health in Aging, American Geriatrics Society; non-profit organization)
- NIA Caregiving Resources (National Institute on Aging)
- Caregiving Info & Advice on Specific Health Issues or Conditions (Family Caregiver Alliance)
- N.J. Aging and Disability Resource Connection (formerly Caregiver NJ), below.
For advice about long-distance caregiving, see
- So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers about Long-Distance Caregiving [Archived page; link opens a PDF] (2011, National Institute on Aging)
- Long Distance Caregiving (2017, National Institute on Aging).
For legal and financial advice related to caregiving, see
- 10 Legal Tips for Caregivers [Link opens a PDF] (2016, American Bar Association)
- Managing Someone Else's Money, below.
For advice on emotional, physical and financial self-care for caregivers, see
- Get Support If You Are a Caregiver (2023, healthfinder.gov)
- Caring for Yourself When Caring for Another UPDATED LINK! (2024, CDC)
- 10 Tips for Caregivers [Link opens a PDF] (2018, NJ Division of Aging Services)
- Caregiver Tips For Staying Healthy and Active (2024, American Heart Assocation)
- Caregiving Family Tip Sheets (dealing with emotional issues) (2019, University of Illinois Extension)
- When Aging Parents Resist Help (2019, AARP; site includes advertisements)
- What to Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Help (2024, A Place for Mom senior living referral service; paid for by participating communities and providers)
- Is Your Aging Parent Refusing Help, Even When It's Obviously Needed? (2018, Forbes; site includes advertisements)
- When Siblings Become Caregivers (2022, Knowable Magazine; from Annual Reviews, a nonprofit publisher)
Elder Abuse - See Elder Abuse, above.
Elder Care Legal Issues - See Law & Government, below.
Elder Orphans - See Aging without Family, above.
End-of-life Care See Caregiving links, above, and Hospice links.
Finding a New Home for your Pet - Do you feel you can no longer keep your pet due to behavior, health, and/or housing problems? This page explains steps you can take to resolve the problems, and how you can make sure your pet will be cared for if you can't keep her (Humane Society of the United States). Rehoming your Pet on Adopt-a-Pet.com is a program to help you place your pet in a new home. Also includes links to information about help to keep your pet (Adopt-a-Pet.com; non-profit pet adoption website).
Financial Assistance for Legal Guardianship - Explains the New Jersey Kinship Care Subsidy Program, which provides financial help to people caring for their grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or other children (2017, Legal Services of N.J.).
Guardianship Resources is a collection of articles explaining what legal guardianship is and how to establish and maintain a guardianship. Also covers special circumstances, such as guardianship of an mentally disabled adult (Nolo Press; site includes advertisements).
Fun Things to Do with Kids - See Parenting & Family.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - Helpful advice on the challenges and rewards of assuming full- or part-time responsibility for grandchildren (2023, HelpGuide.org; non-profit organization). Grandfamilies.org 'serves as a national legal resource in support of grandfamilies within and outside the child welfare system' (American Bar Assocation et al.). See also NJ Grandfacts [Link opens a PDF] (2021, Grandfamilies.org) and Online Resources for Grandparents and Other Relatives: State Laws, Subsidies, Medicaid, and More (2018, Psychology Today). Power of Grandparents UPDATED LINK! offers advice to help you communicate better with teenage grandchildren, help them stay healthy and avoid drinking & using drugs; related resources included (The Partnership at Drugfree.org). Grandloving [Archived page; tech info is outdated] offers 'creative, family-friendly ideas for keeping close to your grandchildren.... hundreds of tips and dozens of project ideas' (2013; Sue Johnson, Julie Carlson & Elizabeth Bowe). See also Fun Things To Do with Kids.
Grief Support Resources - Articles and other resources that focus on grief, loss or end-of-life issues.
N.J. Aging and Disability Resource Connection (formerly Caregiver NJ) - Information and assistance to older persons, adults with physical disabilities, caregivers and professionals looking for services or programs. Includes
phone numbers for county office for seniors and adults with physical disabilities. See also
N.J. Division of Aging Services, above. (State of New Jersey)
Nursing Homes - See Nursing Home Compare, below.
Health, Safety, Fitness and Health Care
See also:
Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS
WEBFINDERS: People with Disabilities
«««« Please dial 988 if you are having a mental health crisis »»»»
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Way, in partnership with the State of New Jersey)
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
HealthCare.gov - Use this website to shop for health coverage and enroll in a health care plan. You can also find out about other options for getting health coverage, report income or life changes, appeal a Marketplace decision, or learn more about using your new coverage. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
Facts on File: Health Reference Center [SP Library card required] - Clear and comprehensive information on conditions and diseases, health and wellness, mental health, and the human body. Health Reference Center includes educational videos, color illustrations, and regularly updated health news articles. If you're logging in from your home or office computer, you'll need to enter your name, library card barcode, and PIN to begin.
Addiction in Older Adults - Examines the prevalence and causes of drug & alcohol addiction among older adults, with related articles and resources on intervention & treatment (2015 - 2020, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation). See also SmokeFree 60+, below.
Aging Changes in Sleep - Sleep patterns and problems may change as we get older. This article describes some of the sleep problems that can arise with aging (Medline Plus, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). See also Sleep Tips for Older Adults (2023, HelpGuide.org).
Aging in Place - See Aging in Place links, below.
Air Quality and Older Adults - Fact sheets for older adults and their caregivers about environmental health risks (indoor & outdoor air quality, extreme heat), and steps you can take to reduce those risks. These printable fact sheets are available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Italian, French, and several other languages. You can sign up here for air quality notifications by text or email, or download the AIRNow app for iPhone or Android. The same site also posts alerts on hazardous air quality conditions such as wildfire smoke. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
Alzheimer's & Related Disorders: Understanding Alzheimer's - Information about Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, including causes, warning signs, diagnosis, treatment, and more (Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research). Alzheimer's Association has the latest research on Alzheimer's Disease and dementia, with information on risk factors, warning signs, diagnosis, treatment, and more. See also Alzheimer's links & Dementia links (Medline), and Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias (National Institute on Aging). In Middlesex County, the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care: Comprehensive Services on Aging (COPSA) offers a number of mental health services for caregivers & families, including a Memory Disorders Clinic which offers state-of-the-art diagnostic assessment and treatment services for New Jersey residents with memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and other causes of dementia; contact 1-800-424-2494 for more information. See also Caregiving Resources, above.
Assisted Living - See Housing & Relocation links, below.
Brain Health: How to Keep Your Brain Sharp as You Age VIDEO - Describes what we can do as we get older to live a brain healthy lifestyle (2023, Dana Foundation for Brain Research). NIA's Brain health page explains what steps you can take to help care for your brain, and how the aging brain affects thinking (2023 - 2024, National Institute on Aging). For Brain Fitness Exercises, see Games for the Brain, below.
Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided By Your Employer Be Cut? - See Health Benefits, below.
Consumer Health Information for Older People - See Common Health Scams (2024) and Spot Health Insurance Scams (2021) (Federal Trade Commission). See also Medicare links, below.
Caregiving - See Caregivers' Resources, above.
Cold Weather Safety - See Weather and Older Adults, below.
Crime Prevention Tips for Seniors [Link opens a PDF] [NOTE: Contact info for services & assistance are for New York City only] - Printable brochure with general tips for seniors on how to avoid crime and fraud. (2017, New York City Police Department). See also Scams & Frauds, below. For tips about protecting yourself online, see Online Safety for Older Adults and related links, above.
Diet - See Nutrition for Seniors, below.
Dietary Supplements for Older Adults - Explains the potential risks and benefits of using dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other substances. Also offers tips on how to use supplements safely, and provides Vitamin and mineral recommendations for people over 50. There's a related page on Vitamins and Minerals for Older Adults (2021, National Institute on Aging). For additional resources, see our HEALTH AND FITNESS: Drugs & Supplements links. See also Nutrition for Seniors, below.
Disability Benefits - See Filing a Claim for your Disability Benefits, below.
Disability Resources - See our Resources for People with Disabilities Webfinder and related pages.
Drug information - See Medicines, below
Elder Abuse - See Elder Abuse, above.
Emergency Planning for Older Adults - Describes the steps you should take to prepare for all kinds of emergencies; includes a printable brochure (Ready.gov). See also Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults (American Red Cross), Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults and People with Disabilities (2023, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), and Planning for People with Disabilities (2023, Ready.gov). See our Disasters Webfinder and related posts for more disaster preparedness resources (including Planning for Pets). For advice on other safety issues, see Safety Tips for Seniors, below.
End-of-life Care - See Caregiving links, above, and Hospice links.
Evaluating Health Information - Links to resources offering tips to help you find the most reliable and up-to-date health information available (U.S. National Library of Medicine). See also Scientific Misinformation, Fact Checking and Fake News resources.
Exercise & Physical Activity for Seniors - Fitness information for older adults. Explains the different types & benefits of exercise, and offers advice on how to get started, stay motivated, exercise safely, and have fun being active throughout the year. Use the site's physical activity tracking tools to help stick with your exercise routine (National Institute on Aging). See also How much physical activity do you need?, which includes sections for older adults, and those with chronic health conditions & disabilities (U.S. Centers for Disease Control), Active Aging resources [NOTE: Page navigation menu may be at the bottom of the page on small screens] (International Council on Active Aging), Exercises for Older Adults (formerly Go4Life) VIDEO & Exercise safety VIDEO (National Institute on Aging), and Home Workouts for Older Adults and People with Disabilities VIDEO (NCHPAD: National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability). For additional resources, see Medline: Exercise for Older Adults (U.S. National Library of Medicine), and Yoga for Seniors.
Falls Among Older Adults: Prevention UPDATED LINK! - Unintentional falls are a common hazard for adults ages 65 and older, but this page offers tips & resources that can reduce falls and help older adults live better and longer (2024, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). How to Get Up Safely After a Fall VIDEO explains the safest way to get up after a fall, and offers advice on preventing falls (University of Michigan). For a printable diagram, see How to get up from a fall flyer [Link opens a PDF] (Philips Lifeline, a Medical Alert Services company). See also Falls & Fall Prevention (National Institute on Aging), Debunking the Myths of Older Adult Falls & 6 Falls Prevention Steps to Help Your Older Loved Ones (National Council on Aging). For more safety advice, see Safety Tips for Seniors, below.
Family Health History - Links to advice & tools for creating a family health history, which can help to predict whether you, your children, or your grandchildren might face an increased risk of developing serious health problems. (National Institutes of Health)
Fire Safety for Older Adults [Link opens a PDF] - A helpful printable booklet for older adults on what you can do to protect yourself and your home from fire, plus related fire safety resources (2018 - 2023, U.S. Fire Administration). See also Fire Safety Tips for Older Adults (National Fire Protection Association), and general Safety Tips for Seniors, below.
Food - See Nutrition for Seniors.
Grief - See Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS - Grief Support.
Health Benefits: Can the Retiree Health Benefits Provided By Your Employer Be Cut? [Link opens a PDF] - Advice on understanding your employer's retiree health benefits plan (2018, U.S. Department of Labor). See also Retirement Health Benefits Advisor (U.S. Department of Labor) and Filing a Claim for your Health Benefits, below.
Health Care Advance Planning Toolkit [Link opens a PDF] - A consumer guide to making advance health care directives, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care. Additional information & resources are available at Health Care Decision Making and Health Decision Resources (2020 - 2023, American Bar Association; site includes advertisements). See also Advance Directive in New Jersey (2015 - 2021, N.J. Department of Human Services) and Advance Directive Form & Advance Directive Booklet (2019 - 2022, Middlesex County Surrogate).
HealthCare.gov - Explains the basics of the 'Affordable Care Act' of 2010, with tools to help you explore your health insurance coverage options and learn if you qualify for lower costs. You can also use this website to find out about other options for getting health coverage, report income or life changes, appeal a Marketplace decision, or learn more about using your new coverage. See also
Medicare, below. If you are not yet eligible for Medicare and your income is very low, see
Medicaid. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
Health and Aging - Information & advice on health, disease, and healthy living for older adults, plus resources on caregiving, end-of-life, and related issues. Also includes collections of informative YouTube videos on Healthy Aging VIDEO, Exercises for Older Adults & Exercise safety videos, above, as well as publications on health for older adults and caregivers; most publications are available free online as printable PDFs (National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health). HealthInAging.org provides older adults and caregivers with up-to-date content on health and aging, including info about common diseases and disorders that affect us as we age, specific considerations for older adults & caregivers managing multiple health conditions, and resources tailored to specific topics that can help you learn more about your condition (American Geriatrics Society).
Hearing Aids - Consumer advice covering Types of Hearing Aids, Benefits & Safety Issues, Hearing Aids & Cell Phones, How to get Hearing Aids, and more. (2022, U.S. Food & Drug Administration)
Home Care Services - See Aging in Place links, below.
Hospice Care - See Hospice links.
Hot Weather Safety - See Weather and Older Adults, below.
Long Term Care - A wide range of information and options to help you plan and pay for future long-term care needs; includes an overview of public programs that may cover some long-term care needs for low-income seniors (2021, Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). See also National Institute on Aging: Long Term Care, which includes a section on Aging in Place: Growing Older at Home (National Institute on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), and Aging In Place (and related content) (2018 - 2022, Checkbook.org; non-profit organization). Home Care Services (In-Home Care, Home Health Care) has links to information about services that may allow you to stay in your home (Medline Plus, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Long-term Care Ombudsman Locator can help you resolve complaints relating to long-term care. Click on the map to choose a state (National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care). Financial Planning: Long Term Care answers common questions about long term care (Insurance Information Institute; an industry-supported organization). See also Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS - Long-Term Care links, Assisted Living links, below, and Caregiving links, above.
Medicare - All about Medicare services, plans, billing, providers, eligibility, etc. See also People with Medicare & Medicaid Center (Official Medicare sites). Medicare Savings Programs NEW! can help eligible low-income individuals cover the costs of Medicare premiums; apply through your State Medicaid Agency. In New Jersey, the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) offers free help to NJ Medicare beneficiaries who have problems with, or questions about benefits, claims and supplement policies (known as Medigaps). Trained volunteers provide information and assistance for dealing with claims and in evaluating health insurance options (Middlesex County Office of Aging & Disabled Services and NJ Department of Human Services). Medicare Rights Center has information and advice for people with Medicare questions or problems. Includes a variety of Medicare Resources and a Medicare phone helpline (1-800-333-4114) (non-profit organization). See also Center for Medicare Advocacy: Info by Topic (a national, non-profit law organization). Compare Original Medicare & Medicare Advantage NEW! (Medicare.gov) and Problems with Medicare Advantage Plans Keep Mounting NEW! (2024, Kiplingers) can help you decide whether to enroll in original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) NEW! explains what Medigap covers, how it works, & general costs, and when & how to buy, switch, or drop a policy; also includes an interactive search to help you find Medigap policies in your area (Medicare.gov). Senior Medicare Patrol of NJ helps Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse; includes news & fraud alerts and more (Senior Medicare Patrol National Resource Center and Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County; funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Spot Health Insurance Scams offers advice on scams involving Medicare and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans. This page explains how to protect your personal information, and what drug plan providers may and may not do (2021, Federal Trade Commission). If you do not qualify for Medicare, see HealthCare.gov, above. If you are not yet eligible for Medicare and your income is very low, see Medicaid.
Medicines: Tips for Seniors - 'As you get older you may be faced with more health conditions that you need to treat on a regular basis. It is important to be aware that more use of medicines and normal body changes caused by aging can increase the chance of unwanted or maybe even harmful drug interactions.' This page offers advice that can help you avoid problems with medicines (2018, U.S. Food and Drug Administration). See also Health in Aging: Medications & Older Adults, which includes advice on Medications that Older Adults Should Avoid or use with Caution; Alternative Remedies; and What Older Adults Can Do to Manage Medications (American Geriatrics Society; non-profit organization). Multiple Medicines [Archived page] [Link opens a PDF] is a brief article with general tips for managing multiple drugs, and regularly reviewing with your doctor the drugs you take (2011, Consumer Reports). See also Unused Medicines: Safe Disposal. For general drug information resources, see our HEALTH AND FITNESS: Drugs & Supplements links.
Menopause - See Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS - Menopause.
Mental Health & Older Adults - Warning signs, news, topics & resources, and other information on depression and other mental health concerns (National Institute of Mental Health). For general resources on mental health, see Useful Websites: HEALTH & FITNESS - Mental Health.
Merck Manual (Consumer Edition): Older People's Health Issues - Covers a range of topics including the aging body, aging & drugs, elder mistreatment, falls, driving, social issues, and more. Click on 'Expand all' to the right of the heading Older People's Health Issues to see a complete list of topics (Merck & Co., Inc.; pharmaceutical company)
National Institute on Aging - See Health and Aging, above.
New Jersey Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing - Use this site to file a complaint about a health care facility, locate a hospital, nursing home or other health facility, find information about doctors, get help for a senior or caregiver, or plan for long-term care. The New Jersey Report Card has been replaced by
Care Compare, below. See
N.J. Health Care Consumer Reports and Guides for more information on hospitals, nursing homes, managed care, home health care, ambulatory surgery centers, and other health care services. (N.J. Department of Human Services)
Nursing Homes: Care Compare - A tool that allows you to find & compare nursing homes, hospitals and other providers near you. Also offers related resources, including a 36-page Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long-Term Services & Supports (2024) UPDATED! [Link opens a PDF document], and a separate Nursing Home Checklist (2022) [Link opens a PDF document] to take along when you visit a nursing home. Learn about Medicare's coverage of nursing home and skilled nursing care, plus related information. You can also view a frequently-updated list of nursing homes with poor performance records [Link opens a PDF document] (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). See also Residents' Rights & Quality of Care NEW! (2022, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), New Jersey Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing, above, and U.S. News Best Nursing Homes.
Nutrition for Seniors VIDEO - Articles & videos offering advice to help you prevent or manage disease (Eatright.org, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). Healthy Eating for Older Adults can help you make smart food choices, shop for healthy food on a budget, find out what vitamins & minerals you need, plan your meals & shopping list, and overcome roadblocks to healthy eating (National Institute on Aging). The Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program promotes nutritional health among New Jersey's low-income senior citizens by providing them with locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Low income seniors may also be eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits - see Get Help Paying for Food with SNAP to find out if you qualify (BenefitsCheckUp®, National Council on Aging (NCOA).). See also Dietary Supplements for Older Adults, above.
Online Safety - See Online Safety for Older Adults, above.
Oral Health Information: Older Adults - Information that can help you keep your mouth healthy for a lifetime (National Institutes of Health). See also Taking Care of Your Teeth & Mouth (National Institute on Aging), and Caregiver Guide: Dental Problems (Health in Aging, American Geriatrics Society). For more information about dentures & implants, see Medline's Denture Links.
Safety - Safety advice for seniors related to medications, driving, home, food and more (2017, National Institute on Aging). Use the CPSC Home Safety Checklist [Link opens a PDF] to prepare for an emergency and to spot possible safety problems in your home (2015, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission). The CDC Home Safety Checklist [Link opens a PDF] 'asks about hazards found in each room of your home.' Includes advice on how to fix problems, and other tips for preventing falls (2017, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control). See also Crime Prevention Tips, Emergency Planning, Exercise safety, Falls Among Older Adults, Fire Safety for Older Adults, Weather and Older Adults, and Aging Drivers.
SmokeFree 60+ - Free, accurate, evidence-based information and professional assistance to help support the immediate and long-term needs of older adults trying to quit smoking (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). See also Addiction in Older Adults, above.
Staying Sharp, see Brain Health and related links, above.
Strength Training - See Exercise & Physical Activity for Seniors, above.
VisionAware™ VIDEO - Tips & resources on living with blindness or low vision; information on eye diseases and disorders; and a searchable, free Directory of Services (American Printing House for the Blind & American Foundation for the Blind). See National Federation of the Blind for other helpful resources.
Walking: Stepping Out UPDATED LINK! - Advice for mature adults on walking to stay fit and maintaining your safety while you walk (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Winter Walking offers advice that can lower your risk of slipping and falling on snow or ice in winter (2019; Government of Alberta, Canada). See also Using a Cane and Using a Walker (University of Michigan).
Weather and Older Adults: Heat and Older Adults UPDATED LINK! - Older adults (aged 65 and older) are more prone to heat stress than younger people. This page describes the symptoms of heat-related illness and offers tips to protect yourself (U.S. Centers for Disease Control). See Cold Weather Safety for Older Adults for advice on keeping warm in winter (National Institute on Aging).
Housing & Relocation
See also:
Home & Garden Webfinders & related posts
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Ways of New Jersey)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
«««« Click here for NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
Assisted Living - Information and consumer guides for assisted living residents and family members, covering such topics as choosing an assisted living residence, moving into an assisted living residence, caring for someone with Alzheimer's, paying for long term care, and more. Includes a printable Checklist for Consumers and Prospective Residents [Link opens a PDF] (2015, National Center for Assisted Living; part of the American Health Care Association, an organization representing long term care providers). Consumer Reports' Guide to Assisted Living Community Types provides brief advice on finding the right assisted living situation for yourself or a family member (2017). Assisted Living: Seven Questions To Ask When Searching for Assisted Living offers expert advice on what you need to find out when choosing an assisted living facility (2013, PBS & WGBH Public Television). See also Long Term Care links, above.
Best Places to Retire (US News & World Report) - A collection of 'best places' lists that focus on different factors such as costs, jobs, health care, recreation, climate, and more. See also AARP's Most Livable Places at 50+, Milken Institute's Best Cities for Successful Aging [Archived page] (2017), Niche's Best Places to Retire in America (annual; Niche.com), and Forbes Magazine's Best Places to Enjoy Your Retirement in 2024 UPDATED! (annual). The Senior Travel section of Travel + Leisure includes many articles on best places to retire, in the U.S. and abroad (Travel + Leisure, part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family). The Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index (Elder Index) shows how much income older adults need to meet their basic needs and age in place with dignity. You can compare county, state, and national Elder Index values (Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston). Thinking about retiring outside the U.S.? See Retirement Abroad, below.
Energy Assistance Programs (NJ) - Information about how to apply for help with home heating bills in New Jersey, including Home Energy Assistance and Weatherization Assistance. For additional resources, see our
Home Energy Conservation: Heating Webfinder (South Plainfield Public Library).
Housing Resource Center (NJ) - Information and online housing search tool for housing in New Jersey; includes specific searches for rentals with accessibility features, as well as temporary housing.
For low-income housing, see also
Affordable Housing in New Jersey and
New Jersey Division of Aging Services: Congregate Housing Services Program (State of N.J.).
Central Jersey Housing Resource Center (CJHRC) is a HUD-certified Housing Counseling agency that provides the very low, low and moderate income individuals & households with information to help achieve their financial and housing goals. See also
Community & Social Services brochures: Housing.
Retirement Abroad - Brief tips on what steps you need to take before retiring abroad. Covers travel documents, health concerns, accessibility, local conditions, financial information, and more; use the gray tabs to find additional information about passports, travel preparations, specific countries, emergencies, and related topics (U.S. State Department). For 'best places' lists, see Best Places in the World to Retire Now (2023, Next Avenue; site includes advertisements), Best Affordable Places to Retire Overseas (2023, U.S. News & World Report; site includes advertisements), Quit Your Job And Live Abroad: 11 Affordable Places UPDATED! & Best Places To Retire Abroad In 2024 NEW! (2024, Forbes), and Travel + Leisure articles, above.
Reverse Mortgages: Consumer Information - A reverse mortgage allows you to convert part of the equity in your home into cash without having to sell your home or pay additional monthly bills. But a reverse mortgage can be complicated and might not be right for you. This guide covers how reverse mortgages work, qualifying for a reverse mortgage, getting the best deal, and reporting fraud (2022, FTC). Reverse Mortgages FAQ provides answers to common questions about reverse mortgages, plus a printable Reverse Mortgage Discussion Guide (2021) [Link opens a PDF], and related Reverse Mortgage tools & resources (U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). The only reverse mortgage insured by the U.S. Federal Government is a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM); this page answers Frequently Asked Questions and provides additional information about HECMs (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). See also What is a Reverse Mortgage? UPDATED! (2024, AARP; site includes advertisements).
Law & Government
See also:
SENIORS: Money Management & Consumer Info
Useful Websites: GOVERNMENT & LAW
Useful Websites: TAXES
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Ways of New Jersey)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
«««« Click here for NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
Legal Information Reference Center [SP Library card required] - With a user-friendly interface, Legal Information Reference Center provides access to thousands of state-specific legal forms and more than 250 full-text publications, with more content being added on a regular basis.
REMEMBER: Websites providing legal information are intended to supplement, not substitute for, professional advice. Please consult an attorney about your legal concerns.
Benefits.gov - If you need government benefits but aren't sure which ones are available to you, check this website or use its interactive Benefits Finder questionnaire INTERACTIVE (U.S. government site). See also Food benefit links, Health Care links, Retirement links, and Social Security links.
Elder Care Legal Resources - Information on medical and financial aspects of elder care. Legal forms such as Medical and Financial Powers of Attorney and Living Wills are also available, but there is a charge for them (site includes advertisements: Nolo Press).
Health Care Advance Planning - See Health Care Advance Planning Toolkit, above.
Justice in Aging - Provides advocacy for low-income elderly individuals, as well as those with disabilities. The site includes news, links, and publications on legal issues affecting seniors. Formerly National Senior Citizens Law Center.
Living Will - See Health Care Advance Planning Toolkit, above.
Middlesex County Surrogate - 'In New Jersey, the person who passes on the validity of a will, gives the executor proof of his authority to administer the estate and sees to it that the executor handles the estate properly, is called the Surrogate.' The website provides information about Middlesex County wills, trusts, probate, estate taxes, living wills and more.
N.J. Division of Aging - See N.J. Division of Aging Services, above.
N.J. Legal Services Directory - Legal Services of New Jersey provides free help for low-income individuals and families with civil law problems. A
statewide telephone hotline is also available from LSNJ: 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529), open for calls 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. See also
You and the Law In New Jersey, below.
N.J. Professional Licensing Boards - Information about professional licensing in New Jersey. Search the
License Verification [NOTE: To search for doctors, podiatrists, or other medical professionals not listed separately, choose 'MEDICAL EXAMINERS' from the dropdown list of Professions on the License Verification search page.] to find out the current status of the professional license (active, inactive, suspended, or expired) for practitioners of dozens of professions and occupations in the state of NJ, including lawyers, dentists, accountants, acupuncturists, social workers, veterinarians, barbers, funeral directors, locksmiths, and many more. (New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs)
See also N.J. Health Care Profile and related links.
Pension Help - See PensionHelp America, below.
Senior Services in New Jersey is now N.J. Division of Aging Services, above.
Taxes - See Taxes: Seniors & Retirees, below.
Wills - See Wills, Trusts, & Probate, below.
U.S. Constitutional Issues - See Constitution Center podcasts, above.
You and the Law In New Jersey: Seniors - A review of state law covering government aid & benefits for seniors, advance directives (living wills), long-term care, guardianship, wills & estates, and more. More information is available from the main
You & the Law in New Jersey page (LSNJ). See also N.J. Legal Services Directory, above.
Money Management & Consumer Info
See also:
Useful Websites: CONSUMER INFO
WEBFINDERS: Money & Consumer Issues
Useful Websites: TAXES
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Ways of New Jersey)
South Plainfield Outreach and Referral Resources - Phone numbers for local, county & state resources covering a variety of needs such as emergency shelters, crisis hotlines, counseling, employment/unemployment, alcoholism/drug abuse, domestic violence, and more. The
South Plainfield Social Services - Welfare Department operates a food pantry and assists the needy & disabled with various services. (Borough of South Plainfield)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, refugee resettlement, and more.
NJ SAVE is a program to help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums and prescription costs, as well as energy, food, and other living expenses. You can apply on line or download a printable application.
«««« Click here for NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
FTC Consumer Information - A wealth of good advice on shopping smart and avoiding all kinds of frauds. There are alerts on
Scams Against Older Adults, and you can also search the site by keywords, or browse through the topics covered under Money & Credit, Homes & Mortgages, Health & Fitness, Jobs & Making Money, and Privacy, Identity & Online Security. You can sign up for
FTC Consumer Alerts to get the latest info by email, with practical tips on avoiding scams (Federal Trade Commission). See also Scams & Frauds, below.
Banking: Insured or Not Insured? Understanding Deposit Insurance UPDATED LINK! VIDEO - Increasingly, institutions are offering consumers a broad array of investment products such as mutual funds, annuities, life insurance policies, stocks and bonds. Unlike the traditional checking or savings account, however, these non-deposit investment products are not insured by the FDIC. These pages explain which types of investments are and are not protected by FDIC Insurance (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [FDIC]). Credit Union accounts are insured through the National Credit Union Administration.
Benefits.gov - If you need government benefits but aren't sure which ones are available to you, check this website. (U.S. government site)
Better Business Bureau - Before dealing with an unfamiliar company or charity, you may want to search here to find out whether the BBB has a report on them. The site also offers Consumer News, with tips, scam alerts, and other helpful resources, an online complaint form, and links to local BBBs.
Charitable Giving - See our Charitable Giving Webfinder.
Consumer Resources - For general consumer resources, see Useful Websites: CONSUMER INFO.
Computers & Internet - See Online Safety for Seniors, above.
Direct Deposit for Social Security and other Federal Benefits - The U.S. Department of the Treasury now requires all federal benefit and non-tax payments, including Social Security, to be made by direct deposit to a bank or credit union account, or to a debit card account. Visit this website to learn more about your options. You can also find out more by phoning the GoDirect Helpline: (800) 333-1795. (U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Banks)
Disability Benefits - See Filing a Claim for your Disability Benefits, below.
Financial Protection for Older Americans & Protecting Older Adults from Fraud and Financial Exploitation: Resources for Consumers - A collection of tools & resources for later-life financial security, protecting against fraud, managing someone else's money, and planning for diminished capacity and illness (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). Money Smart for Older Adults provides information on common frauds, scams and other forms of elder financial exploitation and suggests steps that older persons and their caregivers can take to avoid being targeted or victimized (2021, U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). See also Retirement links, Scams & Frauds and Investment Fraud, below.
Frauds and Scams - See Scams & Frauds, below.
Funerals: Consumer Info - A collection of articles offering advice to consumers on buying a cemetery site, choosing a funeral provider, costs & pricing checklist, planning your own funeral, shopping for funeral services, and more (2012 - 2022, Federal Trade Commission). See our Grief Resources for basic advice on dealing with practical tasks after a death. For general advice on funeral planning, see Remembering a Life (National Funeral Directors Association).
Government Benefits - See Benefits.gov, above.
Insurance and Consumer Finance Information for Seniors - Brief advice on avoiding insurance fraud, predatory lending, and related scams targeting seniors (New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance). For basic info about all types of insurance, see
Insurance: The Basics (Insurance Information Institute; an industry-supported organization).
Investment Fraud: FINRA's Senior Helpline - A toll-free phone number that senior investors can call to get assistance from FINRA or raise concerns about issues with brokerage accounts and investments; see also related information & tools INTERACTIVE (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.; non-profit organization authorized by Congress to protect U.S. investors). See also Investment Resources for Older Investors and A Guide for Older Investors (2023) UPDATED! [Link opens a PDF] (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission). See also Scams & Frauds, below.
Managing Someone Else's Money - A collection of guides to help family members and others understand their role in making decisions about money & property for someone else under power of attorney, or as court-appointed guardians, trustees, or government fiduciaries. Also includes a guide to help those who are considering appointing a financial caregiver to understand their options. You can download these publication free (PDF) or order printed copies (2021 - 2022, U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). See also Managing Someone Else's Money: New protection from ID theft and fraud (2018, U.S. Federal Trade Commission). See also Caregiving links, above.
Money Management - For additional Money Management and Investment Resources, see WEBFINDERS: Money & Consumer Issues.
Online Frauds & Scams - See Scams & Frauds, below.
PensionHelp America - 'Looking for help with a pension, 401(k), profit-sharing, or other retirement plan? This website provides a free one-stop information and assistance resource for anyone who has questions or needs help with their pension benefits, no matter where they live in the U.S., and no matter what type of pension they have.' (Pension Rights Center; non-profit organization)
Retirement Toolkit - A list of useful publications and interactive tools, plus a timeline to help you plan for the kind of retirement you want; other retirement planning guides are also linked on this page (2021, U.S. Department of Labor, Social Security Administration, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). You'll find additional information, tools, and resources at Preparing for Retirement VIDEO & FAQs on SSA Potential Private Retirement Benefit Information [Link opens a PDF], plus related information on Filing a Claim for your Health Benefits [Link opens a PDF] and Filing a Claim for your Disability Benefits [Link opens a PDF] (U.S. Department of Labor). Approaching Retirement NEW! (USA.gov) and Retirement Planning Tools offer tools to help you create a retirement plan, help you apply for Medicare & Social Security, and access other benefits (2024, USA.gov). Retirement Planning: Funding Your Retirement (360 Degrees of Financial Literacy) offers articles, calculators, and Q & A on financial planning for retirement (2023, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). See also Social Security Retirement Planner and related links, below, Retirement Resources (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), and Investment links (above).
Scams & Frauds - Reviews a variety of scams and frauds, with advice on avoiding them (USA.gov). See FTC Consumer Information, above, for additional information. The National Consumers League's Fraud.org describes some common frauds and scams, including Frauds Against Older Adults, plus general Fraud Prevention Tips (non-profit organization). See also Elder Fraud (2023, FBI) Middlesex County Fraud Prevention Tips [Link opens a PDF] (2016, Middlesex County Prosecutor) and Scams Targeting Older Adults (National Credit Union Administration), as well as Social Security scam links, below, The Perfect Scam podcast AUDIO (2024, AARP), Senior Citizens' Anti-Fraud Toolkit (2012 - 2023, New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs), Consumer Health Information for Older People, Financial Protection for Older Americans, Funerals, Insurance and Consumer Finance Information for Seniors, Investment Fraud, Living Trust Scams, and Online Safety for Older Adults, above.
Social Security Retirement Planner - If you are near retirement, this Retirement Planner can guide you through the benefits process. It includes Social Security benefit calculators, eligibility information, information on applying for Medicare, and other helpful resources (Social Security Administration). The age you claim Social Security affects your lifetime income. Planning your Social Security claiming age INTERACTIVE helps you think through this decision with an interactive questionnaire (U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau). See also Retirement Toolkit and related links, above, Five ways to recognize a Social Security scam (2020, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), and Social Security Scams & Frauds & Protect Yourself from Social Security Scams (2023, Social Security Administration).
Taxes: Seniors & Retirees - Tax advice, forms, publications, and other tax-related information of particular interest to older Americans (Internal Revenue Service). See also IRS Tips for Seniors in Preparing their Taxes, Free Tax Return Preparation for Qualifying Taxpayers, Retirement Plan and IRA Required Minimum Distributions FAQs, IRS Publications for Older Americans, NJ Property Tax Relief Programs (including Senior Freeze), and AARP Foundation Tax-Aide: Online Tax Help. For general tax resources, see our Tax links page.
Trusts UPDATED! - FAQs on basic trust law and trust taxation (2024, Internal Revenue Service). See also Wills, Trusts, & Probate, below. If you have been named as trustee under a revocable living trust, see Managing Someone Else's Money, above. Beware of Living Trust Scams briefly describes how living trusts work, some common scams relating to the sale of living trusts to seniors, and how to avoid them (Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General).
WEBFINDERS: Money & Consumer Issues - Links to selected web resources and related posts on personal finance, investment, charitable giving, government benefits, green shopping and more.
Wills, Trusts, & Probate - Advice about estate planning. 'Create a will, living trust, power of attorney, or living will, and learn how to avoid probate and estate tax or act as an executor' (Nolo Press; site includes advertisements). See also Estate Planning Tasks & Tips (and related content) (2021, Checkbook.org; non-profit organization), Middlesex County Surrogate, and Trusts, above. [REMEMBER: Websites providing legal information are intended to supplement, not substitute for, professional advice. Please consult an attorney about your legal concerns.]
Recreation & Leisure
See also:
SENIORS: Arts, Media, Culture & Society
SENIORS: Computers
SENIORS: Education
WEBFINDER: Genealogy Resources
WEBFINDERS: Hobbies and Crafts
UNIVERSAL CLASS [SP Library card required]: Free online non-credit courses for your personal enrichment. Courses are accessible 24/7 via the Internet, and are offered in a wide variety of subjects, including business, computers, cooking, crafts & hobbies, do-it-yourself, health, history, home & garden, office skills, parenting & family, personal care, psychology, real estate, self-help, religious & spiritual studies, web development, writing, and more. You will have up to 6 months to finish each course, and each course has a real instructor you can communicate with by email!
To sign up for classes, you'll need to register on the site and choose a username & password for your account. (From Recorded Books)
Heritage Quest Online Genealogy [SP Library card required]: A genealogy research tool you can use at home or in the library. Heritage Quest offers access to over 20,000 family and local histories, U.S. Federal Census records, 1790-1930, thousands of genealogy and local history periodicals, bank records, and more.
Ancestry Library Edition: Ancestry Library Edition provides library patrons instant access to a wide range of resources for genealogical and historical research, including records from the U.S. Census; military records; court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more! PLEASE NOTE: ANCESTRY LIBRARY EDITION IS AVAILABLE ONLY INSIDE THE LIBRARY BUILDING! Outside the library, please use Heritage Quest Online.
GetSetUp: Live Online Learning - The NJ Division of Aging Services has teamed with GetSetUp to provide hundreds of free live online classes to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. Classes are interactive, easy to join, offered day and night and free for our community. Categories include aging-in-place, arts, business, communication, cooking, creativity, financial planning, health & wellness, jobs, languages, technology, travel and more. NOTE: You will need to
sign up with your name & email, and create a password (be sure COUPON CODE APPLIED says NJ) to take classes. (NJ Department of Human Services)
Games for the Brain - Sudoku, Chinese checkers, word games, trivia quizzes, and other fun activities to help keep your brain fit. (Site includes advertisements)
Gardening with a Physical Limitation - Advice on overcoming obstacles and challenges when gardening with a physical limitation (Ohio State University Extension). For general garden resources, see our Lawn & Garden posts.
Genealogy Webfinder - Selected links to online resources and library materials for genealogy. (South Plainfield Public Library)
How-to Sites - See USEFUL WEBSITES - General & Multi-Subject Sites: How-To Sites.
Needlework Webfinder - Selected links to online resources and library materials for crochet, knitting, sewing, quilting, and other types of needlework. See also Wordpress posts: Hobbies and Crafts (South Plainfield Public Library)
Photography - See Digital Photography links.
Travel & Transportation
See also:
WEBFINDERS: Automobiles
«««« Click here for SOUTH PLAINFIELD DIAL-A-RIDE transportation program »»»»
Call 2-1-1 when you need to find state or local resources to address urgent needs or everyday concerns, including health & mental health services, food banks, shelter, rental or utility assistance, adult day care, Meals on Wheels, transportation, childcare, crisis intervention services, job training, education, and more. 2-1-1 is free, confidential, multi-lingual, confidential, TTY accessible, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2-1-1 resource specialists will guide callers to the most helpful available resources. Visit the website for more information. [NOTE: 2-1-1 calls are generally toll-free; however, if you are calling 2-1-1 from your cell phone, please check with your cell phone service provider first to find out whether you will be charged for the call.] You can also reach 2-1-1 by dialing 877-652-1148. (United Ways of New Jersey)
Community & Social Services - Brochures from a wide range of community & social services, mostly from Middlesex County, for seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families, and others. Includes information on mental health services, transit, energy, food assistance, recycling, wills & estates, and more, plus links to related agencies and information.
Middlesex County Board of Social Services - Administers Federal and State public assistance programs, including adult protective services, homeless services, child support, cash assistance, food stamps, medical assistance programs, transportation assistance, and more.
«««« Click here for NJ SOCIAL SERVICES FOR SENIORS »»»»
Aging Drivers [Link opens a PDF] - A guide for family, friends, and caregivers concerned about the safety of an older driver. Mostly provides general advice, but some information is specific to New York (2015, N.Y. State Office for the Aging). Family Conversations with Older Drivers also has helpful advice for older drivers and their families on; use the left-hand menu to access related topics such as Driving Evaluations, Driving Wellness, and Dementia & Driving (The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc). Senior Driving (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety) includes information on how medications may affect your driving, state licensing laws, buying vehicles with assistive accessories, Online Driving Evaluation tools INTERACTIVE to help you assess how visual, mental and physical conditions may affect your safety as a driver, resources for family & friends, and more. See also Older Driver Safety, which includes advice on driving for those with a variety of health conditions, including Alzheimer's, Sleep Apnea, Arthritis, Cataracts, Diabetes, Seizures, and others, plus info on driving when you are on medication and talking to an older driver (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). The Canada Safety Council provides Tips for Older Drivers on Medications (2018; site includes advertisements). See also Programs to Keep Driving Skills Sharp (2017, Consumer Reports), and Alzheimer's, Dementia and Driving: a Practical Guide, below.
Air Travel: Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions - Advice on screening procedures for those with disabilities or medical conditions that require medications or devices, and on how to get assistance from the TSA officer (TSA.gov, U.S. Department of Homeland Security).
Alzheimer's, Dementia and Driving: a Practical Guide - Advice to help individuals diagnosed with dementia, and their caregivers, to determine when it is time to stop driving. (The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc)
America the Beautiful Passes - Senior discounts on annual or lifetime National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes are available to US citizens or permanent residents age 62 or older. Free Access passes are available for US citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities, and for Military, Veterans, and Gold Star Families. The pass covers entrance, standard amenity fees and day use fees for a driver and passengers at more than 2,000 federal recreation sites. (National Park Service)
Disabilities - See our WEBFINDER: Disabilities for resources on travel for people with disabilities. See also Wheelchair Symbol Plates and Persons with a Disability Placards, below.
Driving - Aging Drivers, above.
Grandchildren: Top Tips for Grandparents Traveling With Grandchildren - Tips on planning a safe and enjoyable vacation with your grandkids (2023; Travel + Leisure, part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family). See also Travel with Children: tips for safe and stress-free travel UPDATED! (2024, American Academy of Pediatrics) and Air Travel with Children: Screening Procedures (TSA.gov, U.S. Department of Homeland Security).
Handicapped Plates & Placards - See Wheelchair Symbol Plates and Persons with a Disability Placards, below.
Historic Places: Heritage Travel - Information about U.S. historic places listed in the National Register, arranged by theme or location. Includes descriptions of each historic place and its importance in American history; tourist information for historic sites, including hours, phone numbers, and links; interactive maps; color and vintage photographs; and links to related preservation and tourism web sites. For information on visiting any of our National Parks, see America the Beautiful Passes, above, and National Park Service. To find out about all kinds of local attractions in the South Plainfield area, see our annual Staycation Guide and other travel posts (includes virtual travel).
International Travel: Considerations for Older Travelers - Brief tips on what you need to know before you travel, with links to additional information. Covers travel documents, health concerns, accessibility, local conditions, financial information, and more. See also Checklist for Traveling Abroad (U.S. State Department). See also Travel Recommendations for Seniors (American College of Emergency Physicians), and Air Travel: Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions, above.
Travel Tips for Older Americans - See International Travel: Considerations for Older Travelers, above.
Wheelchair Symbol Plates and Persons with a Disability Placards (NJ) - Information on how to obtain special parking privileges in New Jersey if you are temporarily or permanently disabled (N.J. Motor Vehicle Commission). See our WEBFINDER: Disabilities for more resources on travel for people with disabilities.